Abounding Grace

Pastor Ed Taylor

Generational Curses Don't Exist Part 2

May 22, 2024

“You remind me of your father!”  Have you ever had someone say that to you?  More often than not it’s meant to be a compliment.  Today on Abounding Grace we’ll discover that children often follow in their father’s footsteps.  And sometimes those footsteps lead to trouble and heartache. And other times to blessing!  We’ll be finishing up Genesis chapter 26 today with pastor Ed Taylor.  It’s here that we see Isaac repeat the sins of his father!

References: Genesis 26

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Halley's Bible Handbook
Halley’s Bible Handbook is the best-selling Bible handbook of all time, with millions of copies sold thus far. It’s easy to see why as it makes the Bible’s wisdom and message easy to understand.  Gain a greater appreciation for the cultural, religious, and geographic settings in which the story of the Bible unfolds. 


Without a doubt our fathers have a great influence on our lives… for good or bad.  And very often a child will end up doing the very same things their dad did.  Thus the saying, “Like father like son!”  We’ll see this play out right before our eyes today on Abounding Grace as we turn to Genesis chapter 26.   We’re going to be studying Isaac’s life and as you’ll see in a moment, it resembles his dad’s life in many ways.   
May 21, 2024
As soon as you receive Christ, the war is on!  It’s a spiritual battle between the flesh and the spirit.  But is there a way to experience victory in the battle?  I’m happy to say there is, and here’s a little hint, what you feed has a lot to do with what will come out on top.  
May 20, 2024
Recently we’ve been talking about the manifestations of the spirit found in chapter twelve.  You might think of them as power tools, or helps that come alongside our spiritual giftings.   Today pastor Ed will be pointing to the word of knowledge.  
May 18, 2024
Pastor Ed Taylor will be with us momentarily, and we’ll be continuing our journey through Genesis.  We left off in chapter 25 if you want to head there now.  In recent weeks we’ve been hearing about the life and times of Abraham.  And now we come to the end of his life.  We’re told that he died at a good old age and was gathered to his people.  
May 17, 2024
At the present time we’re going through Genesis, and we aim to complete chapter 24 today.  Pastor Ed Taylor will take one final look at the story of Isaac and Rebekah.  You can’t help but see God’s hand and leading in this remarkable love story.  And today we’ll see how God so masterfully works in our lives.  He is leading.  The question is, are we following? 
May 16, 2024
We’re on an incredible journey through Genesis, with our pastor and teacher Ed Taylor.  What is God’s will for my life?  It’s a frequently asked question by Christians.  And today we’ll learn that sometimes we over-complicate things.  Pastor Ed will explain how it is that God leads His people as we turn together to Genesis chapter 24.
May 15, 2024
Do you enjoy a good love story?  We've got one for you today!  It’s one of the all-time greats, and it’s found in Genesis 24.  If you’re married, how did you and your spouse meet? Perhaps a good friend set you up on a date, maybe you met at church, or ran into each other at some sort of gathering?  Consider how the Lord brought Isaac and Rebecca together.  It’s really amazing.  
May 14, 2024
On today’s broadcast we’ll hear about a servant who was sent by his master to find a bride for his son. Pastor Ed Taylor doesn’t want us to miss how this is a beautiful picture of the church and her relationship to Jesus.  It really is spectacular.  We’re in Genesis chapter twenty-four here in part one of “A Bride is Chosen for the Son.”  
May 13, 2024
A big decision needs to be made, or you’re faced with a critical issue and you don’t know what to do!  Ever been there?  We all have.  And it’s at such times, the Lord often gives His children a word of wisdom, to help guide us to where He wants us to be. Today on Abounding Grace pastor Ed Taylor will give attention to this wonderful manifestation of the Spirit.  It’s part of our series in First Corinthians.
May 11, 2024
We’re midway through a study in Genesis, and today we camp out in chapter 23.  In this passage, Abraham’s wife Sarah has died and was then buried.  And pastor Ed wants to take some time out to discuss seasons of loss and how to make it through.  Maybe that’s something you’ve been dealing with recently?  Allow this study to encourage you.
May 10, 2024
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Halley’s Bible Handbook is the best-selling Bible handbook of all time, with millions of copies sold thus far. It’s easy to see why as it makes the Bible’s wisdom and message easy to understand.  Gain a greater appreciation for the cultural, religious, and geographic settings in which the story of the Bible unfolds. 

About Abounding Grace

Each day on 'Abounding Grace' you will be encouraged to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

About Pastor Ed Taylor

Pastor Ed is a native of Southern California. Ed responded to the gospel in 1991 at Calvary Chapel in Downey, CA. There he spent eight years learning, growing and serving. In 1999, sensing the call of God, Ed and his family moved to the Denver area hoping to be used by God. In December 1999, Calvary Church began Sunday services and today impacts the community for Jesus in wonderful ways.

Pastor Ed's heart is to be transparent from the pulpit, as he truly desires that everyone, from all walks of life, will embrace Jesus and grow in His grace. Ed and his wife Marie have been married since 1989 and have three children, of which their oldest son Eddie went to be with the Lord in 2013. Ed and Marie also have a precious grandson, Eddie's son.

Contact Abounding Grace with Pastor Ed Taylor

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Calvary Church w/ Ed Taylor
18900 East Hampden Avenue
Aurora, CO 80013