The “children/no children” conversation, plus navigating death with a loved one, and when you and your friend like the same person.
Featured musical artist: About a Mile ( )
Receive the book "The Value of Wrinkles: A Young Perspective on How Loving the Old Will Change Your Life" for your donation of any amount:
Roundtable: Let’s Talk About Having Kids
When dating someone and considering marriage, it’s common to eventually ask: Do you want children? Obviously, it’s a big decision that should be discussed before tying the knot. But what if the two of you disagree on the subject? What if one is undecided, or you both have different opinions on timing, number of kids, or something else? Is the “kids” convo a dealbreaker? Our guests talk through this tricky issue with grace and wisdom for us all.
Culture: Death and Dying
Helping a friend or loved one navigate the dying process — whether in old age, sickness or tragedy — is one of the most challenging things you will ever do. At the same time, it is also a journey filled with meaningful moments. Dr. Margaret Cottle and Dr. Bill Toffler are physicians specializing in end of life issues. They’ll share helpful perspectives on how to cope when you receive hard news, how to support someone who is dying, how to walk through grief, and how to embrace caregiving and be a support to other caregivers. They also share a biblical perspective on assisted suicide.
Article by Lisa: My Mom Is Killing Me ( )
Inbox: When Your Friend Likes the Same Guy
She’s liked a guy for a while but didn’t tell anyone, and now one of her friends happens to like him too. What should she do — confess her feelings for this man, or wait and see what happens? Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.
May 12, 2022
Men overcoming low self-esteem, plus a Q&A with pastor Jonathan Pitts on grief, and should you change churches when dating?
May 5, 2022
Women overcoming low self-esteem, plus pastor Jonathan Pitts on grief, and how do you share your opinions humbly?
Featured musical artist: Love and the Outcome ( )
Roundtable: Low Self-Esteem in Women
When you’re one click away from seeing the highlight reels of your friends' lives, it’s easy to think you’re not as important or special as anyone else. Or maybe you’ve thought that since childhood; old wounds don’t always heal, do they? Hurtful experiences, poor relationships and false comparisons can drag us into the pit of low self-esteem. Is there a way to protect yourself and even overcome the lies? In part one of a two-part series on low self-esteem (men, you’re next week!), we’ll ask a group of women what brings them down, and more importantly, what it looks like to turn things around by understanding our limitations and embracing our identity in Christ.
Culture: Surviving Grief and Loss (Part 1)
When Jonathan Pitts and his wife, Wynter, celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary, they had much to look forward to, including writing books and doing ministry together. But less than a month later, Wynter died suddenly at age 38. Her passing sent Jonathan and their four daughters into a tailspin. But through that difficult season, Jonathan saw God’s faithfulness. In part one of our conversation, he shares the impact of grief and how God can sustain us in unexpected ways
Inbox: How Can I Share My Opinion?
Whenever she gives her thoughts on a matter, people push back. How can she speak up and give her opinion with kindness and humility? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in.
That's Just My Opinion: ( )
Link to Counseling Services ( )
April 28, 2022
How to set boundaries and say “no,” plus the pros and cons of marrying young, and where to turn when it feels like your life has stalled.
Featured musical artist: Audio Adrenaline ( )
Roundtable: It’s OK to Say “No”
Your friend invited you to a party, your church is asking you to volunteer, and you’re thinking about joining a new small group. While opportunities in life are endless, saying “yes” to all of them is a recipe for burnout. Sometimes it’s best to decline, even when the opportunities are good ones. Our guests describe how they’ve struggled with setting boundaries in life, and why doing so is important.
Culture: Better to Marry Earlier or Later?
Many of us think that before getting married, we need to have our lives, careers and finances in order. But research shows this is not always the best approach. Dr. Jason Carroll is a respected professor and researcher who co-authored a study on the pros and cons of marrying young. In this thought-provoking discussion, he shares what the study shows about timelines and milestones for tying the knot.
Inbox: Getting Your Life Back on Track
She took care of her mom who was struggling with serious health issues. But she feels this necessary “detour” got her stuck, and now she’s discouraged and wondering how to get her life back on track. Where should she start? Counselor George Stahnke offers a word of encouragement.
April 21, 2022
Repenting for real, plus signs of a healthy dating relationship, and should you leave a church over theological differences?
Featured musical artist: David Dunn ( )
Roundtable: Signs of True Repentance (Part 2)
Repentance is an important part of the Christian life, and because we’re all sinners, we should be experts at repenting, right? The truth is, living in genuine repentance is harder than you think. Pastor Mark Bates and professional counselor Tim Sanford talk about how to recognize true repentance in ourselves and others. In part two of our discussion, they address whether ministry leaders can be reinstated after showing repentance, choosing to forgive someone who has sinned against you, and finding victory over strongholds.
Counseling Consultation and Referrals: ( )
Culture: Are You Dating the Right Person?
As a mentor mom who loves seeing God write young adults’ love stories, Rhonda Stoppe has a lot of real-world dating advice. In this thought-provoking discussion, she shares some vital tips for knowing if the person you’re dating is someone you should marry. She’ll address the topics of kindness, purity, evaluating your motives and more.
Donate a gift of any amount to Boundless and you’ll receive "Real-Life Romance: Inspiring Stories to Help You Believe in True Love" by Rhonda Stoppe.
10 Christian Dating Advice Tips to Pursue a Godly Relationship: ( )
Inbox: Questioning a Church Leader’s Theology
She recently broke up with her boyfriend after learning that he and his family believe in “open theism.” Since his dad is a church leader, she’s now questioning whether or not it’s time to leave the church they all attend. Pastor Mark Bates addresses the problematic nature of theological differences and what to do when you’re torn about leaving a church you love.
April 14, 2022
Repenting for real, plus hope for women struggling with sexual sin, and should you date someone with a criminal record?
Featured musical artist: Austin Stone Worship ( )
Roundtable: Signs of True Repentance (Part 1)
Repentance is an important part of the Christian life, and because we’re all sinners, we should be experts at repenting, right? The truth is, living in genuine repentance is harder than you think. Pastor Mark Bates and professional counselor Tim Sanford talk about how to recognize true repentance in ourselves and others. In part one of our discussion, they define repentance, explain the difference between sinning and struggling, and offer hope to those caught in cycles of sin.
Counseling consultation and referrals:
Steps for Breaking Pornography Addiction article: and Putting Away Porn For Good article:
Inbox: Dating Someone With a Criminal Record
She met a guy at church, but is concerned about his past as a convicted sex offender. It happened before he became a Christian, but should this be a disqualifier for dating him? Counselor Yale Kushner balances God’s grace with the practical implications of this man’s felony record.
April 7, 2022
Part two of a Q&A with the Boundless team, plus questions about practicing humility, and should she be friends with an ex-boyfriend?
Featured musical artist: Vertical Worship ( )
Roundtable: The Boundless Team Answers Your Questions (Part 2)
Our team got together to answer questions sent in by you, our listeners. The questions range from what’s on our current playlists to favorite places to travel, dating advice, getting through a difficult season of life and more. Hear part two of our discussion with Lisa, Hannah and John.
Culture: What Is True Humility? (Part 2)
We’re all convinced we’re humble enough. It’s everyone else who needs to work on being less prideful, right? But what’s the definition of humility, and what does it look like in everyday life? Pastor David Mathis from Desiring God uses biblical examples to address what it means to be humbled by God, how to humble yourself, and what we can learn about humility from the life of Jesus. In part two, he answers listener questions.
Get the book "Humbled: Welcoming the Uncomfortable Work of God" here: ( )
Inbox: Letting an Ex-Boyfriend Back In
A guy broke up with her because he felt he could never live up to her standards of moral purity. Now he wants to be friends again. Is it wise to let him back in her life? Counselor Wendy Brown weighs in.
March 31, 2022
Part one of a Q&A with the Boundless team, plus what true humility looks like, and is dating a non-Christian always a bad move?
Featured musical artist: Vertical Church ( )
Roundtable: The Boundless Team Answers Your Questions (Part 1)
Our team got together to answer questions sent in by you, our listeners. The questions range from what’s on our current playlists to favorite places to travel, dating advice, getting through a difficult season of life and more. Hear part one of our discussion with Lisa, Hannah and John.
Culture: What Is True Humility? (Part 1)
We’re all convinced we’re humble enough. It’s everyone else who needs to work on being less prideful, right? But what’s the definition of humility, and what does it look like in everyday life? Pastor David Mathis from Desiring God uses biblical examples to address what it means to be humbled by God, how to humble yourself, and what we can learn about humility from the life of Jesus. Get your free copy of Humbled: Welcoming the Uncomfortable Work of God here:
Inbox: Is Missionary Dating Unwise?
She recently met a guy online and they have great chemistry. The only problem is, he’s not a Christian. Could dating him introduce him to Jesus, or is the whole idea risky and unwise? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
For the culture segment, John Peardon mentioned that he’d like to start having the GOAA URL in the description, but I don’t think hyperlinks go through onto podcast descriptions. I went ahead and just put the link natively in there. Let me know if that works/what you think might be best.
March 24, 2022
Creative ideas for paying down debt, plus a Q&A on friendships with the opposite gender, and dating without disappointing your parents.
Featured musical artist: Stu Garrard ( )
Roundtable: Creative Ways to Tackle Debt
School loans, car payments, credit cards. Many young adults walk into adulthood staring at a mountain of debt. Is there a way to take control and start chipping away at the problem? Surprisingly, small steps make a big difference, and being creative in your approach will get you even further. Our guests share their most unique and efficient ways to pay off debt and save money.
Culture: Guy and Girl Friendships (Part 2)
Ambiguous male/female friendships — they happen to the best of us. Fortunately, Boundless contributors Joshua Rogers and Suzanne Gosselin have written about the subject and are here to talk about it. Are opposite-gender friendships possible? What happens when one party develops feelings for the other? In part two of our discussion, Joshua and Suzanne answer your questions about guy and girl friendships.
Links to Articles: "Not Your Buddy"& "Your Friendgirl Deserves Better" & "Whose Job Is It to Define the Relationship?" & "Revisiting 'Not Your Buddy'"
Inbox: Will My Parents Feel Left Out?
She’s close with her parents, and is somewhat of a social and emotional support for them. She wants to start dating, but doesn’t want her parents to feel abandoned in the process. What’s the best move? Counselor Elaine Humphries weighs in.
March 17, 2022
Date without compromising who you are, plus a discussion on friendships with the opposite gender, and should your parents approve of your date?
Featured musical artist: All Sons & Daughters ( )
Roundtable: Dating Someone Without Losing Yourself
Your friend started dating someone, but now they’ve gone MIA. Or you know someone who got in a relationship and turned into a different person. Too many people are willing to compromise their values, personality and time for someone else, and the results are usually disastrous. Our guests share how they brought balance and accountability to their relationships in order to stay true to who they really are.
Culture: Guy and Girl Friendships (Part 1)
Ambiguous male/female friendships — they happen to the best of us. Fortunately, Boundless contributors Joshua Rogers and Suzanne Gosselin have written about the subject and are here to talk about it. Are opposite-gender friendships possible? What happens when one party develops feelings for the other? In part one of our discussion, Joshua and Suzanne share the possibilities and pitfalls of being “just friends.”
Related Articles: Not Your Buddy & Your Friendgirl Deserves Better
Inbox: Should Your Parents Approve?
He has a new girlfriend and wonders if his parents need to approve of the relationship. He feels they tend to be controlling, but he also wants to honor their opinion. What should he do? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.
March 10, 2022