Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals

Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc

Suffering and Glorification

July 8, 2024

When Jesus walked on the water, his disciples were terrified at first.because they thought he was a ghost. What they thought was a threat to their well being was actually Jesus coming to give them a great blessing. Believers are often afraid of suffering and trials, but we must realize that the Lord is always with us even in our sufferings. He uses them to accomplish his purposes in our lives and to prepare us for everlastin glory.

Featured Offer

Sanctification (PDF Download)
Those who are in Christ have been justified before God. But salvation means much more; it means that we are sanctified, that God actually leads us into holiness. As Michael Allen and company explain, our holiness is carried out in the present work of our sovereign, loving God. In Christ we are given life, not simply in name, but in fact. Praise the Lord, who delivers His children through every weakness. Though you struggle with sin, do not be discouraged; it is God who works in you, "both to will and to work for his good pleasure" (Phil. 2:13).


Our Event Friday message this week is lifted from the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary Series of 2006.  Our Speakers include: Scott Oliphant, Mark Ross, Scott Clark, Dennis Prutow, Calvin Beisner, and Richard Gamble.
July 5, 2024
When God sends physical want into our lives, it should drive us to acknowledge and confess our sin when sent for that purpose. But physical want doesn’t always bring that effect and God must turn to stronger measures. Join Dr. James Boice next time on The Bible Study Hour as he examines Joseph’s dealings with his brothers and how they parallel God’s dealings with us.
July 4, 2024
We approach the end of Isaiah where the people of God grapple with rebuilding their temple and their lives. God confronts them with their external acts of worship but promises to dwell with those who have a right relationship with Him. Reverend Eric Alexander challenges us to be the kind of people with whom God will make His dwelling in Hear the Word of God.
July 3, 2024
The Bible teaches that, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” The reverse can also be true: that where our hearts are, that is where we put our treasure. So if all this is true, why do we spend so much money on earthly things? Well, it’s because our hearts are hard. But when we give back to God what He has given to us, we have the privilege of participating in God’s work of spreading the Gospel. Dr. Philip Ryken teaches from Exodus on Every Last Word. 
July 2, 2024
If a man divides his estate among his children, then each one will receive only a portion of the total inheritance. But if he names all of his children as joint heirs, each one can claim ownership of the entire estate. Believers do not inherit just a portion of the rich eternal blessings of God. Since we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ, we can lay full claim to the glorious inheritance that awaits those who belong to Him.
July 1, 2024
Our Event Friday message this week is lifted from the PCRT series of 2008.  Our Speakers include:  Joel Beeke, Richard Phillips, Paul Jones, Derek Thomas, Philip Ryken, Robert Godfrey, R.C. Sproul, and Carl Trueman. 
June 28, 2024
God has given a conscience to every human being in order to be able to determine right and wrong, but the problem with the conscience is that it can be manipulated and subdued by the wants and the will of man. Join Dr. James Boice next time on The Bible Study Hour as he examines the conscience both apart from, and in the light of, God’s Word.
June 27, 2024
Join Reverend Eric Alexander as he uncovers the symbolism of Babylon and Jerusalem in the story of redemption. Hear the promise of God’s new creation, a new heaven and a new earth, where past sorrows will be replaced with unmingled joy. Grasp a vision of the home that God is preparing for us in this episode of Hear the Word of God.
June 26, 2024
Boasting is never attractive. But have you ever noticed that, despite the fact that nobody likes a bragger, everybody brags anyway? And what about? Our brain power, our muscle power, our buying power...anything that makes us feel like we are better than someone else. But when we come to know Jesus, we humbly realize that we have nothing, except for his cross, to boast about. And for the cross we should boast eagerly.
June 25, 2024
You may have seen a movie or read a story in which a wealthy person dies and the relatives gather together for the reading of the will. They are all in suspense wondering if they wil receive an inheritance and how large their protion will be. But believers do not have to live in suspense about our eternal inheritance. It has been secured for you by the blood of Jesus Christ and the abundance of God's richest blessiings are yours to enjoy forever.
June 24, 2024
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Featured Offer

Sanctification (PDF Download)
Those who are in Christ have been justified before God. But salvation means much more; it means that we are sanctified, that God actually leads us into holiness. As Michael Allen and company explain, our holiness is carried out in the present work of our sovereign, loving God. In Christ we are given life, not simply in name, but in fact. Praise the Lord, who delivers His children through every weakness. Though you struggle with sin, do not be discouraged; it is God who works in you, "both to will and to work for his good pleasure" (Phil. 2:13).

About Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals exists to call the twenty-first century church to a modern reformation that recovers clarity and conviction about the great evangelical truths of the gospel and that then seeks to proclaim these truths powerfully in our contemporary context.

About Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is a broadcasting, events, and publishing ministry that exists to call the twenty-first century church to a modern reformation. Our broadcasts/podcasts include The Bible Study Hour with James Boice, Every Last Word featuring Philip Ryken, Mortification of Spin with Carl Trueman, Todd Pruitt, and Aimee Byrd, Theology on the Go with Jonathan Master and James Dolezal, and Dr. Barnhouse & the Bible with Donald Barnhouse. These broadcasts air daily and weekly on stations in the United States and Canada and on the Internet. Event audio includes the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, the Reformed Bible Conference, and many others.

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Alliance Of Confessing Evangelicals 
600 Eden Road
Lancaster, PA 17601 