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Steady Obedience No Matter the Obstacles Part 1

March 26, 2025

In John 14:15 the Lord says to us, “If you love Me, keep my commandments!”  But maybe you’ve noticed that along our path of obedience, there are some obstacles!  Whether it be people, things, voices or circumstances. So today on Abounding Grace pastor Ed Taylor will help us maintain steady obedience, no matter the obstacles.  

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References: Acts 21:1-25

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One Minute Answers to Skeptics

Hey do you know of a few skeptics in your circle of friends and family? And maybe you’re met with some objections and questions that you really don’t know the answer to! Like, “Why doesn’t God just appear to us in a public setting and prove He exists?” Or how about this one, “The Bible condones slavery. Only evil, selfish men would concoct a book like that!” Our pick of the month is One Minute Answers to Skeptics by Charlie Campbell. You’ll learn clear and concise responses to the top 50 questions and objections in this helpful little book.

Past Episodes

How is a leader to lead and serve in the local church?  Ask ten different Christians, you might get ten different answers.  But we want to answer that with Acts twenty in view today on Abounding Grace.  Pastor Ed Taylor is going to zoom in on a few things we should watch out for in our spiritual lives.  And even if you’re not a leader, or aspiring to be one, there’s something in this for you to take in and apply as well!  In Acts 20, verses 31-38 Paul is sharing with the Ephesian elders a series of warnings.
March 25, 2025
In chapter 20 Paul is near the end of his third missionary journey, and he gathers together with the elders in the church at Ephesus.  He’s got some great wisdom to share with them personally as they go about leading the church, that we can certainly benefit a great deal from!  Today pastor Ed will draw attention to some things to watch out for as we set out to serve the Lord!
March 24, 2025
As believers we recognize we’re save by grace through faith, and that’s a total work of God.  He gets all the glory for that right!  But did you realize, your growth and the good in your life, comes from God too?  All glory is to go to God, for His work in our lives.  Our sufficiency is from the Lord.  And that’s the emphasis of today’s Abounding Grace as pastor Ed Taylor dives back into Second Corinthians three.
March 22, 2025
In Acts 20 the apostle Paul is sensing his days on earth are few, and so he wants to share a few important things with a group of elders from Ephesus.  Pastor Ed Taylor is going to focus on some protective direction from Paul as we highlight verses 25-31!  He’ll show us today that a pastor feeds and protects the flock.
March 21, 2025
The apostle Paul encouraged the church leaders in Acts 20 and we stand to benefit from it.  As we focus on verses 25-31 today we’ll discover that a pastor feeds and protects the flock.  The same holds true for parents and even friends.  So this has application for everyone!
March 20, 2025
Have you been to a conference, or retreat and walked away from it greatly impacted as the Spirit of God was at work in and through the speaker and all that was said and done?  As we open Acts 20 you could say the apostle Paul is leading a pastors and church leaders conference, and the Spirit was very much at work!  You’ll get to hear this powerful sermon and we’ll receive 6 essentials for serving Jesus!  
March 19, 2025
Every once in a while it’s not a bad idea to get a refresher in Christian service, what it should be all about, and what our motivation should be as we’re engaged in it!  And that’s what we have in Acts chapter 20.  Today and tomorrow on Abounding Grace pastor Ed Taylor has a look at six essentials for serving Jesus.  We’re learning how to serve in these difficult last days!  
March 18, 2025
On today’s broadcast we join pastor Ed in Acts chapter twenty.  Having discerned it was time to leave Ephesus the apostle Paul and his missionary team are now headed to Macedonia and then on to Greece.  You might think of this as a travel log and it’s clear Paul didn’t do anything alone! 
March 17, 2025
Young or old, new believer or seasoned saint… you can be confident the Lord wants to use you!  And isn’t that encouraging?  But we need to realize our sufficiency comes from God, and not in and of ourselves.  This comes to light through a study in Second Corinthians three, where Paul expresses His sufficiency is in the Lord!  Today on Abounding Grace we’ll learn more about that.  
March 15, 2025
Today on Abounding Grace pastor Ed Taylor opens the book of Acts. We meet up with the Apostle Paul in Acts chapter twenty convening a pastor’s conference of sorts. Paul gathers the elders of the Church and encourages them in their calling to keep giving out. Perhaps you need some encouragement to step out and serve?  
March 14, 2025
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About Abounding Grace

Each day on 'Abounding Grace' you will be encouraged to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

About Pastor Ed Taylor

Pastor Ed is a native of Southern California. Ed responded to the gospel in 1991 at Calvary Chapel in Downey, CA. There he spent eight years learning, growing and serving. In 1999, sensing the call of God, Ed and his family moved to the Denver area hoping to be used by God. In December 1999, Calvary Church began Sunday services and today impacts the community for Jesus in wonderful ways.

Pastor Ed's heart is to be transparent from the pulpit, as he truly desires that everyone, from all walks of life, will embrace Jesus and grow in His grace. Ed and his wife Marie have been married since 1989 and have three children, of which their oldest son Eddie went to be with the Lord in 2013. Ed and Marie also have a precious grandson, Eddie's son.

Contact Abounding Grace with Pastor Ed Taylor

Mailing Address
Calvary Church w/ Ed Taylor
18900 East Hampden Avenue
Aurora, CO 80013