How women experience safety with men, plus leaving an abusive relationship, and navigating political differences in dating.
Featured musical artist: David Dunn ( )
Roundtable: How Women Experience Relational Safety
For women, safety is very important. Not just physical safety, but emotional, spiritual and relational safety. But what does this look like in everyday life? This week’s guests share what makes them feel safe when they interact with guys. They’ll also discuss how they feel when a man isn’t a safe person, and some cues for discerning the difference.
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Culture: Leaving an Abusive Relationship
Sadly, many people face the reality of an abusive relationship. Some are in toxic situations and don’t even know it. What are the signs, and is there a way and a time to get out? Counselors Glenn Lutjens and Jenny Coffey offer hope to those suffering abuse, whether manipulation, gaslighting, physical, emotional or spiritual. In this conversation they define the difference between an abuser and an everyday jerk, what to do in an abusive situation, and how you can support a friend who’s currently being abused.
Inbox: When Dating and Politics Don’t Mix
He’s dating a girl, and they’re both serious about their faith. But he’s curious if it’s important for them to agree on political and social issues that aren’t explicitly addressed in Scripture. How should they talk about it, if indeed they have a disagreement? Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in.
July 14, 2022
Advice for marrying in your 30s, plus part two of a dating Q&A with Jonathan Pokluda, and maximizing your engagement season.
Featured musical artist: Nathan Tasker ( )
Roundtable: Marriage Challenges For 30-Somethings
Marrying in your 30s gives you the benefits of a little more life experience, stability and (hopefully) maturity. But it also comes with unique challenges. You’ve become more settled in your ways, you’ve accumulated some baggage, and you’re maybe a bit more cynical. Nate and Melinda recently married in their 30s and did the hard work of addressing some of their individual issues before tying the knot. Dr. Trent Langhofer counseled them individually as well as together to help give their marriage the healthiest start possible. All three join us this week to share their journey.
Culture: Dating Q&A With Jonathan Pokluda (Part 2)
After years of working with young adults, Pastor Jonathan (JP) Pokluda has fielded just about every dating question you could imagine. He joins us to answer even more, and this time they’re your questions — asked by live audience members and submitted on social media. In part two this week, JP answers questions about reaching the commitment stage of a relationship, how to know if a guy is truly interested in you, and the worst dating advice he’s ever heard.
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Inbox: Making the Most of Engagement
She’s recently engaged and is wondering how to maximize this season. What are the best ways to prepare for marriage? What should she and her fiance keep in mind? Besides doing premarital counseling, should they read a book, set some goals, focus on certain conversations — or all of the above? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.
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July 7, 2022
Managing Money Despite Inflation: Episode 752
Featured musical artist: Aaron Shust ( )
Tips for fighting inflation, plus part one of a dating Q&A with Jonathan Pokluda, and having boundaries with opposite-sex friends.
Roundtable: Don’t Let Inflation Get You Down
Inflation is hitting all of our wallets. From higher gas prices to the cost of groceries and travel, it seems like everything is getting more expensive. How do we cope? We share money-saving tips, corners we’re cutting, and investment opportunities we’re exploring for the future. We also admit what we’re not willing to let go. Join us for this fun yet practical conversation!
Culture: Dating Q&A With Jonathan Pokluda (Part 1)
After years of working with young adults, Pastor Jonathan (JP) Pokluda has fielded just about every dating question you could imagine. He joins us to answer even more, and this time they’re your questions — asked by live audience members and submitted on social media. In part one this week, JP tackles questions about crushing on a coworker, not having time to date, and how to handle it when someone doesn’t text you back.
Inbox: Boundaries With Opposite-Sex Friends
While having friends of the opposite gender is great, it’s important to have good boundaries to avoid confusion, false intimacy, and the dreaded “friendlationship.” The question is, which boundaries are recommended? Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.
June 30, 2022
Insider tips to express romantic interest, plus evangelism for everyday people, and when you struggle to make friends at church.
June 23, 2022
Letting go of what others think of you, plus Nick Hall’s modern vision for evangelism, and is it too early to define the relationship?
Featured musical artist: Danen Kane ( )
Roundtable: Don’t Be a Slave to Others’ Opinions
We’ve all been guilty of walking into a room and immediately wondering what everyone thinks of us. But truth be told, most people aren’t thinking about us — they’re thinking about themselves. How can we live confidently without constantly worrying about others’ good opinion? Our guests share their own struggles in this area and give helpful ways to be aware of how we are viewed by others without being ruled by it.
Culture: An Evangelism Woodstock
In 1972, a massive event called Explo ‘72 took place in Dallas, Texas. Thousands of young adults gathered from all over the country and were inspired and equipped to take the gospel of Jesus Christ into their communities and around the world. On this year’s 50th anniversary of Explo ‘72, evangelist Nick Hall is hosting a 21st-century version of that historic gathering. Called Together ‘22, this free event will take place at Cotton Bowl stadium in Dallas on June 24-25. Nick joins us to talk about how sharing the gospel in 2022 is both similar to and different from how it was done 50 years ago. What are the unique challenges and opportunities he sees today? Join us for this exciting conversation and details on this once-in-a-lifetime event.
Sign up for Together ‘22 ( )
Inbox: Defining the Relationship Already?
She’s been going on dates with the same guy for eight weeks, but neither of them has defined their relationship. Is it time for her to say something, or should she wait for him to take initiative and speak up? Our host Lisa Anderson weighs in.
Article: Whose Job Is It to Define the Relationship? ( )
June 16, 2022
How family affects us, plus what happens if Roe v. Wade is overturned, and should you have contact with an ex?Featured musical artist: Ginny Owens ( )Roundtable: How Your Family of Origin Affected You (Part 2)Like it or not, we’ve all picked up patterns and proclivities from our family of origin. For some, what we learned was relatively good. For others, talking about our family background is painful. Our guests share the good, bad and ugly attitudes and habits they adopted from their families, as well as the lessons they’ve learned and the cycles they’ve broken by growing and changing. In part two this week, our panelists discuss where they are now in relation to their families as well as the lingering effects of their family systems.Culture: Abortion Laws in America & See Life 2022Since the recent leak of the draft opinion from the Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Supreme Court case, many Americans anticipate the possible reversal of Roe vs. Wade. If that happens, what are the legal implications? John Stonestreet and Robyn Chambers give us a primer on the ins and outs of this historic decision. They’ll detail what we can expect, how we can pray, and will encourage us to value life not just through legislation but in everyday opportunities. We’ll also talk about the exciting See Life 2022 scheduled for June 14, 2022.Register for See Life 2022 Livestream: See Life 2022 ( ) Get the book "A Practical Guide to Culture" for your donation of any amount: No Contact After a Breakup? Is it wise to have any contact with an ex after a breakup? Some say “absolutely no contact” while others recommend giving it a certain amount of time before you reach out. Our host Lisa Anderson weighs in.
June 9, 2022
How family affects us, plus blessing others with your words, and when you’re more introverted than the person you’re dating.
Featured musical artist: James Peden ( )
Roundtable: How Your Family of Origin Affected You (Part 1)
Like it or not, we’ve all picked up patterns and proclivities from our family of origin. For some, what we learned was relatively good. For others, talking about our family background is painful. Our guests share the good, bad and ugly attitudes and habits they adopted from their families, as well as the lessons they’ve learned and the cycles they’ve broken by growing and changing. In part one this week, they tell their stories and share their observations about what was healthy and unhealthy in their childhood homes and relationships.
Culture: Using Words to Bless Others
The book of Proverbs says that “a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.” Knowing what to say when is a mark of a mature person as well as a mature Christian. Whether an encouragement, a rebuke, or a word of instruction, we’ve all been on the receiving end of words we needed to hear. Authors Cheryl Marshall and Caroline Newheiser have navigated many necessary conversations. They discuss insights from their book “When Words Matter Most” and help us discover ways to use words in different situations to bring blessing and healing.
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Inbox: Do They Have to Go Out So Often?
She’s seeing a guy, but he’s more extroverted than she is, and he often wants to be together and on the go. Is it OK to express her desire to go out only once a week, or is that not enough for a sustainable dating relationship? A pastor and young adults mentor weighs in.
June 2, 2022
When women make more money than men, plus advice for difficult relationships, and does a physical disability hurt your dating chances?
Featured musical artist: Ellie Holcomb ( )
Roundtable: When Women Make More Money Than Men
Studies show that in many cases, women now outpace men in education and in the workplace. What are the implications? In an age where career and calling are so important, does money play a part? Many Christians are uncomfortable with the conversation about salaries and earning power, especially in a dating relationship or when thinking about a future marriage and family. Our guests discuss their experience with this topic, including biblical wisdom and common sense for addressing it in their own lives.
Culture: Dealing With Difficult People
It’s easy to assume that we should never have conflict with fellow Christians. But such an approach to relationships is unbiblical — even dangerous — and can prevent us from leveraging growth opportunities. Pastor Brian Noble admittedly struggled with this until he realized that not facing conflict produced a harvest of contention in the long run. Now the CEO of Peacemaker Ministries, Brian shares how he’s learned to deal with difficult people in varied situations, and why handling conflict healthily sets you up for relational success.
Inbox: Dating With a Disability
She’s interested in getting to know a guy, but feels limited by her physical disability. How much will this impact her ability to date? Counselor Joannie DeBrito weighs in with encouragement and advice.
May 26, 2022
Our best wedding planning strategies, plus God and technology, and when your friend can’t seem to break up with her boyfriend.
Featured musical artist: Liz Vice ( )
Roundtable: Insider Wedding Tips
Wedding season is officially in full swing, but planning the big day takes a lot of work. Between choosing the right dress, sending invitations, booking a DJ and finding a venue, the stress can be overwhelming. To help sort through the madness, we invited newlyweds to share their best tips for planning a wedding, including prioritizing their wish lists, navigating timing issues, and managing others’ expectations. They also share their “must-haves” for a meaningful wedding day.
Culture: What’s God’s Opinion on Technology?
With technology seemingly taking over the world today, it’s fair to ask, “How does God feel about all of this?” Desiring God’s Tony Reinke co-hosts the “Ask Pastor John” podcast with John Piper, and joins us this week to share a biblically-balanced approach on everything from smartphones to cryptocurrency to space travel. He’ll answer questions including: What’s God’s relationship with technology? What are technology’s limitations? How can we use tech for God’s glory?
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Inbox: Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
Her best friend is in an unhealthy dating relationship and has expressed a desire to break it off, but it seems like nothing is changing. Is it time for our listener to speak up? Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.
May 19, 2022
The “children/no children” conversation, plus navigating death with a loved one, and when you and your friend like the same person.
Featured musical artist: About a Mile ( )
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Roundtable: Let’s Talk About Having Kids
When dating someone and considering marriage, it’s common to eventually ask: Do you want children? Obviously, it’s a big decision that should be discussed before tying the knot. But what if the two of you disagree on the subject? What if one is undecided, or you both have different opinions on timing, number of kids, or something else? Is the “kids” convo a dealbreaker? Our guests talk through this tricky issue with grace and wisdom for us all.
Culture: Death and Dying
Helping a friend or loved one navigate the dying process — whether in old age, sickness or tragedy — is one of the most challenging things you will ever do. At the same time, it is also a journey filled with meaningful moments. Dr. Margaret Cottle and Dr. Bill Toffler are physicians specializing in end of life issues. They’ll share helpful perspectives on how to cope when you receive hard news, how to support someone who is dying, how to walk through grief, and how to embrace caregiving and be a support to other caregivers. They also share a biblical perspective on assisted suicide.
Article by Lisa: My Mom Is Killing Me ( )
Inbox: When Your Friend Likes the Same Guy
She’s liked a guy for a while but didn’t tell anyone, and now one of her friends happens to like him too. What should she do — confess her feelings for this man, or wait and see what happens? Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.
May 12, 2022