The Boundless Show

Lisa Anderson

Breaking Up and Moving On: Episode 849

May 9, 2024

Learning from a breakup, plus part two on finding joy in difficulty, and a correct interpretation of Jesus’ command to “turn the other cheek.”    

Featured musical artist: Ellie Holcomb

Roundtable: Overcoming a “Square One” Dating Mindset

Going through a breakup can be one of the toughest things to work through emotionally. Many daters refer to it as feeling back at “square one.” But what if there’s a more constructive way to view a breakup than taking an all-or-nothing approach? Our panel talks about the pitfalls of a “square one” mindset in dating, and how breakups can actually teach you valuable relationship lessons.           

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Culture: Finding Joy in a Messed-Up World (Part 2) 

Everyone’s chasing happiness, but do you sometimes feel like everything around you is falling apart? The fact is: Life is hard, but God is good. Brant Hansen reminds us of this as he challenges us to live in joy despite our circumstances. In part two of our discussion, he’ll encourage you to laugh at yourself and live with eternal hope as a Christian.        

Life is Hard. God is Good. Let’s Dance.: Experiencing Real Joy in a World Gone Mad

Inbox: Set Boundaries or Turn the Other Cheek?  

Jesus said that if someone strikes you on the cheek, to turn the other one to them as well. But we also are to create good boundaries with others, so what’s a correct response when people treat us with disrespect and even violence? Counselor George Stahnke weighs in.  

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How to use alone time productively, plus Brant Hansen on seeking joy in discouraging circumstances, and what to do when you feel devalued as a single.    Featured musical artist: About a Mile   Roundtable: The Value of Being Alone If you’re an introvert, you cherish being alone, while extroverts may find alone time more challenging. Regardless of personality type, all of us can benefit from solitude — or be in danger of using it excessively or unwisely. Our guests discuss what helps them enjoy time alone, why silence can be a wonderful thing, and how they use solo time to recharge, process and create, rather than simply escape.            Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Finding Joy in a Messed-Up World (Part 1)  Everyone’s chasing happiness, but do you sometimes feel like everything around you is falling apart? The fact is: Life is hard, but God is good. Brant Hansen reminds us of this as he challenges us to live in joy despite our circumstances. In part one of our conversation, he explains that he’s naturally a pessimist, and shares how he overcame a difficult childhood.         Inbox: When You Feel Looked Down On As a Single Adult  Many Christian singles feel as if marriage is put on a pedestal while their own relationship status is looked down upon. If you’re in that spot, how do you walk with God faithfully and maintain a sense of hope? Lisa Anderson weighs in.        Find us on YouTube 
May 2, 2024
Fun Books and Serious Books: Episode 847 Reading both fun and thought-provoking books, plus Jordan Raynor answers career questions, and should you fall into a relationship or pursue one?     Featured musical artist: Jonathan Cain  Roundtable: Reading to Think — Or for Fun? What’s on your reading list? What genres do you gravitate toward? Whether fiction or nonfiction, most books tend to either make us think and learn, or they allow us to relax and escape. It’s good to have a balance of both types, so our guests share their preferences, how they stretch their reading horizons, and what books they recommend you add to your reading lineup.            Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: The Sacredness of Secular Work (Part 2)  It’s easy to think your job matters to God only if you’re a pastor, missionary, or ministry worker. But what does God think of “secular” jobs? What if our jobs are just “average”? What if we’re not even sure what we want to do for a career? Jordan Raynor is an expert at helping people get connected to their calling, and this week he answers listener questions about navigating your workplace and career options.         The Sacredness of Secular Work: 4 Ways Your Job Matters for Eternity (Even When You’re Not Sharing the Gospel)  Inbox: Can a Relationship “Just Happen”?  When it comes to romantic journeys, some people seem to unexpectedly meet someone, while other relationships are the result of intentional pursuit. Is one way better? What’s the balance between providence and effort? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.        Link to Counseling Services  Find us on YouTube 
April 25, 2024
Your willingness to change, plus Jordan Raynor on why your job’s important, and when a ministry leader is dating a non-Christian.     Featured musical artist: Love and the Outcome  Roundtable: What Do You Need to Change? One of the most difficult yet rewarding things about adulthood is being honest with yourself when change needs to happen. Whether it’s making better choices, breaking bad habits, spending time with God, or improving your relationships, it’s healthy to own your stuff and start making adjustments. Our guests admit some of the struggles they’ve had to overcome, how they became aware of them, and what motivated them to push forward toward change and growth.           Boundless Article: I Want Honest Feedback - But Not Really Boundless Article: God’s Sovereignty Doesn’t Excuse My Lazy Boundless Article: God’s Promptness is Worth Practicing Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: The Sacredness of Secular Work (Part 1)  It’s easy to think your job matters to God only if you’re a pastor, missionary, or ministry worker. But what does God think of “secular” jobs? What if our jobs are just “average”? What if we’re not even sure what we want to do for a career? Jordan Raynor is an expert at helping people get connected to their calling, and this week he joins us to explain why your job has eternal value, even if it seems insignificant.         The Sacredness of Secular Work: 4 Ways Your Job Matters for Eternity (Even When You’re Not Sharing the Gospel)  Inbox: When a Ministry Leader Is Dating a Non-Christian She recently found out one of her friends, who happens to be a church ministry leader, is now dating a non-believer. Is it time for a hard conversation? Our counselor friend Kari weighs in.       Link to Counseling Services  Boundless Article: Why I’m Attracted to Guys Who Aren’t Good for Me
April 18, 2024
The influence of music, plus more from Jeanine Amapola on healthy perspectives, and Lisa Anderson shares life-altering moments in her walk with God.     Featured musical artist: Austin Stone Worship Roundtable: The Power and Influence of Music It’s nearly impossible to escape the influence of music in today’s world, and with so many streaming services, curating your own sound experience is easier than ever. While there are enough styles of music to suit every mood, it’s also wise to use discernment on how we consume and internalize the songs we hear. Our guests share what music they like, how they find it, what’s nostalgic and what’s new — then they finish by each listing some of their favorite songs.  Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Healthy Perspectives for Young Adults (Part 2)  What does it look like to be a truly happy and healthy person? Podcaster and young adult influencer Jeanine Amapola shares what it took for her to become a better version of who God made her to be. In part two of our conversation, she addresses the need for good habits, how to make godly choices, and living with a sense of adventure.         Becoming Happy & Healthy: Real Life Advice on Friendship, Dating, Career, and Everything Else You Care About Inbox: Lisa’s Big “God Moments” The longer you walk with God, the more you will experience life-changing moments in your faith and how you live it out. Lisa Anderson recaps what some of those moments have been for her.
April 11, 2024
How long should my quiet time be? Plus Jeanine Amapola on healthy perspectives, and when someone ill withholds the news from family and friends.     Featured musical artist: Abandon Roundtable: Am I Spending Enough Time With God? Read the Bible. Go to church. Listen to worship music. Pray. All of these are encouraged in our Christian walk. But is there a “magic number” of how much time we should dedicate to God when our schedules are loaded with work, friends, family and other activities? Our guests share strategies that have helped them make time for God, what “enough time” looks like for them, and why prioritizing God matters.           Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Healthy Perspectives for Young Adults (Part 1)  What does it look like to be a truly happy and healthy person? Podcaster and young adult influencer Jeanine Amapola shares what it took for her to become a better version of who God made her to be. In part one of our conversation, she shares about a life-changing trip she took in 2019, how to submit your expectations to God, and embracing the life He gave you with confidence.         Becoming Happy & Healthy: Real Life Advice on Friendship, Dating, Career, and Everything Else You Care About Inbox: Should Someone Who’s Sick Inform Others? When someone gets a serious diagnosis, should they tell family and friends or is it OK to keep quiet? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in.
April 4, 2024
Unique ways to enjoy spring, plus trusting God with your vocational dreams, and why should we pray if God’s plan will happen anyway?     Featured musical artist: Hollyn  Roundtable: Spring is Here! What’s your favorite part about spring? For some, it’s the warm weather; for others it may be flowers blooming, spring activities or something else. This week we gather around the table to share why we love this time of year, what we look forward to, and what common and unique activities might inspire you to make the most of spring.         Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Making Sense of Your Big Dreams Are your dreams big enough? Maybe you have big dreams but are afraid to admit them. You want to follow God anywhere, use your talents and passions, and see lives changed — but what about being comfortable? What about family? What about earning a paycheck and building your 401K? Wai Jia Tam felt the call as a teenager to help underserved children around the world. She also wanted to be a doctor, earn money and please her parents. She shares her incredible story of how God unfolded and enabled her dream one step at a time. God has used Wai Jia in ways she never imagined, and her encouragement to us is to never underestimate what God can do to move us for His purposes and kingdom.        Dream Brave: A Dare to Live by Faith When You Feel Too Small Find Wai Jia’s Website Wai Jia’s Instagram Articles by Wai Jia Tam Inbox: Why Pray if God’s in Control? We know that God is sovereign and His plans will prevail. If that’s the case, why should we pray? Counselor Jerry Jones weighs in.      
March 28, 2024
How to maximize your weekends, plus Nancy Pearcey talks toxic masculinity, and should you tell a guy at church you want him to ask you out?   Featured musical artist: Kerrie Roberts   Roundtable: Ready for the Weekend!   We all look forward to the weekend, but how should we make the best use of our time and freedom? Our guests share what they love about Saturdays and Sundays, plus a few helpful ideas for prioritizing and managing our time, and common pitfalls to avoid that can gobble up precious hours and leave us feeling unproductive.           Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: The Truth About Toxic Masculinity   Men today hear cultural messages on what it means to be a man: make lots of money, drive a nice car, date a beautiful girl; in short, be powerful and successful. But these things are self-driven and the opposite of what God calls masculinity: leading selflessly; protecting, providing for, and serving others. Professor Nancy Pearcey is a well-known researcher and writer on this topic, and joins us to separate the truth from the lies when it comes to appropriate manifestations of manhood in our families, churches and communities.       The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes   Find Nancy’s Website   Inbox: Should I Tell Him I Like Him?    She’s known a guy at her church for two years and has hung out with him socially many times. She really wants him to ask her out, so is it time to admit her feelings? Lisa Anderson weighs in.         Boundless Episode: I’ll Ask You Out If…: Episode 138   Boundless Article: Is it OK for a woman to ask out a man?
March 21, 2024
Know if the person you’re dating is maturing or not, plus overcoming body image issues, and favorite foods of the Boundless team.    Featured musical artist: David Dunn Roundtable: Prioritizing Growth in Dating Maturing together can be one of the greatest joys of dating someone. But how can you tell if the person you’re seeing is truly pursuing growth — or if they’re all talk and no action? Our panel shares strategies for assessing if your significant other is actually maturing, how to not be someone’s Holy Spirit, and why you need to be humble and teachable yourself.         Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: A Conversation About Body Image Dr. Becky Taylor battled disordered eating and body image as a teenager and young adult — a struggle that still has ramifications in her life today. She’s now an eating disorder expert and professor at Colorado Christian University where she daily counsels young adults on body image issues of all kinds (e.g. not just food). In our conversation, she shows us how to embrace our God-given identities, how to recognize wrong perspectives, and where to start on a journey toward healing — including a powerful lesson from the children’s book “When God Made You.”      Table for Two: Biblical Counsel for Eating Disorders  Link to Counseling Services Find Becky Taylor Inbox: What’s Your Favorite Food?  We received a light-hearted question about our favorite foods. The entire Boundless team weighs in with our opinions! 
March 14, 2024
What your style aesthetic says about you, plus finding value in entertainment, and how to be a better listener.     Featured musical artist: Nathan Tasker Roundtable: Trendsetters and Old Souls Fashion choices, home decor, life hacks, music and more. All of these are indicators of our culture — or our resistance to it. When it comes to being current or wishing for times past, where do you fit in? Our guests describe their place on the cultural continuum, talk through the pros and cons, and suggest how to appreciate people who are different from yourself.        Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: What Good Entertainment Teaches Us We can learn a lot from the entertainment we consume — especially films and television. Understanding a culture, or someone’s unique experience, or even learning about history — all of these can be accomplished by watching a well-told story. This week our Plugged In experts address how movies can be good conversation starters, and they’ll give us some of their best recommendations to get us going.       Becoming a Screen-Savvy Family: How to Navigate a Media-Saturated World–and Why We Should  Link to Plugged In Website  Inbox: Am I Talking Too Much?  Our listener says that when she gets together with friends, she finds herself talking too much. She wants to be a better listener, but how? One of our counselors weighs in.      Link to Counseling Services
March 7, 2024
Identifying sneaky (and often accepted) idols, plus how to stay away from online scammers, and understanding the basics of holistic health.    Featured musical artist: Aaron Shust   Roundtable: Tearing Down Our Most Common Idols   We all have things we enjoy — and many of them are very good things. Maybe you love sports, or working out, or doing the job you do. Maybe you desire to be married, or maybe you have fun following your favorite celebrities or even Christian influencers on social media. But at what point do these things become idols? Are you afraid they’ve eclipsed your faith and even God himself in your own time and affections? Our guests describe some of the idols they’ve propped up, how they finally got honest with themselves, and what they did to reprioritize their hearts and attention.         Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Protect Yourself From Online Scams   Identity theft. Social media scams. Bank account hacks. With so many opportunities to fall prey to online scammers, how do you keep yourself safe? Cybersecurity expert Rhett Saunders divulges the latest tricks and traps, and shares steps you can take to avoid being ripped off online.        The 40-Day Social Media Fast: Exchange Your Online Distractions for Real-Life Devotion    PDF: Tips for a Safe Online Life   Inbox: Taking Care of Your Temple    Living a healthy lifestyle is not just nutrition, sleep or mental health. It’s all of that and so much more. God cares about our bodies — not just our souls — so how do we follow biblical principles for treating our bodies as the temples He says they are? Counselor Patrick Hill weighs in.        Link to Counseling Services
February 29, 2024
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About The Boundless Show

Boundless is a ministry of Focus on the Family that exists to see young adults mature in Christ as the foundation for marriage and family. Through our website, blog and weekly podcast, we help singles in their 20s and 30s navigate the path to marriage biblically and intentionally while providing sound resources and advice on key issues young adults face. We discuss everything from dating and relationships to faith, worldview, career and culture in a fun, engaging and relevant way. We’re also on Facebook ( and Twitter (BoundlessTeam).

The Boundless Show is a weekly podcast designed to build community among single young adults and provide a God-centered perspective on relationships, culture, career and faith. Hosted by Focus on the Family’s Lisa Anderson, The Boundless Show brings a voice to the interests and concerns of today’s 20- and 30-somethings.

About Lisa Anderson

Lisa Anderson is director of Boundless ( and host of The Boundless Show — a weekly podcast reaching 20- and 30-somethings with the message of God’s design for marriage and family. The show also features practical tips for dating intentionally, owning your faith, navigating career and culture, and maturing in all areas of life.  

Lisa speaks frequently at churches, conferences and workshops, and her writing has been featured in newspapers, magazines, and in Streetwise and The Big Screen — two books in David C. Cook’s Custom Curriculum series.

When not challenging the next generation, she enjoys traveling, running, and quoting her mother, who is known to say outrageous things. She loves Jesus, people, ideas and guacamole, in that order.

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