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The Peacemakers Are Blessed

March 23, 2025

The Beatitudes teach us that true blessedness is not found in temporary happiness based on luck or circumstances but in a life rooted in God’s supernatural grace. The character of the blessed is revealed through the peace we exhibit, the presence of God we embody, and the persecution we endure. As followers of Christ, we are responsible for living out His righteousness, recognizing His work in our lives, and trusting in the eternal rewards He has promised.

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The Depth of the Shepherd

"How can I sleep peacefully at night with all that a pastor, husband, and dad has to face?" In this energetic volume, Bernie Miller answers this question that so many family and spiritual leaders face. Our best rest comes when we understand why God identifies Himself to His children as Jehovah Raah ("the Lord is my Shepherd") and Jehovah Jireh ("the Lord is my Provider"). Through a deep and delightful analysis of God's holy names, Miller plumbs the depths of all that the Good Shepherd promises—and proves—to be for His sheep. Looking for comfort and confidence grounded in eternal truth? Enjoy this encouraging study of God's manifestations to His children!

Past Episodes

This message explores the depths of spiritual blessedness, bankruptcy, and brokenness, revealing how our dependence on God leads to true fulfillment. Spiritual blessedness comes from embracing our need for Him, while spiritual bankruptcy results from self-reliance and separation from God. True spiritual brokenness is not despair but a humble recognition of our need for His grace. As believers, we are called to be an extension of God’s presence, an exhibition of His power, and an expression of His character, living out His blessings in obedience and faith.
March 16, 2025
Psalm 1 clearly contrasts the righteous and the wicked, showing us the path to true blessedness. The righteous delight in God’s Word allows it to challenge, convict, transform, guide their steps, and secure their place in Christ. In contrast, the wicked walk a dangerous path that leads to destruction. Those truly blessed are set apart, rooted in Scripture, and have a heart that grieves for the lost.
March 9, 2025
This message challenges us to understand and live out true love—God’s unconditional love. Many misinterpret love as merely emotional or conditional. Still, Scripture calls us to a higher standard: to love even our enemies, resist retaliation, and reflect the heart of our Heavenly Father. By cultivating selfless and forgiving love, we complete our Father's love in us, showing the world what it truly means to follow Christ.
March 2, 2025
This message teaches us to distinguish genuine love from counterfeit, ensuring God’s authentic, supernatural love guides us. As described in 1 Corinthians 13, true love is patient, kind, and enduring. Counterfeit love often appears godly but lacks Christ's holiness and selflessness. By examining our hearts and motives, we align ourselves with God’s love, allowing it to lead and transform our lives.
February 23, 2025
This message reveals that Christ is the source of love, like the sun, and we, as believers, are called to reflect His love, like the moon. Love is proclaimed through God’s Word, patterned in Christ’s example, and proven in how we love others. As followers of Jesus, our love should be more than words—it should be active, selfless, and transformative. God didn’t come to change sin in the world; He came to change sinners, calling us to reflect His love in everything we do.
February 16, 2025
As joint heirs with Christ, we receive an eternal inheritance of love, forgiveness, and victory, calling us to share God’s legacy with others.
February 9, 2025
True contentment comes from Christ, not from external circumstances, as we trust in His provision, embrace gratitude, and focus on eternal fulfillment.
February 2, 2025
True joy is found by forgetting the past, focusing on the privilege of knowing Christ, and pressing toward the eternal prize of God’s upward call.
January 26, 2025
Christ’s unchanging nature assures us with His past promises, present provisions, and perpetual presence, giving us rest in life’s storms.
January 19, 2025
Becoming a new creation in Christ transforms us from the inside out as we trust God’s grace to renew our minds, beliefs, and behaviors.
January 12, 2025
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About All Things Are Possible

Dr. Miller's messages are centered on how to faithfully live an effective Christian life. The Bible says in Colosians 2:6 "Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him." It's only when we walk in obedience to God that we discover "All Things Are Possible."

About Dr. Bernie Miller

Dr. Bernie Miller received Christ as his Savior in 1988 while vice president of artist and repertoire for SONY/EPIC Records in New York. He worked with 52 artist including Michael Jackson, The Jacksons and Luther Vandross.

As a songwriter, he has written several songs, for which he has received both gold and platinum record awards. One of his songs, "I Can't Stand the Rain," (recorded by Tina Turner and Missy Elliott), was one of John Lennon's favorite songs, according to Yoko Ono, Billboard Magazine and a book by May Pang.

Dr. Miller is heavily involved in the community. He's vice-chairman of the Chattanooga Housing Authority; serves on the boards of the Blood Assurance Foundation, UTC's College of Medicine Institutional Review Board and the Hamilton County Regional Health Council. He has received numerous awards from the Mayor, Hamilton County Commissioners and the State Senate. He is an ordained Baptist minister and a graduate of Covington Theological Seminary. He was formerly the senior announcer for Moody radio's WMBW for seven years. While working with Moody, he hosted "Gospel Praise," a nationally syndicated program that was heard on the Moody Broadcasting Network. Dr. Miller and his wife Madelene have a son named Zachary.

NCF was formed in June 1996 by God and founded by twenty-five born again believers from various cultures and denominations. We have steadily grown since then which is why we built our new 700 seat worship center situated on an 18 acre campus at 1326 N. Moore Rd.

Our purpose originates from Ephes. 2:8-10 "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

Individuals are invited to enter into a relationship with Jesus that is both real and personal and is characterized by faith, obedience, and commitment. The result of this relationship is "good works." God prepared a plan for each of us in advance. The surest way to know if we are walking in that plan is to study the Bible.


Contact All Things Are Possible with Dr. Bernie Miller

Mailing Address
New Covenant Fellowship Church
1326 N. Moore Rd. 
Chattanooga, TN 37411

Telephone Number