Abounding Grace

Pastor Ed Taylor

If God be for Us Who Can be Against Us? Part 2

July 25, 2024

As we turn to Genesis chapter 46, God gives some direction to Jacob to go down to Egypt, and don’t be afraid!  The Lord would be with Him every step of the way.  While we don’t always know what God is up to in our lives, we can know that He is for us and accomplishing something good!  

References: Genesis 46

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Halley’s Bible Handbook is the best-selling Bible handbook of all time, with millions of copies sold thus far. It’s easy to see why as it makes the Bible’s wisdom and message easy to understand.  Gain a greater appreciation for the cultural, religious, and geographic settings in which the story of the Bible unfolds. 


Been wronged or hurt deeply by the words or actions of another?  It’s at that time we have a choice to make.  We can either forgive and be free, or settle into unforgiveness and bitterness.  Today on Abounding Grace we’re continuing the story of Joseph, a man who was wronged, and chose forgiveness.  God would bless him for doing so. 
July 24, 2024
When something bad happens in our lives, we so often fixate on the circumstances and how we feel about it.  But we so often fail to recognize how God uses what we go through to accomplish a greater plan and purpose.   He did this for Joseph as you’ll hear today on Abounding Grace.  Pastor Ed Taylor visits Genesis chapter 45 and helps us to see what God is up to, even through that difficulty you may be facing right now! 
July 23, 2024
Pastor Ed Taylor will be in Genesis 45 today.  It’s time for the big reveal, as Joseph is about to make himself known to his brothers.  It’s an eye-opener in more ways than one!  You’ll soon hear how God helped Joseph to see beyond the evil act of his brothers to God’s greater purpose!  It’s also a reminder to us that we don’t always see how God is working behind the scenes.
July 22, 2024
For quite a few weeks we’ve been looking at the manifestations of the Spirit.  Think of these as spiritual power tools, or helps that come alongside your spiritual giftings for a specific time and reason.  On occasion the Lord may give you the ability to speak into a person’s life.  It may be a comforting word, or something along the lines of exhortation or edification.  That’s really what the manifestation of prophecy is all about.  Learn all about it today.
July 20, 2024
Today we're in Genesis chapter 44.  God has His ways of getting us to the place He wants us to be.  Often that involves the trying of our faith!  We see that in the story of Joseph and his brothers.  God is working on their hearts, and these brothers are coming to the end of themselves.  And that’s a good thing.  
July 19, 2024
You can be sure that in this life you’ll face trials and testings. But here’s something to remember in the midst of it… God is up to something good and He has a wonderful plan for you.  That rises to the surface in our study of the life of Joseph today on Abounding Grace.  
July 18, 2024
Don’t you love a good story of reconciliation?  People who separated due to hurt and mistreatment, and the relationship over time is restored.  We’ve got a good one for you between Joseph and his brothers today.  I think you’ll be encouraged as you hear how the Lord also reconciles us to God through Jesus.  
July 17, 2024
In Genesis chapter 43 Jacob is at a fork in the road, will he walk in the light or darkness?  That’s actually a decision each of us are faced with throughout life. Let’s be encouraged to live in the light, and keep things clean before the Lord.
July 16, 2024
We may look at all the evil and injustice in the world and start to wonder, “Are they getting away with it!”  The truth of the matter is, as we’ll discover today, your sin will find you out. Sin and its consequences will not stay hidden forever.  So it’s best to deal with it as God would have us, and come clean before the Lord.  
July 15, 2024
For the last couple of months we’ve been enjoying a study in First Corinthians, and right now considering the various manifestations of the Spirit.  There are nine of them, and beginning today pastor Ed Taylor will have a look into Prophecy.  Like many of these manifestations there’s a great deal of confusion surrounding it.  Some are even weirded out by it, or want nothing to do with it.  But when you come to understand that this is just the workings of the Spirit, and Him being made visible on the earth, that certainly should put our minds at ease.  
July 13, 2024
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About Abounding Grace

Each day on 'Abounding Grace' you will be encouraged to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

About Pastor Ed Taylor

Pastor Ed is a native of Southern California. Ed responded to the gospel in 1991 at Calvary Chapel in Downey, CA. There he spent eight years learning, growing and serving. In 1999, sensing the call of God, Ed and his family moved to the Denver area hoping to be used by God. In December 1999, Calvary Church began Sunday services and today impacts the community for Jesus in wonderful ways.

Pastor Ed's heart is to be transparent from the pulpit, as he truly desires that everyone, from all walks of life, will embrace Jesus and grow in His grace. Ed and his wife Marie have been married since 1989 and have three children, of which their oldest son Eddie went to be with the Lord in 2013. Ed and Marie also have a precious grandson, Eddie's son.

Contact Abounding Grace with Pastor Ed Taylor

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Calvary Church w/ Ed Taylor
18900 East Hampden Avenue
Aurora, CO 80013