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Ask, Seek, Knock: Episode 222

May 3, 2012

Praying for marriage, plus Dr. David Jeremiah on prophecy and prayer, and a question about doing devotions as a dating couple. Featured musical artist: Sixteen Cities.

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Past Episodes

Abusive dating relationships, plus Wess Stafford on the power to make or break others, and a question on addressing an abusive past while dating. Featured musical artist: Dan Macaulay
April 26, 2012
Loving those with special needs, plus getting inside the head of Mark Driscoll, and a question about coping with loneliness. Featured musical artist: Todd Agnew
April 19, 2012
Letting God shape your career through ups and downs, plus professional drummer Zoro, and a question about Greek life in college. Featured musical artist: Zoro
April 12, 2012
Sharing Christ within your family, plus Jud Wilhite on living out the Gospel in Las Vegas, and a question about unequally-yoked dating. Featured musical artist: Todd Agnew
April 5, 2012
Using your gifts for creative ministry, plus Aaron Stern on church planting, and a question about spending time with non-Christians.
March 29, 2012
Moving an online relationship into the real world, plus music artists Shane and Shane, and a question about opposite-sex friendships. Featured musical artist: Shane & Shane
March 22, 2012
Men and the art of competitive dating, plus Dr. Russell Moore answers a guy's fears about not being married yet. Featured musical artist: Firelight
March 15, 2012
The family you marry into, plus folk artist JJ Heller, and a question about the importance of proper grammar in online dating. Featured musical artist: JJ Heller
March 8, 2012
Catching up with Steve and Candice Watters, plus an interview with David Platt and a question about teenagers in love. Featured musical artist: Andy Cherry
March 1, 2012
Single women adopting, plus part two of Tim Goeglein's story of life in the White House, and a question about career defining one's self-worth.
February 23, 2012
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About The Boundless Show

Boundless is a ministry of Focus on the Family that exists to see young adults mature in Christ as the foundation for marriage and family. Through our website, blog and weekly podcast, we help singles in their 20s and 30s navigate the path to marriage biblically and intentionally while providing sound resources and advice on key issues young adults face. We discuss everything from dating and relationships to faith, worldview, career and culture in a fun, engaging and relevant way. We’re also on Facebook ( and Twitter (BoundlessTeam).

The Boundless Show is a weekly podcast designed to build community among single young adults and provide a God-centered perspective on relationships, culture, career and faith. Hosted by Focus on the Family’s Lisa Anderson, The Boundless Show brings a voice to the interests and concerns of today’s 20- and 30-somethings.

About Lisa Anderson

Lisa Anderson is director of Boundless ( and host of The Boundless Show — a weekly podcast reaching 20- and 30-somethings with the message of God’s design for marriage and family. The show also features practical tips for dating intentionally, owning your faith, navigating career and culture, and maturing in all areas of life.  

Lisa speaks frequently at churches, conferences and workshops, and her writing has been featured in newspapers, magazines, and in Streetwise and The Big Screen — two books in David C. Cook’s Custom Curriculum series.

When not challenging the next generation, she enjoys traveling, running, and quoting her mother, who is known to say outrageous things. She loves Jesus, people, ideas and guacamole, in that order.

Contact The Boundless Show with Lisa Anderson

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Focus on the Family
8605 Explorer Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO 
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