Monday, May 17, 2021

How to Avoid Spiritual Stagnation

“Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example” (Philippians 3:17 NLT).

After I accepted Christ at the age of 17 on my high school campus, I was oblivious to what I had just done.

The school bell rang, lunch was over, and I didn’t realize what had actually happened to me. No one was there to say, “Hey, Greg, here’s a New Believer’s Bible. Why don’t you read this?” No one invited me to church that weekend. No one was there to do anything.

But thank God there was a guy named Mark who approached me a day or so later and introduced himself. He said, “Hey, I saw that you went forward and prayed to ask Christ into your life the other day at our lunchtime Bible study.”

Feeling a little defensive, I said, “Yeah, what of it?”

“Well, I think that’s great,” Mark said. “I want you to come to church with me.”

“I don’t want to do that.”

But Mark persisted, and the next thing I knew, he was at my house picking me up and taking me to church. Mark introduced me to the church and also introduced me to his Christian family. He took the time to explain the basics to me. In short, he began to disciple me.

I could have fallen through the cracks after I accepted Christ. And sadly, there are a lot of new Christians that do.

Would you be willing to be a Mark to one of those people? Not only will you be helping a brand-new Christian mature in the faith, but you will be doing yourself some good as well.

God has given us the blessings that we experience as Christians to share, not to hoard. If you only take in and never share your faith, you will stagnate spiritually.

Will you help fulfill the Great Commission and disciple someone?

Copyright © 2021 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.

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We’ve all been afraid. It’s not a fun feeling. Especially when it becomes full-blown anxiety. The Bible is full of reasons to “fear not!” Pastor Greg’s book, God’s Answer to Fear, Worry, and Anxiety will remind you of those reasons.

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