Abounding Grace

Pastor Ed Taylor

Brought to Your Knees Part 2

July 17, 2024

Don’t you love a good story of reconciliation?  People who separated due to hurt and mistreatment, and the relationship over time is restored.  We’ve got a good one for you between Joseph and his brothers today.  I think you’ll be encouraged as you hear how the Lord also reconciles us to God through Jesus.  

References: Genesis 43

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Halley's Bible Handbook
Halley’s Bible Handbook is the best-selling Bible handbook of all time, with millions of copies sold thus far. It’s easy to see why as it makes the Bible’s wisdom and message easy to understand.  Gain a greater appreciation for the cultural, religious, and geographic settings in which the story of the Bible unfolds. 


In Genesis chapter 43 Jacob is at a fork in the road, will he walk in the light or darkness?  That’s actually a decision each of us are faced with throughout life. Let’s be encouraged to live in the light, and keep things clean before the Lord.
July 16, 2024
We may look at all the evil and injustice in the world and start to wonder, “Are they getting away with it!”  The truth of the matter is, as we’ll discover today, your sin will find you out. Sin and its consequences will not stay hidden forever.  So it’s best to deal with it as God would have us, and come clean before the Lord.  
July 15, 2024
For the last couple of months we’ve been enjoying a study in First Corinthians, and right now considering the various manifestations of the Spirit.  There are nine of them, and beginning today pastor Ed Taylor will have a look into Prophecy.  Like many of these manifestations there’s a great deal of confusion surrounding it.  Some are even weirded out by it, or want nothing to do with it.  But when you come to understand that this is just the workings of the Spirit, and Him being made visible on the earth, that certainly should put our minds at ease.  
July 13, 2024
We're in Genesis chapter 42 today.  If you’ll recall in previous studies we saw Joseph’s brothers did him dirty, selling him into slavery. But now today the tables have turned.  There’s a famine in the land and everyone is coming to Egypt, where Joseph is now in charge.  He’s about to encounter his brothers.  How will Joseph handle this juicy situation? Join us and find out.
July 12, 2024
Who doesn’t love a good rags to riches story!  We’ve got a good one for you today on Abounding Grace.  It features Joseph, who was rejected by his brothers, sold into slavery, then thrown into prison.  After 13 years of tough times, he became the #2 man over all of Egypt!  Pastor Ed Taylor will show us how God often prepares and delivers us too.  
July 11, 2024
Join us in Genesis chapter 41 today. If you’ll recall, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, falsely accused of rape and then thrown into jail.  But that’s not the end of the story.  As you’ll hear, Joseph would go from a prison to a palace, and become the 2nd most powerful man in the world.  Only God could do something like this.  Let’s see together how valleys turn into mountaintops.
July 10, 2024
We’re in the middle of a study in Genesis, looking at the life of Joseph.  In chapter 41 Pharoah has a couple of dreams and Joseph is about to help him interpret them.  Through it all we’ll be reminded God rules and reigns in our lives, and His timing is perfect.  
July 9, 2024
When life seems to be spinning out of control, or you’re hit with roadblocks or setbacks, you might start to wonder what God is up to! Has He abandoned you? Today on Abounding Grace we’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at how God works in our lives… even as we’re suffering!  
July 8, 2024
We’re in the middle of a study of First Corinthians, and currently pointing out the manifestations of the Spirit that we find in chapter 12… like the workings of miracles.  Maybe you can look back on a time in your life when you experienced something unexplainable and supernatural?  Perhaps you didn’t know how you’d pay your rent, and God delivered big time.  We’ll see that God does the miraculous today, just as He did in the past.  
July 6, 2024
We’re in Genesis chapter 40 today. Hardship and sorrow may not be our favorite teacher but it’s an effective one. God knows it and uses it in our lives!  Last time we began to hear of how God allowed Joseph to experience great sorrow.  It came in the form of being horribly mistreated, falsely accused and imprisoned. Yet God uses it to accomplish His purposes.  And I should add the Lord often does that in our lives. 
July 5, 2024
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Halley’s Bible Handbook is the best-selling Bible handbook of all time, with millions of copies sold thus far. It’s easy to see why as it makes the Bible’s wisdom and message easy to understand.  Gain a greater appreciation for the cultural, religious, and geographic settings in which the story of the Bible unfolds. 

About Abounding Grace

Each day on 'Abounding Grace' you will be encouraged to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

About Pastor Ed Taylor

Pastor Ed is a native of Southern California. Ed responded to the gospel in 1991 at Calvary Chapel in Downey, CA. There he spent eight years learning, growing and serving. In 1999, sensing the call of God, Ed and his family moved to the Denver area hoping to be used by God. In December 1999, Calvary Church began Sunday services and today impacts the community for Jesus in wonderful ways.

Pastor Ed's heart is to be transparent from the pulpit, as he truly desires that everyone, from all walks of life, will embrace Jesus and grow in His grace. Ed and his wife Marie have been married since 1989 and have three children, of which their oldest son Eddie went to be with the Lord in 2013. Ed and Marie also have a precious grandson, Eddie's son.

Contact Abounding Grace with Pastor Ed Taylor

Mailing Address
Calvary Church w/ Ed Taylor
18900 East Hampden Avenue
Aurora, CO 80013