Has the Watchtower Ever Lied, Covered Up, ...and Biblical Interpretations? Program 6
September 6, 2013
Are the Jehovah’s Witnesses the only true religion on earth today?
Featured Offer
The New Scientific Evidence that Points to the Existence of God
In this series we will discuss the implications of the origin of the universe, the fine-tuning in the universe, and the information in DNA.
Past Episodes
See More Episodes
- 1 coming or 2: Differences between the Rapture & Second Coming
- 105 Years in the Watchtower Service
- 16 Prophecies That Prove Jesus is the Messiah | Part 2
- 16 Prophecies That Prove Jesus is the Messiah Part 1
- 16 Prophecies That Prove Jesus is the Messiah Part 2 - Program 1
- 5 Great Debates of The End Times
- A Response to Bill O'Reilly's Book Killing Jesus Part 1
- A Response to Bill O'Reilly's Book Killing Jesus Part 2
- Ankerberg Classic: The 60th Anniversary of the Modern State of Israel
- Apostasy, Spiritism and the Occult
- Approaching World Events
- Are Mormons Christians?
- Are You a Disciple of Jesus?
- Can the Biblical Account of Creation be Reconciled with Scientific Evidence?
- Can We Trust the New Testament?
- Characteristics of the People and religion of the Last Days
- Christ Among Other gods
- Christianity and the Masonic Lodge: Are They Compatible?
- Current World Events and Bible Prophecy
- Daniel's Amazing Prophecies About Our Day
- Dare to Disciple: Practical Steps to Mentoring Believers
- Dealing with Doubt
- Did Jesus Literally Rise from the Dead?
- Did Jesus Rise From the Dead?
- Do Roman Catholics and Protestants Agree on Justification and Papal Infallibility?
- Do Roman Catholics and Protestants Agree on Justification Papal Infallibility?
- Do Roman Catholics and Protestants Agree on Maryology and Purgatory?
- Do the Messianic Prophecies in the Old Testament Point to Jesus?
- Does God Exist?: Arguments for the Existence of God
- Does the New Scientific Evidence about the Origin of Life Put an End to Darwinian Evolution?
- Dr. Ankerberg discusses the characteristics of people and religions of the last days.
- Eight Christian Scholars Defend the Faith and Answer Difficult Questions
- Eleven Million Near-Death Experiences: Do Some Indicate It May Not Be Safe to Die?
- Every Language, Every Nation
- Evidence for Atheists that Jesus Rose from the Dead
- Evidence for the Historical Jesus
- Evidence of Miracles for Skeptics
- Experiencing God's Love and Forgiveness
- Exploring the Hope of Jesus in the Book of Revelation
- Faith at the Breaking Point
- Financial Signs of the End Times
- Follow Me: Experiencing the Joy of Walking with Jesus
- Former Muslims Testify About Islam
- God's Comfort When You Are Discouraged, Depressed and Fear the Future
- God's Encouragement for Caregivers
- God's Encouragement for Today's Christian
- God's Help When You Suffer
- Halloween: Should Christians Participate?
- Has the Watchtower Ever Lied, Covered Up, ...and Biblical Interpretations?
- Heaven: What will it be like?
- How Can God Help You Deal With Chronic Pain, Disability, and Illness
- How Can You Be Sure That You Will Spend Eternity With God.
- How to Cult Proof Your Mind
- How Was the Old Testament Written?
- How You Can Be Sure You Will Spend Eternity With God – Part 1
- How You Can Be Sure You Will Spend Eternity With God – Part 2
- How You Can Know the Bible is the Word of God
- If Jesus Wasn't God, Then he Deserved an Oscar
- Inspiring Faith in Your Children and Grandchildren
- Iran, Israel and End Time Events
- Is Christianity Based on Fact or Fiction?
- Is God on America's Side?
- Is Islam Really a Religion of Peace?
- Is It Safe for You to Trust Your Health to the Holistic Health Practices of Today?
- Is Same-Sex Marriage a Civil Right?
- Is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ a Fact or the Most Vicious Lie Ever Foisted on the Minds of Men?
- Is There Scientific Evidence for Life After Death?
- Islam and Jihad
- Islam’s Threat to America and Europe
- Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormonism
- Jesus at Work Among the Unreached
- Jesus Christ: Liar? Lunatic? Legend? or God?
- Jesus, Salvation and the Bible: What do Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses Believe?
- Jesus’ 7 Last Cries From the Cross
- Make Disciples: Jesus' Call to All Disciples
- Mormon Officials and Christian Scholars Compare Doctrine
- Pandemics, Plagues, and Natural Disasters: What is God Saying to Us?
- Protestants and Catholics: Do They Now Agree?
- Refuting the New Controversial Theories About Jesus
- Relying on The Constant Companionship of The Holy Spirit
- Response to the Lost Tomb of Jesus
- Revelation Unfolding
- Science Discovers the Universe had a Beginning
- Should the Catholic Church Elevate Mary's Status to Co-Redeemer...?
- Signs of the Last Days
- So the Whole World Can Hear
- So You Don't Fall Away from the Faith
- Solid Evidence About Christ for a Skeptical World
- Step by Step through Creation
- Step by Step Through Daniel
- Step by Step Through End-Time Events
- Step by Step Through the Book of Revelation
- Step by Step through the Rapture
- The 6 Deadly Questions of Islam
- The Angel Craze in America; What's Going On?
- The Battle to Dethrone Jesus
- The Battle to Discredit the Bible
- The Biblical Case For the Rapture of All Christians
- The Birth of Jesus Myth or Miracle
- The Case for Intelligent Design
- The Case for the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus.
- The Case for the Premillennial View of Prophecy
- The Case for Traditional Marriage
- The Challenge Facing Every Man
- The Challenge Facing Every Woman
- The College Girl’s Survival Guide
- The Coming Economic Crisis: Bible Prophecy and the New Global Economy
- The Crisis with ISIS
- The Evidence for Jesus' Resurrection
- The Evidence for the Historical Jesus
- The Evidence for the Historical Jesus – Updated Edition
- The Evidence from Astronomy that Points to an All Powerful Creator
- The False Gospel of Oprah and Her Friends
- The Fight Within/ The Fight Without
- The Four Great Discoveries of Modern Science That Prove God Exists
- The Grace Journey
- The Great Debate on Science and the Bible
- The Historical Evidence for the Resurrection Even the Skeptics Believe
- The John Ankerberg Show Presents: Through the Book of Revelation with Dr. Jimmy DeYoung
- The Judgment Seat of Christ: The Rewards You Can Gain or Lose at The Judgment Seat of Christ
- The King James Controversy Revisited
- The Last Words of Jesus: The Book of Revelation
- The Middle Eaast in the Last Days
- The Most Astonishing Miracles
- The Mystery of the Missing Fossils
- The New Scientific Evidence that Points to the Existence of God
- The Religion of the Last Days, the New Age Movement and the Return of Christ (Series 1)
- The Religion of the Last Days, the New Age Movement and the Return of Christ (Series 2)
- The Rewards You Can Gain or Lose at The Judgment Seat of Christ
- The Rise of the Ezekiel 38 Nations
- The Search for Jesus Continues
- The Secular Attack on Christianity
- Thirteen Scholars Answer Tough Questions about the Rapture, Tribulation and the Second Coming
- Total Surrender
- Trapped Behind the Veil of Islam
- UFOs and Alien Abductions
- Unraveling End-Time Events: 13 Scholars Answer Questions Concerning End Times
- Was America Founded on Christian Principles?
- What About the Missing Gospels and Lost Christianities?
- What Did Christians Believe Within the First 24 Months of the Resurrection?
- What Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe? Answers Christians Need to Know
- What Do Muslims Believe?
- What God Wishes Christians Knew About Christianity Part 1
- What Happens One Minute After You Die?
- What Islam Teaches
- What Islam Teaches About: Jesus' Return, Armageddon, Jerusalem and the Jews
- What Role Does America Play in End Time Events?
- What Roles Does America Play in End Time Events?
- What Scientific Evidence Proves God Created and Designed the Universe?
- What's so exciting about heaven?
- Where Do We Go From Here?
- Where Does the Bible Teach the Doctrine of the Rapture?
- Where is God When Life Hurts?
- Where Is Islam Taking the World?
- Which English Translation of the Bible is Best for Christians to Use Today?
- Who is the Baby in the Manger?
- Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People
- Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering in the World?
- Why Is the Big Bang Evidence that God Created the Universe?
- Why Sharia Law Threatens Freedom and Human Rights
- Will the Church Go Through the Tribulation Period?
- World Events and Biblical Prophecy
- Salvation
- Science and the Gospel
- Sharing the Gospel
- Signs of the Times
- Sin
- Spiritual Growth
- Spiritual Growth for Women
- Spiritual Warfare
- Stress
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Featured Offer
The New Scientific Evidence that Points to the Existence of God
In this series we will discuss the implications of the origin of the universe, the fine-tuning in the universe, and the information in DNA.
About Ankerberg Show
The John Ankerberg Show is a daily half-hour radio program and a weekly half-hour internationally syndicated television program using informal debates between representatives of differing belief systems, and documentary-styled presentations on major issues in society to which the historic Christian faith has something of consequence to say. The programs are designed to appeal to a thinking audience of Christians and non-Christians alike.
About Dr. John Ankerberg
Dr. John Ankerberg is host and moderator of the nationally broadcast John Ankerberg Show television and radio program. Dr. Ankerberg is an internationally known author, evangelist and apologist. He and his wife, Darlene, have one daughter, Michelle.
Dr. John F. Ankerberg in his writings and on his television program presents contemporary spiritual issues and defends biblical Christian answers. He believes that Christianity can not only stand its ground in the arena of the world's ideas but that Christianity alone is fully true. He has spoken to audiences on more than 78 American college and university campuses as well as in crusades in major cities of Africa, Asia, South America, and the Islands of the Caribbean. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Religious Broadcasters.
Dr. John F. Ankerberg in his writings and on his television program presents contemporary spiritual issues and defends biblical Christian answers. He believes that Christianity can not only stand its ground in the arena of the world's ideas but that Christianity alone is fully true. He has spoken to audiences on more than 78 American college and university campuses as well as in crusades in major cities of Africa, Asia, South America, and the Islands of the Caribbean. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Religious Broadcasters.
Contact Ankerberg Show with Dr. John Ankerberg
The John Ankerberg Show
P.O. Box 8977
Chattanooga, TN 37414
Or orders only: 800.805.3030