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Boomers Aren’t All Bad: Episode 774

December 1, 2022

Honoring people of different generations, plus going eyes wide open into marriage, and what if your parents don’t like your significant other?

Featured musical artist:  Kerrie Roberts

Roundtable: Showing Honor to Other Generations

Gen X, Baby Boomers, Gen Z and Millennials. Every generation is distinctive, each with its unique perspectives, habits, and cultural references. Is it possible for these generations to learn from each other and even — wait for it — get along? Members of four generations sit at the table this week to discuss the hallmarks of their own “tribe” but also to approach work, relationships, communication and more with generational differences (not to mention humility) in mind.

Culture: Preparing for an Honest Marriage

Nobody walks into marriage perfectly prepared. Whether it’s baggage, misconceptions, pride or all three, all married couples must confront their brokenness if their relationship is to survive. With decades of pre-marital counseling experience and wisdom from his 40-plus-year marriage, Bob Lepine has mentored a wide variety of couples with an even wider scope of issues. He’ll offer insights on how to approach marriage with your eyes and heart open, and how to make the most important things the main things both before and after tying the knot.

Build a Stronger Marriage: The Path to Oneness (Ask the Christian Counselor)

Inbox: When Your Parents Don’t Approve

The holidays are a great time to introduce your boyfriend or girlfriend to your parents. But what do you do when your mom and dad say they don’t approve of your match? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in.

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Past Episodes

Overcoming the fear of commitment, plus tips for being a better communicator, and is asking a guy out for coffee too forward?Featured musical artist:  David Dunn Roundtable: Overcoming the Fear of CommitmentShould I take that job? Can I serve in this ministry? Is it time to pop the question? It’s good to ask such questions, but they can also spark a reluctance to commit. Deciding to commit to something or someone can be an intimidating thing, but if you don’t want to sit on the sidelines of life, at some point you have to make a decision. Our guests share examples of how they’ve struggled with commitment and suggest ways to use discernment when making a choice.Culture: Improving Your ConversationsFor any healthy relationship, communication is key — and Dr. Mike Bechtle has worked for years to help us do it well. In our interview, he’ll address ways to handle conflict, how to ask good questions, and how to “gain more weight” in what you say.Inbox: Should I Ask Him Out?  She attends a megachurch but finds it tough to have conversations with single guys since they’re involved in different activities. Should she take matters into her own hands and ask one or more out for coffee? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
November 24, 2022
A panel of pastors on why church matters (part two), plus overcoming anxiety and perfectionism, and how to be friends with moms your age. Featured musical artist:   Nathan TaskerRoundtable: Why Church Matters (Part 2)The Boundless team recently held a live event at Third Space Coffee in Colorado Springs to talk about why the local church is an essential part of the Christian life. Joining us were three pastors from the area. We put mics in front of them, Lisa asked a bunch of questions, and over 80 young adults sipped coffee and listened in. Now you can, too, as we share what was recorded in a two-part roundtable last week and this week. In part two, the pastors discuss overcoming church hurt, how to respond to church discipline, and ways to get plugged into a local congregation.Culture: Beating Perfectionism, Fear and WorryIn a culture that thrives on projecting strength, how can we possibly overcome the relentless drive toward perfectionism? Counselor Tim Sanford has some amazing insights into recognizing the difference between fear, anxiety and worry. He’ll show you how to retrain your brain against worry, and will give strategies for bucking perfectionism in favor of excellence. Inbox: Befriending the Moms at My ChurchShe’s a single woman who hopes to have a family someday. She wants to become better friends with the moms at her church, but they seem so busy, and she’s not confident around kids. What can she do? Ashley Bazer weighs in.
November 17, 2022
A panel of pastors on why church matters, plus Tovares and Safa Grey on honoring God in dating, and will a new city improve your dating chances?Featured musical artist:  Aaron ShustRoundtable: Why Church Matters (Part 1)The Boundless team recently held a live event at Third Space Coffee in Colorado Springs to talk about why the local church is an essential part of the Christian life. Joining us were three pastors from the area. We put mics in front of them, Lisa asked a bunch of questions, and over 80 young adults sipped coffee and listened in. Now you can, too, as we share what was recorded in a two-part roundtable this week and next. In part one, the pastors discuss how the pandemic affected their congregations, what the Bible has to say about the local church, and what to look for in your search for a church community.Culture: Dating to Honor GodJust because someone says they’re a Christian doesn’t mean they are. How can you know if the person you’re interested in actually has godly character? Tovares and Safa Grey are passionate about guiding young adults through a godly dating relationship in a culture that cares little about honoring God. They’ll address good boundaries in dating, the need to surround yourself with healthy friends, and will offer specific encouragement to the black community on this topic.Get the book Godly Dating 101: Discover the Truth About Relationships in a World That Constantly Lies for your donation of any amount!Inbox: Better Dating Options in a Different City?She’s leading a young adults ministry, has a great job, and is enjoying her church community. However, she’s struggling to find a guy she’d want to date. Is it time to change cities in hopes of finding someone? Lisa Anderson weighs in. 
November 10, 2022
Addressing a situationship, plus more of Dr. Bob Paul’s landmark relationship advice, and when your ex has stopped all communication.Featured musical artist:  All Sons & DaughtersRoundtable: Navigating a SituationshipYou and someone have been talking or hanging out for a while now. You like each other, but instead of going on dates, you keep the pseudo-relationship rolling without defining it. Sound familiar? Taking cues from the culture, many now describe these scenarios as a “situationship” (similar to what we often call a “friendlationship” at Boundless), and most of the time they lead to frustration and resentment. Our guests share openly about times they’ve been in these go-nowhere arrangements and how you can get out of one.Culture: Foundational Tools for Healthy Relationships (Part 2) As the leader of Focus on the Family’s Hope Restored program, Dr. Bob Paul regularly conducts four-day marriage intensives where he counsels couples who are on the brink of divorce. Lisa Anderson had the opportunity to observe an intensive and says, “Hope Restored is doing great work for marriages in crisis, but in my opinion, every unmarried person should go through this incredible program.” Learn why Lisa speaks so strongly of Hope Restored as she interviews Bob about the foundational lessons he teaches couples and how they can benefit your own personal growth and relationships. In part two, Bob discusses codependency in relationships and what to do when someone triggers you. 9 Lies That Will Destroy Your Marriage: And the Truths That Will Save It and Set It Free     Inbox: When an Ex Cuts All TiesWhen you’ve been in a long-term relationship and he or she cuts off communication, how do you handle that? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
November 3, 2022
Asking God honest questions, plus Dr. Bob Paul shares landmark relationship advice, and encouragement for 30-something single men.Featured musical artist:  Love and the OutcomeRoundtable: My Biggest God QuestionsSince none of us are God, it’s normal to have questions about who He is, what He’s thinking, and what He’s up to today and, well — forever. Some questions are lighthearted, but others are serious and have big implications. Our guests share questions they’ve had about God, ones they still have, and where some safe places are to get them answered. Culture: Foundational Tools for Healthy Relationships (Part 1) As the leader of Focus on the Family’s Hope Restored program, Dr. Bob Paul regularly conducts four-day marriage intensives where he counsels couples who are on the brink of divorce. Lisa Anderson had the opportunity to observe an intensive and says, “Hope Restored is doing great work for marriages in crisis, but in my opinion, every unmarried person should go through this incredible program.” Learn why Lisa speaks so strongly of Hope Restored as she interviews Bob about the foundational lessons he teaches couples and how they can benefit your own personal growth and relationships. In part one, Bob discusses the importance of safety in relationships, and why boundaries are so important.Receive the book  9 Lies That Will Destroy Your Marriage: And the Truths That Will Save It and Set It Free  Inbox: Hope for Single Men in Their 30sHe’s in his mid-30s and is struggling to find a potential spouse. Even though he’s tried online dating, it’s only resulted in a few dates. The waiting is difficult and he’s getting more and more discouraged. Is there hope for him? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.  
October 27, 2022
Worshiping God seven days a week, plus a firsthand look at helping Ukrainian refugees, and when a man feels insecure about being short.Featured musical artist: JJ Heller Roundtable: Worship as a LifestyleWorship is a meaningful and at times deeply emotional experience that connects us to God’s heart. But it’s meant to be much more than just a church service on the weekend. Our guests describe ways they’ve learned to connect with God during the routines of everyday life. Whether it’s through listening to music, prayer, serving, or even working a 9-to-5 job, you’ll see that worship is expressed in many ways.Culture: Lessons From Helping RefugeesThe Russia-Ukraine war has been a devastating reality this year. Many are asking, “What’s the best way to offer help to those in need?” Psychiatrist Dr. Karl Benzio recently got to serve Ukrainian refugees in Warsaw, Poland. He’ll share his inspiring story of how he and his daughter, an art therapist, provided mental health support to the refugees and pastors in that region. He’ll also share ways we can pray for the people affected by this conflict.American Association of Christian CounselorsInbox: Short and Lacking Confidence   He listened to a past segment titled “Height Hang-Up” and is wondering how to express genuine confidence in life and relationships, even though he’s shorter than most guys. And how can he be both confident and humble? Josh Zeichik weighs in.
October 20, 2022
The difference between being encouraging vs enabling, plus when someone you’re dating has mental health issues, and should you get back together with an ex after learning about baggage you had before? Featured musical artist:  About a Mile Roundtable: An Encourager or an Enabler?We all want to be liked, and what better way to be appreciated by friends than to be an encourager?  But what do you do when someone has a bad pattern or habit in their lives? Should you call them out or sweep it under the rug and tell them they’re still a good person? Our panel of guests share about the ways they have benefitted from constructive criticism, and how you can be an encourager, without enabling poor behavior.Culture: Dating and Mental Health IssuesEven with all of our gadgets and technology, mental health issues such as anxiety and depression are on the rise. What do you do when the person you’re dating is struggling? Dr. Karl Benzio is a friend of Boundless, and he’s also an experienced psychiatrist. He’ll address that all of us are a work in progress, and how to know if your dating relationship can survive a mental health struggle. The American Association of Christian CounselorsLink to Counseling ServicesInbox: Should I Reach Out to an Ex Again?  She recently ended a six month relationship, but now, she’s recognizing some fears she had about marriage. They also crossed some boundary lines sexually, but they’re both repentant. Now that she recognizes the fears she had and is living repentant of the sexual sin, should she reach out to her ex or not? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in.
October 13, 2022
The line from awareness to worry, plus readying your relationship for trials, and should you attend a Christian’s wedding to a non-Christian?Featured musical artist:  John WallerRoundtable: Informed but Calm Life is filled with unknowns. No matter how hard we try to predict the future, we can’t — nor can we adjust our circumstances to avoid pain. As we ponder what’s ahead, it’s one thing to be aware of what’s happening in the world, but it's very draining to always worry about it. But is staying worry-free even possible? Our guests discuss ways they’ve struggled with worry, plus how they’re learning to trust God now while still acknowledging and being concerned by what’s going on around them.Culture: When Your Relationship Faces a StormAs an expert on marriage, Gary Thomas loves to see couples fall in love. However, with 38 years of marriage experience, he’s very aware of the types of challenges couples inevitably walk through. Is there a way to prepare mentally, spiritually and emotionally for the tough times? When you’re dating someone, can you know if he or she will stay committed through thick and thin? Gary offers several examples and lots of biblical truth and encouragement to prepare you for marriage’s bumpy road. Making Your Marriage a Fortress: Strengthening Your Marriage to Withstand Life’s StormsInbox: A Christian Marrying a Non-Christian Her Christian friend is engaged to a non-Christian, and she’s been invited to their wedding. When her friend was dating this guy, friends spoke up but were ignored. The couple has now moved in together. In light of these concerns, should our listener attend the wedding or not? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in.  
October 6, 2022
How to take a mental break, plus practicing EQ and good mental health, and how should Christians address entertainment with LGBT content?Featured musical artist: Tauren WellsRoundtable: A Break From Life’s BusynessWhen life gets busy and stressful, how do you find time to pause? Even taking a few minutes to pray, reflect, or breathe deeply can go a long way in keeping your soul healthy. Our guests describe ways they’re learning to tune out distractions and regroup during the busier seasons of life, and the difference it makes in their overall well-being.Culture: Healthy Adulthood on the InsideMany of us think we’re healthier than we actually are. We often don’t notice our own blind spots, shortcomings or weaknesses, let alone know what to do about them. Josh Burnette and Pete Hardesty are passionate about helping young adults live life well from the inside out. They’ll discuss how to practice healthy self-awareness and build your EQ. Plus, they’ll address strategies for battling depression and finding your identity in Christ. Get the Book: Adulting 101 Book 2: An In-Depth Guide to Developing Healthy Habits, Becoming More Confident, and Living Your Purpose for Graduates and Young Adults  Inbox: Is LGBT Content in Entertainment Off-Limit for Christians?Our listener affirms the biblical definition of marriage, but with so many TV shows, films and even kids programs featuring pro-LGBT content, is it realistic for Christians to avoid it? After all, most entertainment also includes explicit language, violence and other problematic elements which many Christians consume without issue. Plugged In’s Adam Holz weighs in. 
September 29, 2022
Marrieds share lessons from their dating years, plus staying out of the comparison trap, and guarding your heart while waiting to get engaged.Featured musical artist: Zach WilliamsRoundtable: If I Had to Date AgainMarriage has a way of giving you a fresh perspective on dating; sometimes hindsight is 20/20. While getting to know someone with romantic potential can be exciting, how do you know if you’re discovering the things that are truly important in marriage? To help you date successfully with the future in mind, our guests share things they did well in dating, things they wish they’d done differently, and lessons they learned from their dating journeys.Culture: Letting Go of ComparisonFor Richella Parham, comparing herself with others began in childhood with a rare and embarrassing birthmark. Comparison seemed innocuous and inevitable until years later when her husband politely pointed out that doing so had become a bad habit. Since then, Rochella’s been on a mission to let go of what others think about her, eliminate negative self-talk from her vocabulary, and embrace who God says she is. If you’ve ever struggled with comparison (and who hasn’t?), you’ll benefit from this discussion.Richella’s Blog:  Imparting GraceMythical Me: Finding Freedom From Constant Comparison  Inbox: Guarding Your Heart While Waiting to Get EngagedOur listener and her boyfriend have talked about getting engaged, but it will likely be next year before he pops the question. Amidst the waiting, she’s struggling to find a balance between guarding her heart and preparing it for marriage. Is there a way to balance the two? Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in. 
September 22, 2022
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About The Boundless Show

Boundless is a ministry of Focus on the Family that exists to see young adults mature in Christ as the foundation for marriage and family. Through our website, blog and weekly podcast, we help singles in their 20s and 30s navigate the path to marriage biblically and intentionally while providing sound resources and advice on key issues young adults face. We discuss everything from dating and relationships to faith, worldview, career and culture in a fun, engaging and relevant way. We’re also on Facebook ( and Twitter (BoundlessTeam).

The Boundless Show is a weekly podcast designed to build community among single young adults and provide a God-centered perspective on relationships, culture, career and faith. Hosted by Focus on the Family’s Lisa Anderson, The Boundless Show brings a voice to the interests and concerns of today’s 20- and 30-somethings.

About Lisa Anderson

Lisa Anderson is director of Boundless ( and host of The Boundless Show — a weekly podcast reaching 20- and 30-somethings with the message of God’s design for marriage and family. The show also features practical tips for dating intentionally, owning your faith, navigating career and culture, and maturing in all areas of life.  

Lisa speaks frequently at churches, conferences and workshops, and her writing has been featured in newspapers, magazines, and in Streetwise and The Big Screen — two books in David C. Cook’s Custom Curriculum series.

When not challenging the next generation, she enjoys traveling, running, and quoting her mother, who is known to say outrageous things. She loves Jesus, people, ideas and guacamole, in that order.

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Focus on the Family
8605 Explorer Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO 
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