When you should confront someone, plus a psychiatrist on the topic of suicide, and taking initiative vs. letting God run your love life.
Featured musical artist: Danen Kane
Roundtable: Christians and Confrontation
Conflict. It happens, though most of us avoid it when we can. But sticking our heads in the proverbial sand won't accomplish anything. Instead, conflict and confrontation are a part of life, and the Bible has wisdom for how Christians should approach disagreements and even sin in one another. Our guests discuss conflicts and confrontations they've encountered and how they navigated hard conversations with grace. This discussion is a necessary primer for anyone who wants to mature in their relationships.
Culture: An Honest Look at Suicide
Suicide statistics are at an all-time high worldwide. Most of us know of someone – perhaps even a pastor or Christian leader – who has taken their own life, leaving us to wonder: Why is this happening? Is there anything we can do? How can we recognize acute depression and suicidal thoughts in ourselves and our friends, and what’s the best course of action when we do? Psychiatrist Karl Benzio gives us tools to rightly understand and address the warning signs of suicide.
Inbox: Trying Hard and Trusting God
He's trying to be more intentional about meeting girls and dating, but could he be trying too hard? Is there a balance between taking initiative in dating versus letting God be in charge? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
October 28, 2021
Practical ways to stay healthy as a young adult, plus Skillet's John Cooper on discerning truth, and how much do women want to be pursued?
Featured musical artist: Ginny Owens
Roundtable: Staying Healthy in Your 20s and 30s
You're young, you're busy – you really don't have time or money to eat right, exercise, or visit the doctor. You can worry about that later, right? Not according to our panel of medical and fitness experts. They say that the habits you form now will pay off in the future – stuff like eating healthy, getting proper rest, and setting up wellness visits with a doctor. Get a jump start on your whole-body health with practical tips from our wellness pros.
Culture: Being a Bold Witness for Christ
As the lead singer of the world famous rock band Skillet, John Cooper knows firsthand the pressures of today's culture. Years ago, when his band was just becoming famous, a music executive promised John fame if he would "stop talking about Jesus." But John knew that doing so would compromise everything he believed. In this powerful conversation, Cooper shares ways we can stand strong for truth in a relativistic world.
Inbox: Do Women Want to Be Pursued?
He's trying online dating, but the women he talks to eventually seem to lose interest. Even when conversations start out fine, they eventually drop off. Don't women want to be pursued? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
October 21, 2021
The reality of life in your 20s, plus the highs and lows of young adult life, and setting boundaries with an overly strict parent. Featured musical artist: James Peden Roundtable: Expectations Vs. Reality of Life in Your 20s In college, you dreamed about doing big things when you launched into adulthood. But then the real world hit – bills to pay, assignments to finish, a job to find, and learning to be an adult on every level. The truth is, reality doesn't always live up to our expectations. Your 20s are a decade of excitement, but also a time of overwhelming changes and even disappointments. Our guests share the good, bad and ugly of being a 20-something today. They also discuss ways to maximize this season in all its ups and downs. Culture: The Gap Decade When Katie Schnack found herself drained by a job she hated, it seemed like her whole world was falling apart. But even then, God was working things out behind the scenes. Katie joins us to explain how the decade of your 20s is really a journey about trusting God and figuring life out, even during the hard times. Whether life is great or not for you right now, this conversation will give you hope as a young adult who wants to move forward in what God has for you. Inbox: Parental OverloadHer mom set very strict standards for her growing up, and is still trying to impose these standards on her as a young adult. She now feels manipulated into making the "right" decisions in everything from career to dating. Is it time to set some boundaries in the relationship? Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in.
October 14, 2021
Using humor appropriately, plus a conversation on humility, and when you're interested in one guy but another asks you out. Featured musical artist: Ellie Holcomb Roundtable: Using Humor AppropriatelyThere's nothing like laughing with your friends and family. A good punchline, a quick-witted response, and before you know it the room is roaring with laughter. But admittedly, crude joking and cheap low blows are easy to come by. As Christians, what kind of humor is appropriate and what is not? Our guests share the types of humor they appreciate, how they balance the funny and the serious, and what it looks like to tell jokes without tearing others down. Culture: The Truth About Our Bad Selves We hear it all the time: "He's good at heart." "I'm perfect just the way I am." But while it sounds nice, we know it's not really true. In reality, all of us think we're better than we really are, and comparing ourselves to others helps us believe it. Author and radio personality Brant Hansen calls it a humility problem, describing the ways he's struggled with pride and how God's Word points us to put others above ourselves. Inbox: Waiting in the WingsShe really likes a guy and wants to get to know him. However, a different guy just asked her out on a date. Should she hope the guy she likes will like her back, or go out with the man who's already offered? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
October 7, 2021
Evaluating your dating standards, plus part two on a Christian's approach to dating, and finding a match when your options are limited. Featured musical artist: Liz Vice Roundtable: Are Your Dating Standards Too High?There are essential qualities to look for in a future spouse: must be a solid Christian, growing as an individual, has a humble spirit. But what about the gray areas ... like personality? Likes and interests? Or church preference and worship style? Our guests talk about evaluating their dating standards to focus on the essentials. They also remind us that we're all a work in progress, and discuss how to work through important issues that may or may not be deal-breakers in dating. Culture: How Should I Date? (Part 2)You long to be married someday, but before you find a mate, you must be willing to go on some dates. Well, is there a right way to date? Eric Demeter is a single guy who knows the ups and downs of dating, and has sought the wisdom of both Scripture and godly mentors. In part two of our conversation, he'll discuss practical ways to find a spouse, explain how love is similar to baking a cheesecake, and share his take on finding The One. Inbox: Slim Pickin's She wants to find a Christian husband, but the number of single guys her age in her community is rather small. Plus, she's looking for some specific qualities in a guy. What can she do? Lisa Anderson weighs in.Get the book "The Dating Manifesto: A Drama-Free Plan for Pursuing Marriage With Purpose": https://store.focusonthefamily.com/the-dating-manifesto/
September 30, 2021
Sifting through bias in today’s news, plus part one on a Christian’s approach to dating, and are you taking your relationship too slowly? Featured musical artist: About a Mile Roundtable: Spotting Media BiasYou scan the morning headlines to find out what’s happening in the world. But the more you read, the more it feels like the reporter wrote an opinion column instead of a news story. That can only mean one thing: bias! The fact is, we all have it, but is there a way to read or watch the news without letting bias cloud the truth? Our guests share their experiences working in various media outlets and how they keep up with current events while maintaining a balanced perspective. Culture: How Should I Date? (Part 1)You long to be married someday, but before you find a mate, you must be willing to go on some dates. Well, is there a right way to date? Eric Demeter is a single guy who knows the ups and downs of dating, and has sought the wisdom of both Scripture and godly mentors. In part one of our conversation, he’ll debunk some common myths about dating that many of us believe, and tell us how to start with a solid relationship foundation. Inbox: Are We Going Too Slow?She just started dating her boyfriend and doesn’t want to take things too quickly. However, his friends typically get engaged and married within a short time of starting a relationship. How can she know if their relationship is on track or moving too slowly? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
September 23, 2021
Celebrating favorite fall traditions, plus Shane and Shane on worship, and is it wise for a new Christian to be a ministry leader? Featured musical artist: Jonathan Cain Roundtable: It’s Fall, Y’all!The leaves are turning and the temperature is dropping. All this can only mean one thing: Fall is here! To celebrate, our guests describe their favorite fall traditions and what they enjoy most and even least about this season. From corn mazes to pumpkin patches, college football, warm drinks and bonfires, there’s sure to be something here for you. Culture: Worked Up About WorshipYou go to church, sing the songs and pray the prayers. Sometimes you’re into it, and other times it feels ho-hum. The fact is, worshiping God is one of the greatest things a believer in Jesus will participate in. But what if worship is something so much deeper than just the songs we sing and words we read or recite? Christian music artists Shane and Shane join us to discuss what true worship is through their story as worship leaders. They’ll also address the tension of worship styles in today’s churches and how we can get a right perspective on it all. Inbox: Should a New Christian Lead?His friend is a new Christian and now feels called to lead a young adults’ ministry. But there are signs that he still needs to be humbled, discipled, and have a more teachable spirit before becoming a teacher himself. Is it right to let him lead or to make him wait? Pastor Mark Bates weighs in.
September 16, 2021
Enjoying sports without idolizing them, plus embracing God’s purpose for your life, and a “sleeping together” conundrum. Featured musical artist: Love and the OutcomeRoundtable: Do Sports Rule Your Life?With football season officially here, many will now be glued to their TVs for weeks. For some, sports are a fun pastime. For others, seeing their favorite team lose will ruin their day. Is there a way to enjoy watching your favorite team without letting their performance and your fandom run your life? Our guests discuss sports they enjoy and ways they’ve learned to be avid sports fans while still keeping their priorities straight.Culture: When Purpose Feels Far AwayAll of us deal with doubt when it comes to our true calling. Jonathan Evans wrestled with that same feeling after his NFL career fell apart. Being the son of famous preacher Dr. Tony Evans, Jonathan felt intense pressure to make his life count. But in the middle of his disappointment, God opened some amazing and unexpected doors. If you’re struggling with finding your purpose in life, you’ll be encouraged by this discussion. Inbox: My Brother Sleeps With His Girlfriend at My House She lives with her mom, and when her brother and his girlfriend come over, her mom lets them sleep together. She’s uncomfortable with her brother’s behavior, but her mom (also a Christian) doesn’t seem to want to speak up. Is it time to confront this? Pastor Mark Bates weighs in.
September 9, 2021
The importance of cooking (even for yourself), plus what it means to find true love, and wisdom for interacting with a gay friend. Featured musical artist: Austin Stone WorshipRoundtable: Cooking Hacks for SinglesThe late Truett Cathy said, “Food is essential to life, therefore make it good.” While everyone enjoys a tasty meal, what if you don’t know how to cook one? And what if you don’t feel like buying groceries and going through the effort of cooking if it’s just for yourself? Our guests explain how cooking is beneficial for more reasons than just having something to eat, and they give some of their best tips for making simple, nutritious and fast meals any time of the week. Culture: Finding True LoveWe all long to find true love. With so many songs and movies about it, it’s easy to make this elusive quest our main goal in life. But what if marriage (and even singleness) are meant to point us to something much deeper and more meaningful? Pastor Evan Reedall takes us to the book of Proverbs to tackle the question: How do I find true love? He’ll discuss why marriage is a wonderful gift from God, but it’s temporary — and will never replace the joy of knowing Jesus Christ. Inbox: Talking Truth With a Gay FriendThey’ve been friends for months, but she’s never shared her convictions about sexuality with her gay friend. She now feels like a hypocrite for playing it safe and not sharing what Scripture says about homosexuality. How can she tell her friend the truth, but do so in love? Counselor Wendy Brown weighs in.
September 2, 2021
Wisdom in entertainment choices, plus the seeds of the transgender movement, and being vulnerable in a dating relationship. Featured musical artist: AbandonRoundtable: Making Healthy Entertainment ChoicesMovies, music, books, binge-worthy TV, and everything on demand — the world is simply flooded with entertainment. With so much access to content, it’s never been more important to use discernment in the types of entertainment we consume. But where do you personally draw the line, and how do you decide? Our panel of guests discuss what they enjoy watching and listening to, and what is a no-go. Whether it’s sexual content, language, violence or certain themes, they give principles for wise decision-making when taking in what’s out there today. Culture: History of TransgenderismIt’s an old saying: “To understand the present, you have to look at the past.” The same is true for the shift in sexual ethics we’re seeing today. Dr. Carl Trueman has done extensive research on this topic, and traces transgenderism and other gender fluidity and choice issues back to prominent philosophers and cultural watersheds. He also suggests an appropriate response to this complicated topic. Inbox: Feeling Confident … Except in DatingShe’s forthright in friendships and her career. But when it comes to dating, she struggles with vulnerability and confidence. She doesn’t want this pattern to continue in her new relationship. What can she do? Counselor Elaine Humphries weighs in.
August 26, 2021