Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals

Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc

The Big Picture

September 10, 2024

Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life is? It’s easy to wonder -- we don’t always feel like our lives are achieving any greatness. Well, there is a purpose...but with all the difficulties and distractions of daily life, it is easy for us to get lost in the details.

Featured Offer

Sanctification (PDF Download)
Those who are in Christ have been justified before God. But salvation means much more; it means that we are sanctified, that God actually leads us into holiness. As Michael Allen and company explain, our holiness is carried out in the present work of our sovereign, loving God. In Christ we are given life, not simply in name, but in fact. Praise the Lord, who delivers His children through every weakness. Though you struggle with sin, do not be discouraged; it is God who works in you, "both to will and to work for his good pleasure" (Phil. 2:13).


In years past, a successful craftsman would hire a boy to serve as his apprentice. The apprentice might make many mistakes at the beginning, but as he took instruction of the craftsman to heart, his work began to look more like that of his master. As we grow into the likeness of our Lord Jesus Christ, we will understand how to avoid many common mistakes in our prayer lives and learn how to pray more like the Master Himself.
September 9, 2024
These Event Friday messages are from the Quakertown Conference on Reformed Theology 2011.  Speakers at this conference include: Bryan Chapell, Richard Philips, Kevin DeYoung, Stephen Nichols, and Fred Zaspel
September 6, 2024
Who or what is God? It’s the fourth question of the Westminster Shorter Catechism and a question that has puzzled man for centuries. Join Dr. James Boice next time on The Bible Study Hour as he explores this age-old question and points us to a rather simple answer from the first epistle of John.
September 5, 2024
In this unique letter to the church in Philadelphia, Christ delivers a message of great encouragement to a small and weak congregation. Join Reverend Alexander as he delves into the distinctives of Christ’s revelation as the Holy One and True and the significance of the key to David. Learn the true measure of a church’s strength and the promise of an open door that no one can shut on Hear the Word of God.
September 4, 2024
We often describe our Christian communities as a “body of believers” or “God’s church family.” You might call yourself a “believer” or a “follower of Christ.” But do you ever think of yourself as a priest, or as part of a royal priesthood?
September 3, 2024
An immigrant who just arrived in America may be unfamiliar with our language and culture. He would probably be disoriented and would not know where to turn for help, but if you spoke his language, you could befriend him and help him find his way in his new country. Many times, we feel lost and do not know God's will or how to pray in certain situations, but in our weakness the Holy Spirit is our friend who comes along side us and help us find our way.
September 2, 2024
These Event Friday messages are from the Quakertown Conference on Reformed Theology 2011.  Speakers at this conference include: Bryan Chapell, Richard Philips, Kevin DeYoung, Stephen Nichols, and Fred Zaspel
August 30, 2024
In a survey taken in Philadelphia on the questions of “What is Christianity?” and “Who is Jesus?” the answers people gave were startling: an ethic, an organization, a good man and “I just don’t know” were among them. Join Dr. James Boice next time on The Bible Study Hour as he compares the confusion of today with the confusion common among the believers in John’s time and how it all impacts the church.
August 29, 2024
Reverend Eric Alexander unveils the story of a city that believed itself indestructible but fell victim to stealth attacks, mirroring the complacency found in the church of Sardis. The exalted Christ admonishes the church for having the reputation for life yet being spiritually dead. Like the few in Sardis who remained true, be challenged to seek the things that are real and eternal on Hear the Word of God.
August 28, 2024
Most of us wear our “Sunday best” for church. We try to look a little nicer than normal, as it’s after all for worship. So too the priests of Israel had fine garments they had to wear when entering into God’s presence. But one Priest didn’t wear them when he made His sacrifice. He didn’t need outward splendor -- he had a splendor all his own.
August 27, 2024
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Featured Offer

Sanctification (PDF Download)
Those who are in Christ have been justified before God. But salvation means much more; it means that we are sanctified, that God actually leads us into holiness. As Michael Allen and company explain, our holiness is carried out in the present work of our sovereign, loving God. In Christ we are given life, not simply in name, but in fact. Praise the Lord, who delivers His children through every weakness. Though you struggle with sin, do not be discouraged; it is God who works in you, "both to will and to work for his good pleasure" (Phil. 2:13).

About Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals exists to call the twenty-first century church to a modern reformation that recovers clarity and conviction about the great evangelical truths of the gospel and that then seeks to proclaim these truths powerfully in our contemporary context.

About Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is a broadcasting, events, and publishing ministry that exists to call the twenty-first century church to a modern reformation. Our broadcasts/podcasts include The Bible Study Hour with James Boice, Every Last Word featuring Philip Ryken, Mortification of Spin with Carl Trueman, Todd Pruitt, and Aimee Byrd, Theology on the Go with Jonathan Master and James Dolezal, and Dr. Barnhouse & the Bible with Donald Barnhouse. These broadcasts air daily and weekly on stations in the United States and Canada and on the Internet. Event audio includes the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, the Reformed Bible Conference, and many others.

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Mailing Address
Alliance Of Confessing Evangelicals 
600 Eden Road
Lancaster, PA 17601 