The Grace Message

Dr. Andrew Farley

Can we disappoint God?

August 8, 2024

Can we disappoint God? How should I respond to a pastor who says not all Christians will get into Heaven? I’m concerned about my brother’s salvation after his divorce and joining the Masons—what should I do?

Featured Offer

Help meet the $35,000 goal & reach millions with Sunday morning sermons on Sirius XM!
Thank you for your gift below to help cover the $35,000 launch cost to take the message of God’s grace to potentially millions more through a new Sunday morning time slot on Sirius XM Satellite Radio. We’ll say thanks for your gift with Pastor Andrew Farley’s new 7-part series You Can’t Mess This Up! Why God’s Grace Is Greater Than Your Mistakes, which will help you understand God’s limitless grace. 


Does Proverbs 1 say God will stop leading us if we don’t listen to Him? What is the difference between Adam being created in God’s image in Genesis 1 and Seth being born in Adam’s image in Genesis 3? I have witnessed the love that Muslims have for reach other. Doesn’t God see this and regard it as good? What is the significance of water baptism in a believer’s life? What does Jesus mean by "Depart from me; I never knew you"?
August 7, 2024
What does it mean to have died with Jesus in Romans 6? Why is the church still struggling with racism and prejudice today? How should I pray for my cousin who has an addiction? Isn’t faith itself an action or a work that we do? If so, then doesn’t God need to “supply the faith” or cause us to believe in order to avoid a works righteousness?
August 6, 2024
Are the Ten Commandments still in effect for believers? Does Revelation 3 contain warnings to Christians, or unbelievers, or both? Should I consider reconstruction after a double mastectomy, or is that vanity? Is it biblical to resist globalization and a one-world economy or government?
August 5, 2024
The Sermon on the Mount isn’t your typical Sunday School lesson. It’s a wake-up call that shatters any illusion of self-righteousness. Ever tried to keep every ounce of the Law? Jesus shows us we can’t. And that’s the whole point. He equates anger with murder and sees looking with lust as adultery. Plus, tearing out your eye and cutting off your hand weren’t just hyperbole (exaggeration). No, Jesus was setting an impossible standard to drive us to one conclusion: We need grace, not rule-keeping. Click to watch this message and discover why Jesus’ impossible demands are the ultimate setup for His incredible gift of grace. Discussion Questions: 1. Why does Jesus emphasize that not one command in the Law can be ignored? What does this mean for those who single out the Ten Commandments today? 2. React to this statement: Anger equals murder. Looking with lust equals adultery. Why would Jesus teach these things? 3. How do verses 23-24 further solidify that His audience is the Jews under the Law? 4. React to this statement: Tear out your eye. Cut off your hand. What would you say to those who claim that Jesus is just using hyperbole (exaggerating)? How does that argument hold up when reading the rest of the passage? 5. How can understanding the true context of this sermon help us avoid the pitfall of condemnation that some feel about having been divorced? 6. React to this statement: Always keep your word. Let people physically harm you. Give to whomever asks and let anyone borrow from you. How should we approach this passage? By watering it down or putting it in covenantal context? Why? 7. How does verse 48 sum up everything and bring despair and then relief to those who truly understand the Gospel?
August 4, 2024
Was the sin of Adam and Eve passed down to everyone? What can we say to Muslims who emphasize that Ishmael was born before Isaac? How do the Jews obey the Law if they are not offering sacrifices any longer? Why didn’t Jesus appear to more people after His resurrection? Plenty of people could say “Jesus is Lord” and not really have the Holy Spirit, so how does 1 Corinthians 12:3 make sense? What if we enjoy sin? Does that mean we’re not saved? Do we need to do anything to maintain our salvation? Why do some people teach there is a second blessing and that we’re not saved without the gift of tongues?
August 3, 2024
Why is my church teaching that it’s wrong to play musical instruments during the service? Where do they see that in the Bible? Why does Jesus reject people in Matthew 7 for their “lawlessness” if we are not under the Law? Is there a gift of wisdom and knowledge? If so, what does that look like? And what about tongues and the interpretation of tongues?
August 2, 2024
I have no desire to go to church lately, and I wonder if I might be going to Hell. Are there new apostles today? Have the spiritual gifts gone away now? What is “testing the spirits” or discernment of spirits? Is it about spiritual warfare and demons?
August 1, 2024
What is Luke 6:38 really saying about giving and receiving from God? How can we respond to the Eastern Orthodox Church who claims to be the one and only original church today? What is freedom in Christ? What kind of “freedom” are we really talking about? Romans 14 tells us not to judge other people and references the final judgment. What is the reasoning there?
July 31, 2024
I’ve seen people give away money online to others, and I wonder if I should do the same. Is that what Paul meant about a cheerful giver? I’ve lost my two sons, and now I’m afraid I may lose my daughter to drug abuse. What should I do? I’m starting to see how I can best help those who are saved but confused! I’m wanting to encourage a man who was once in prison for sexual sin, yet I’m repulsed by what he did. How can I get over that and truly minister to him?
July 30, 2024
What does “store up treasures in heaven” really mean? Yesterday looks, I got baptized in the Spirit and then they came to my house to pray over it and anoint me with oil. I’m wondering where to go from here. Why does Luke 9 say if you “look back“ you’re not fit for the kingdom?
July 29, 2024
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Featured Offer

Help meet the $35,000 goal & reach millions with Sunday morning sermons on Sirius XM!
Thank you for your gift below to help cover the $35,000 launch cost to take the message of God’s grace to potentially millions more through a new Sunday morning time slot on Sirius XM Satellite Radio. We’ll say thanks for your gift with Pastor Andrew Farley’s new 7-part series You Can’t Mess This Up! Why God’s Grace Is Greater Than Your Mistakes, which will help you understand God’s limitless grace. 

About The Grace Message

The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley consistently offers simple, straightforward, and accurate help for anyone looking to better understand the depths of God’s grace. Andrew’s teachings will challenge the way you look at God through scriptural insights, and help you live in the freedom of the finished work of Jesus Christ.

About Dr. Andrew Farley

Dr. Andrew Farley is devoted to helping people better understand the grace of God and helping them live in the freedom that comes from a true understanding of Jesus Christ’s finished work on the cross. He seeks to challenge the way people look at God, and themselves, through practical, scriptural insights about God’s forgiveness, living under grace and what a new identity in Christ really means.

Andrew is the author of Zondervan’s debuted #1 bestseller on Amazon, The Naked Gospel, in addition to serving as lead pastor of Church Without Religion in Lubbock, Texas. He is also the president of The Grace Message. His mission is to help people better understand the grace of God and see them enjoy freedom. He previously served as a professor of linguistics at the University of Notre Dame and Texas Tech University

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