The Grace Message

Dr. Andrew Farley

“Exorcism isn’t enough!”

June 26, 2024

Why didn’t God give us the new covenant from the start? What is the unpardonable sin? What about Christians who just continue in sin? What was Jesus trying to say in Luke 11 about demon possession? How can we effectively witness to those who don’t believe in the Bible? Is it wrong for me to confess my sins? To ask God for forgiveness daily?

Featured Offer

See why the New Covenant changes everything!
Thank you for your generous support today to help share New Covenant teaching with more people through The Grace Message. As thanks for your gift below, we’ll send you Pastor Andrew Farley’s new 5-message audio series, A Better Promise: Understanding the New Covenant. This powerful series will help you discover that when you rest in the New Covenant of God’s grace, you gain fresh confidence and boldness, knowing you are free to live the way God intends for you to live. Request your copy of the series when you give, and thanks for your partnership!


Is the Hebrews 4 rest a physical or spiritual rest? What about keeping the Sabbath? Why does 1 Corinthians 15 mention two kinds of bodies? Are we going to have two bodies? A pastor taught me the return of Christ might go unnoticed by many who are left behind. Could this be true?
June 25, 2024
What is Lordship salvation? Why do so many people lack assurance with God? Did the Queen of Sheba and Solomon have a baby together? My Bible study teacher said it’s wrong to pray for both the people of Israel and the Palestinians (casualties, children, famine, etc.). Is that really true?
June 24, 2024
1 John makes clear distinctions between love and hate, light and darkness, care and murder. These contrasts are obvious and meant to show believers they have a new practice now. This doesn’t mean we perform perfectly, but now there’s a new tendency – a new trend in our lives since we are born of God. John also mentions “commandments” but he doesn’t mean Moses! No, he’s not talking about following the Law. He’s describing the marks of a true believer – faith in Jesus and a natural love for God’s people. Watch now to break free from a performance mentality and embrace your new-hearted identity in Jesus! Discussion Questions: 1. Read verses 10-12. How do the words “obvious”, “love”, and “hate” make John’s point clear? 2. Read verses 13-15. How does John continue to drive the “obvious” contrast home for us in these verses? 3. Read verses 16-18. How is Jesus the example? Example of what? 4. Read verses 19-22. Why is this not a “name it, claim it” passage? What is John’s meaning instead? 5. Read verses 23-24. What two commandments is John referring to? Why is it important to define “commandments” in this context? How are these the natural mark of every believer? 6. React to this statement: A majority of this entire passage is descriptive, not prescriptive. Now, how does this statement keep us from a performance mentality and help us to identify ourselves as new-hearted believers? (Note: Verses 16 and 18 are indeed prescriptive.)
June 23, 2024
Who was righteous in Jesus’ day? How can I develop a deeper relationship with the Lord? Does God still punish believers? I’ve prayed and been anointed but am still not healed. Am I doing something wrong? *Previously aired
June 22, 2024
What should we do when a popular pastor fails us? Will we be sinless in Heaven? My friend and I debate about the Sabbath. Are Christians obligated to keep it? Doesn’t the Holy Spirit help us keep the Ten Commandments? *previously aired
June 21, 2024
What should we do when a popular pastor fails us? Will we be sinless in Heaven? My friend and I debate about the Sabbath. Are Christians obligated to keep it? Doesn’t the Holy Spirit help us keep the Ten Commandments?
June 20, 2024
How should we interpret near-death experiences where they go to Heaven or Hell and come back? Why did a woman need to prophesy with her head covered in 1 Corinthians 11? I had a friend terminate our relationship because of my view on law and grace. Can a person be saved yet confused on that?
June 19, 2024
I have an ongoing struggle with pornography. How do I overcome it? I have been giving God the glory when my business goes well. Is there a better perspective, especially for when things don’t go well?
June 18, 2024
Why does Paul talk about the peace of God guarding our hearts and minds? Is the Earth flat? Why is Jesus called the “firstborn of all creation”? Does God withhold blessing if we don’t tithe?
June 17, 2024
The next message in our “Forever in His Presence” series explores what it means to have the Holy Spirit living inside of us, teaching us all things. John even says they don’t need anyone to teach them, because they have an intuitive knowing of truth about Jesus! You’ll also be challenged by the statement that you’re as righteous as Jesus Christ. Could that really be true? Check out this message packed with powerful truths that encourage you to see yourself as God sees you! Discussion Questions: 1. Verse 25 holds a promise for us related to the truthfulness of God. What is it? How does it relate to our security with God? 2. Verses 26-27 reveal that one purpose for John’s letter is to contrast believers and deceivers. How does this give us more fuel for understanding 1 John 1:9 and its surrounding verses? 3. Read verses 28 and 29 and react to this statement: I can have confidence upon Jesus’ return because I am born of God and as righteous as He is! 4. Read verses 1-3. What does the purification refer to? What’s the motivation for this purification? 5. Read verse 6. How are we to interpret this passage if Christians still fall into temptation and commit sins? 6. Read verse 7. React to this statement: I am as righteous as Jesus Christ. 7. Read verse 10. How does the word “obvious” play into our understanding of John’s contrast between righteousness and sin, light and darkness, believer and deceiver? Why is this word so important for those who get caught in morbid introspection of their performance?
June 16, 2024
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Featured Offer

See why the New Covenant changes everything!
Thank you for your generous support today to help share New Covenant teaching with more people through The Grace Message. As thanks for your gift below, we’ll send you Pastor Andrew Farley’s new 5-message audio series, A Better Promise: Understanding the New Covenant. This powerful series will help you discover that when you rest in the New Covenant of God’s grace, you gain fresh confidence and boldness, knowing you are free to live the way God intends for you to live. Request your copy of the series when you give, and thanks for your partnership!

About The Grace Message

The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley consistently offers simple, straightforward, and accurate help for anyone looking to better understand the depths of God’s grace. Andrew’s teachings will challenge the way you look at God through scriptural insights, and help you live in the freedom of the finished work of Jesus Christ.

About Dr. Andrew Farley

Dr. Andrew Farley is devoted to helping people better understand the grace of God and helping them live in the freedom that comes from a true understanding of Jesus Christ’s finished work on the cross. He seeks to challenge the way people look at God, and themselves, through practical, scriptural insights about God’s forgiveness, living under grace and what a new identity in Christ really means.

Andrew is the author of Zondervan’s debuted #1 bestseller on Amazon, The Naked Gospel, in addition to serving as lead pastor of Church Without Religion in Lubbock, Texas. He is also the president of The Grace Message. His mission is to help people better understand the grace of God and see them enjoy freedom. He previously served as a professor of linguistics at the University of Notre Dame and Texas Tech University

Contact The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

P.O. Box 87
Bridgeville, PA 15017
(800) 658-9807