The Boundless Show

Lisa Anderson

Men and Friendship: Episode 802

June 15, 2023

What guys need in a friend, plus Alisha Plummer on singles in church, and are most Christian men on dating sites OK with premarital sex?   


Featured musical artist:  Aaron Strumpel    


Roundtable: What Men Need From Friendships


Friendships are essential for emotional and relational health; without them, our lives can easily become self-centered and empty. But what exactly do men and women need from their friends, and what should we be willing to give? This week, a group of guys discuss friendship from a male perspective. They share what makes a friendship meaningful, how to go deeper in friendship, and how to call each other out when necessary.


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Culture: Including Singles at Church 


With most churches programmed for couples and families, it’s easy for single adults to feel left out. But Scripture affirms singles as a vital part of the family as well as the body of Christ. Alisha Plummer is a Christian single with constructive ideas for how the church can better integrate its unmarried members. If you’re feeling alone at church, this will be an encouraging discussion.


Confessions of a Christian Spinster: Finding Purpose in a Perplexed and Paired-Up Church  


Inbox: Men and Premarital Sex 


Our listener says many of the guys she’s met on dating apps say their faith is important — yet they don’t have a problem justifying premarital sex. She’s pretty upset about it. Is this a male problem, or is there something bigger here? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.

Featured Offer

Waiting Isn't a Waste
The Surprising Comfort of Trusting God in the Uncertainties of Life


What girls need in a friend, plus Laurie Polich Short on trusting God’s timing, and tips for those struggling in their first job out of college.    Featured musical artist:  Covenant Worship       Roundtable: What Women Need From Friendships Friendships are essential for emotional and relational health; without them, our lives can easily become self-centered and empty. But what exactly do men and women need from their friends, and what should we be willing to give? This week, a group of ladies discuss friendship from a female perspective. They share what makes a friendship meaningful, how to go deeper in friendship, what to do when a relationship fizzles, and more. (Next week: the men!)   Leave us a Voicemail   Hear Laurie’s Story of Waiting for Marriage!   Culture: Trusting God’s Timing  What do you do when God says, “Wait”? Or maybe you’re wondering if He’s saying anything at all. Trusting God’s timing and plan is no easy feat. Laurie Polich Short has relied on God during several seasons of waiting, including years of being single (she got married for the first time at age 49). Laurie will share strategies for waiting well, how to listen to God in what seems like silence, and why letting God call the shots is always worth it.   Faith, Doubt and God’s Mysterious Timing: 30 Biblical Insights About the Way God Works     Hear Laurie’s Story of Waiting for Marriage!   Watch Laurie’s Video Series   Inbox: Launching a Career   She’s struggling with her first job out of college. Is there a way to get a jump-start and make progress when you’re new to the workforce? HR expert Marshonda Dixon weighs in. 
June 8, 2023
Reflecting on 800 episodes, plus more with Dr. Greg Smalley on preparing for a great marriage, and is church membership biblical?   Featured musical artist:  David Baloche   Roundtable: Celebrating #800   Thanks to you, our listeners, we’ve reached our 800th episode! To mix things up, show producer John Peardon and audio engineer Alex Seeley take a turn hosting the roundtable — with Lisa Anderson as their guest. They ask her to reflect on hosting 800 episodes, plus everything from which Bible character she’d want to trade places with for a day, to things she wants Christians to stop doing, and skills she’s used from previous jobs in her current role.   Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Preparing for Your Future Marriage (Part 2)    Many singles dream of finding a spouse. But after that comes…marriage. Marriage is fantastic, but not easy. Are there things to learn before marriage that will set you up for better success in marriage? To help frame our perspective on what makes marriage work, Dr. Greg Smalley instructs us how to think about love from a godly perspective. In part two, he’ll address how love needs time to grow, plus why true love embraces and endures.    Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage Podcast   Marriage Assessment   Inbox: Should You Join a Church?    Most Christians would agree that being part of a local church is important; but is it necessary to be a member rather than just attend? Is that biblical? Lisa Anderson weighs in.          Is Church Membership Important?
June 1, 2023
Dating without losing yourself, plus Dr. Greg Smalley on preparing for a great marriage, and when does a relationship reach the “serious” stage?   Featured musical artist:  Stu Garrard   Roundtable: Don’t Lose Yourself in Dating   It happens all the time: Two people fall in love — then go MIA. You don’t see them except when they’re together (if that). But it’s not healthy to lose yourself in another person at any stage, so how can we encourage a healthier approach to dating? What are appropriate boundaries and rhythms to keep in mind? Our guests have walked the dating journey with ups and downs in this area, and they’ll offer ideas for enjoying and getting to know another person without losing your independence.   Culture: Preparing for Your Future Marriage (Part 1)    Many singles dream of finding a spouse. But after that comes…marriage. Marriage is fantastic, but not easy. Are there things to learn before marriage that will set you up for better success in marriage? To help frame our perspective on what makes marriage work, Dr. Greg Smalley instructs us how to think about love from a godly perspective. In part one of our conversation, he’ll address the principles of commitment, seeking God, and honoring your significant other.   Receive the book Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage: 12 Secrets for a Lifelong Romance for your donation of any amount!   Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage Podcast   Inbox: When Does a Relationship Become “Serious”?    He’s not been in a serious dating relationship before, but recently started chatting with a girl who lives 1,300 miles away. He’s planning to visit her soon and sees her as someone he could date. But he’s wondering: When does a relationship reach the “serious” stage, and what does he need to know in light of that? Lisa Anderson weighs in.          Boundless Guides to Marrying Well 
May 25, 2023
Finding joy amid depression, plus Jonathan Pokluda on Christians and alcohol, and should high-schoolers date? Featured musical artist:  Hollyn  Roundtable: Finding Joy When It Feels Impossible Christians are called to live joyful lives; after all, joy is one of the fruits of the Spirit. But how do you find joy when your entire world feels dark and hopeless? Our guests know the deep valleys of depression and anxiety; they have fought for joy in the trenches and have seen God show up. They’ll share their personal journeys as well as insight and encouragement for those struggling to trust God’s goodness from under the heaviness of life’s burdens. Paul’s Book: Beauty in the Browns: Walking With Christ in the Darkness of Depression Link to Counseling Services  Culture: What Does the Bible Say About Booze? For Christians, consuming alcohol is a divisive subject. Wherever you are on the “is it OK?” spectrum, there is biblical wisdom around the issue that everyone should consider. Pastor Jonathan Pokluda shares his own relationship, past and present, with drinking, and he and Lisa discuss current cultural cues around alcohol that could benefit from a healthier, God-honoring perspective. Link to Article: The Latest Buzz Around Christians and Alcohol Inbox: Dating in High School Are high-schoolers too young to date? Why or why not? Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in.
May 18, 2023
Detoxing from social media addiction, plus more with JP Pokluda on killing bad habits, and is it wrong to date if you aren’t ready for marriage?    Featured musical artist: Je’kob   Roundtable: How to Detox From Social Media   You intend to “just check” your social media accounts, but a few minutes turn into an hour or more of mindless scrolling. You’ve tried to stop before, but the lure of the screen and its endless notifications are too much. You promise to do something about it…tomorrow. If this sounds like you, it may be time for a detox. To help motivate you, our guests describe what has helped them control the time spent on their phones, specifically with social media. They’ll also talk about the life gains they’ve seen as a result, and share ideas for replacing screen time with real relationships.    Culture: JP Pokluda on Breaking Bad Habits (Part 2)     Why Do I Do What I Don’t Want to Do? Replace Deadly Vices With Life-Giving Virtues    Inbox: Dating Without Marriage in Mind   Is it wrong to date if you aren’t ready to get married? Counselor Kari Aho weighs in.     In Romans 7, the Apostle Paul is candid about his struggle with sin: “Why do I do what I don’t want to do?” Pastor Jonathan Pokluda asks the same question in his latest book (titled exactly that!). We can all relate, but what do we do about it? Is it possible to replace vices with virtues and bad habits with good ones? Is it possible to not let sin have mastery over us? In part two of our conversation, JP will tackle three battles we all face: perception management vs. authenticity, busyness vs. rest, and cynicism vs. optimism.
May 11, 2023
Evaluating your morning routine, plus JP Pokluda on killing bad habits, and advice for a virgin considering marriage to someone who isn’t. Featured musical artist:  Darlene Zschech Roundtable: The Importance of Morning RoutinesHow you start your day is incredibly important to your productivity and overall well-being — but what works for you may not work for someone else. Our guests share what they like best about their morning routines, what they’d like to change, and the gains they’ve seen from structuring their mornings (even a little bit). If you’re looking to craft a better start to your day, you’ll definitely want to tune in. Culture: JP Pokluda on Breaking Bad Habits (Part 1)  In Romans 7, the Apostle Paul is candid about his struggle with sin: “Why do I do what I don’t want to do?” Pastor Jonathan Pokluda asks the same question in his latest book (titled exactly that!). We can all relate, but what do we do about it? Is it possible to replace vices with virtues and bad habits with good ones? Is it possible to not let sin have mastery over us? In part one of our conversation, JP will share how Christians drift into sin, and tackles two of the book’s main themes: replacing pride with humility, and choosing self-control over lust.Why Do I Do What I Don’t Want to Do? Replace Deadly Vices with Life-Giving Virtues  Inbox: When a Virgin Marries a Non-VirginOur listener is still a virgin but wants to marry someone who isn’t. Are there things to consider? Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in with hope and practical advice.
May 4, 2023
Insight on recent campus revivals, plus the gospel in light of CRT and racial unity, and when your spouse seems spiritually stunted.Featured musical artist:  Jeremy Rosado Roundtable: Understanding Mass RevivalsEarlier this year, we saw spiritual revivals happen at college campuses around the country. There was both excitement and skepticism around these much-publicized events, leaving many asking about the nature of revival as well as its spiritual impact and implications. Two pastors join us this week to explain the biblical interpretation of revival as well as what true revival looks like, plus lessons learned from various revivals throughout history.8 Simple Ways to Boost Your Faith This Year    Culture: The Gospel and Racial UnityFor years, Monique Duson was an advocate of critical race theory (CRT); as a black woman from south central Los Angeles, it seemed like the natural fit. But when she was challenged to look at CRT through the lens of the gospel, Monique changed her tune. While she agrees that CRT raises some necessary questions, she feels most of the assumptions and conclusions presented by CRT run far afield from truth. Monique challenges Christians to approach racial unity from a posture of biblical grace, recognizing what is already ours in Christ. Listen in for a fascinating discussion from a leading thinker in this space. Featured Article: Beyond Racial Division: A Conversation With Sociologist George Yancey    Featured Website: Center for Biblical Unity  Featured Resource: Boundless Guides to Marrying Well Featured Video: Monique Duson’s Lighthouse Voices Event Inbox: When You Question Your Spouse’s Christian WalkWhat can a believer do when his or her spouse professes Christ, but isn’t evidencing the Fruit of the Spirit in their life? Pastor Mark Bates weighs in.
April 27, 2023
Pastors discuss the meaning of grace, plus decluttering and cleaning tips from a professional organizer, and should we fast to discern God’s will?Featured musical artist: Daniel BashtaRoundtable: A Practical Understanding of God’s Grace Christians love talking about God’s grace — but what does grace really mean for our everyday lives? Is it about salvation? Forgiveness? Just getting through the day? Two pastors discuss some of the misconceptions Christians have about grace, why a biblical understanding of grace is unique, and how grace can empower us to live the Christian life.Culture: Spring Cleaning and DeclutteringSpring is typically the season when we clean out our clutter, tidy up, and get more organized — or at least we say we will. Professional organizer Jaimi Stewart joins us with practical tips for bringing your good intentions to life. She’ll tackle everything from closets to tech to papers to your wardrobe. Get ready to toss, file and give away!Featured Article: The Spiritual Practice of Spring Cleaning Featured Website: The Simple SortInbox: Fasting to Find God’s WillOur listener has some big decisions coming up and has been told fasting can help as she prays for God’s direction. How can she practically approach this? Pastor Mark Bates weighs in.
April 20, 2023
When your identity is in the wrong things, plus unique advice for Hispanic young adults, and concerns about Christians and romantic entertainment.Featured musical artist:   Covenant Worship  Roundtable: The Identity Traps of Work, Relationships and HobbiesWe all struggle with giving something we value too much influence over us. Whether it’s our career, a relationship or a favorite hobby, anything we love can become a competitor with God for our time and affection. How can we find our identity in who God says we are instead of relying on people, experiences or acclaim to declare our worth? Our guests share their identity traps, how they put them in their proper place, and why they’re learning to find joy in Christ.                  Culture: Reaching the Hispanic Community for ChristEsteban Porras grew up in church, watching his dad preach and seeing many in his community and beyond come to Christ. But as a young adult, he had to travel his own faith journey, and it was influenced by his cultural context growing up in Costa Rica. He recently got married, had a baby and moved to the United States to continue Christian ministry to the Hispanic community here. As an integral part of the Enfoque a la Familia team, Esteban has his finger on the pulse of faith and family among Hispanics worldwide. In this interview, he talks about what trends he’s seeing among Spanish-speaking young adults, dating advice for them as they navigate unique family contexts, and how God is uniquely growing the faith of those in the Hispanic community.    Link to Enfoque a la FamiliaInbox: Romantic Entertainment and the ChristianWho doesn’t love a good love story? In light of that, is it a wise or unwise thing for Christians to watch romantic movies and TV? Is enjoying them a sign that we’re not being careful to guard our hearts? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
April 13, 2023
Learning to pray, plus thoughts on sexual purity before marriage, and what to do when singleness feels like suffering.Featured musical artist:   David Baloche  Roundtable: How to Pray in a Meaningful WaySome people seem to pray with ease, while others struggle with it. Are there “good” prayers and ways to pray? Our guests discuss some of their challenges with prayer, how they’ve learned to pray, and what it means to be honest with God. If you find prayer a difficult discipline, you’ll be encouraged by this conversation.Culture: Sexual Purity in Preparation for Marriage If you grew up in the church, you may have been taught (or at least assumed) that a discussion around purity was about not having sex before marriage. But instead of a list of don’ts, what if it’s something deeper and ultimately freeing? Tovares Grey is back to discuss ideas around biblical sexuality that are helpful in preparing for a godly marriage. As the founder of Godly Dating 101, he’ll share misconceptions he had about sex, sin and temptation; why we should trust God with our sexuality, and how God redeems sexual brokenness in those who want to be healed. Godly Dating 101: Discover the Truth About Relationships in  a World That Constantly Lies Inbox: Suffering in Singleness?Our listener is struggling to see singleness as a gift. While the Bible says it’s an honorable calling, what do you do when it feels more like suffering? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
April 6, 2023
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Waiting Isn't a Waste
The Surprising Comfort of Trusting God in the Uncertainties of Life

About The Boundless Show

Boundless is a ministry of Focus on the Family that exists to see young adults mature in Christ as the foundation for marriage and family. Through our website, blog and weekly podcast, we help singles in their 20s and 30s navigate the path to marriage biblically and intentionally while providing sound resources and advice on key issues young adults face. We discuss everything from dating and relationships to faith, worldview, career and culture in a fun, engaging and relevant way. We’re also on Facebook ( and Twitter (BoundlessTeam).

The Boundless Show is a weekly podcast designed to build community among single young adults and provide a God-centered perspective on relationships, culture, career and faith. Hosted by Focus on the Family’s Lisa Anderson, The Boundless Show brings a voice to the interests and concerns of today’s 20- and 30-somethings.

About Lisa Anderson

Lisa Anderson is director of Boundless ( and host of The Boundless Show — a weekly podcast reaching 20- and 30-somethings with the message of God’s design for marriage and family. The show also features practical tips for dating intentionally, owning your faith, navigating career and culture, and maturing in all areas of life.  

Lisa speaks frequently at churches, conferences and workshops, and her writing has been featured in newspapers, magazines, and in Streetwise and The Big Screen — two books in David C. Cook’s Custom Curriculum series.

When not challenging the next generation, she enjoys traveling, running, and quoting her mother, who is known to say outrageous things. She loves Jesus, people, ideas and guacamole, in that order.

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