Bible Answers Live

Doug Batchelor

Trust in Me and Fall as Well

November 12, 2023

Satan's most successful scheme in deceiving man has been to conceal his real purpose and his true character.  He represents himself as man's friend - a benefactor of the race, an angel from Heaven doing a good work for humanity, (2Red, 34).  He believes his own lies and convinces others of the same.  

Does any of this seem all that foreign and unfamiliar ?  Does any of this sound all that distant and strange ?  Tune in now as we study Satan's character and the war in Heaven after his rebellion.  We'll discuss too another of his lies about the singular path to salvation, and we'll explain the steps to conversion.  There's so much created confusion, but we must not give ground to the devil.  We must believe in God's faithfulness and care, we must give our Father a chance to provide, a chance to sustain us and a chance to strengthen us.  "Never could there be a better Master, for His service is freedom," (C.H.S.).  Freedom in truth indeed.

Featured Offer

From Stress to Joy
When stress feels overwhelming, it can seem like there's no relief in sight. But there is a natural, easy-to-follow program proven to reduce your anxiety and give you more peace of mind. Use the three simple steps in this guide to overcome crushing stress.


"Every act of life, however small, has its bearing for good or for evil... It is the little things that test the character;" it's the little things that our Father cares about (PP, 158).  Join us and learn about the absoluteness of obedience and the meaning of habitual and willful sin.  We'll also delineate how to love God more: put simply, we must in our intention give up all for Jesus, and in act, we must give up all to Jesus (C.H.S.).  Our Father deserves that nothing in our love for Him be little.  "Love must be the principle of action,” (COL, 49); surely we will then be able to count it all joy indeed.
October 22, 2023
Christ entered into a mercy mission just for you.  "The relations between God and each soul are as distinct and full as though there were not another soul upon the Earth," (SC, 100).  He's seeking out His people, He's seeking out His lost ones, He's seeking out you.  Join us and find direction again; find comfort in His word again.  Learn with us how to find God's will, how to find perfection, and how to love God more.
October 15, 2023
It's our responsibility in the end to believe or not believe God's word, because it's our choice.  We can instead choose to believe the enemy, the greatest hoaxer of all; to give him our hearts and our affections, our time and our focus.  He has a wondrous capacity to deceive us, but to believe him will cost us everything.
October 1, 2023
"Don't worry about Hell if you're planning on going to Heaven," but how do we even get to Heaven ?  Do we have to be perfect ?  Do we have to be baptized ?  What does it mean to reflect His image, how do we glorify God ?... Friend, are you ready ?  The moment of truth is soon approaching.  Tune in now to study with us the answers to these questions and more !
September 24, 2023
Elohim, our Ruler and Lord... Jehovah, our covenant-God of the promise.   "Our hearts shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His holy name."  The Lord is faithful forever and He yearns for a personal relationship with YOU.  Join us now and learn more !
September 3, 2023
Nothing is ever nothing – not Satan’s minutest deceptions, not God’s quietest warnings, and the seemingly small things are never really small, for “to a man who lives for God, nothing is secular, everything is sacred,” (C.H.S).  Tune in now as we discuss what part we can take in the special mission the Lord has given us to prepare the world for His return.  We must show to be His, we must be hearers and doers, we must take Christ’s strength, we must tear away from the ignorance.  The Lord throws us the obvious sometimes; we must see Him, and see through the enemy.
August 27, 2023
“The sweetness of the Bible lies in the possessive pronouns,” (Charles H. Spurgeon).  The Lord is YOUR deliverer, Your help and Your salvation.  The Lord is OUR strength, Our power and Our victory.  Do you believe it ?  Join us now as we learn to believe the truth and not Satan’s lies, to believe in His power and in His sure word, to trust Him, to see others as our Father sees them, and thus love them as He loves them, and to believe His prophecies and keep His testimonies.  Grasp your Lord, lay hold on Him !  Study with us now !
August 13, 2023
The Christian enjoys the beauty of nature with the highest appreciation, for he recognizes his Father’s handiwork (SC, 87). The Christian confirms when under pressure whom he serves, for “what we have absorbed is what we will release,” (J. Reish). The Lord’s love is evidenced in His creation, the devil’s work in its decay. Who are we letting in ? What are we letting out ? May we redirect our focus to God, may we be subdued by His Spirit, may we place God first and let others see the Invisible within us, that He may be seen also without.
August 6, 2023
“When the Spirit of God takes possession of the heart, it transforms the life.  The blessing comes when by faith the soul surrenders itself to God.  Then that power creates a new being in the image of Christ,” (2MCP, 760).  We wait on God to rescue, to help; we wait on God to convict… we wait.  However, we wait and we live, moving forward in action; doing, studying, learning what we can to be nearer to God, impulsed by faith to obey and influence others positively.  Join us now to learn more.
July 30, 2023
Intelligence to wisdom, wisdom to recognition, recognition to need, need to reliance, reliance to freedom… It all originates and turns back toward Christ. Join us now as we explain with the Bible’s guidance how to deal with stress and how the Lord sweetly encourages us. We’ll elaborate too on what it means to take up our cross and how no matter what, we mustn’t ever stop. Sometimes we feel like God ignores us, but don’t let go ! You’re not alone. Believe that Christ understands, because He does.  
July 23, 2023
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From Stress to Joy
When stress feels overwhelming, it can seem like there's no relief in sight. But there is a natural, easy-to-follow program proven to reduce your anxiety and give you more peace of mind. Use the three simple steps in this guide to overcome crushing stress.

About Bible Answers Live

Listen to excerpted questions from Doug Batchelor's 60-minute, nationwide call-in program that lets you ask any Bible question and receive the true and accurate answer straight from the Bible.

About Doug Batchelor

As the teenage son of a millionaire father and a show business mother, Doug Batchelor had everything money could buy - everything but happiness. He used drugs, fought at school, and entertained suicidal thoughts. Convinced that life held no purpose, Doug was determined to grab all the fun and excitement he could find! Before his search ended, a cave in the hills above Palm Springs, California, became his home.

Even though he had access to money, and famous and powerful people, Doug would eventually scavenge for food in garbage bins. The happiness Doug wanted eluded him until the day he began reading the dust-covered Bible "Someone" had left in his cave. What happened next can only be described as a miracle!

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