Wednesday, December 11, 2024

How to Have a Blessed Christmas

Let us go to the sanctuary of the Lord; let us worship at the footstool of his throne. (Psalm 132:7 NLT)

The Bible doesn’t tell us much about the boyhood years of Jesus. But it does give us an instance where Mary and Joseph went to Jerusalem for the Passover celebration, and they took twelve-year-old Jesus with them. Then they made the journey back home.

In those days, the men and women traveled separately. Joseph thought that Jesus was with Mary. And Mary thought that Jesus was with Joseph. But then they realized they had lost Jesus. So, they frantically made their way back to Jerusalem. They found Him in the temple three days later, where He was speaking with the elders. 

Jesus said to them, “Didn’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49 NLT). Imagine the panicked couple running around town, asking people if they had seen their son.

We can become so busy, especially at this time of year, that we don’t have time for God. We can be so busy celebrating Christmas that we lose Jesus. We string the lights, trim the tree, and buy the gifts. And during all this busyness, we can forget all about the Lord. We can lose Jesus just like Mary and Joseph did.

We Americans are so busy. You could write on our tombstones, “Hurried. Worried. Buried.” We’re always rushing about, and that is more evident at Christmas than at any other time of year. Lines are long and tempers are short.

We think Christmas will bring us some measure of happiness. But after so much buildup, Christmas can be a letdown. Then there is the mess and cleaning up. Soon the bills start arriving, and reality kicks in.

Experts tell us that calls to psychiatrists and emergency rooms increase during this time of year. That is because Christmas can’t measure up to its romanticized image.

So many of us say, “I would like to make time for God, but I am just so busy. I work too hard and don’t have any time in my schedule. I would like to go to church, but there just isn’t time for that. I would like to read my Bible, but I just can’t find the time.”

However, we find time for what is important to us.

It seems the only place where there ever was room for Jesus was on a cross where He died for the sins of the world. Ironically, Jesus Himself said, “There is more than enough room in my Father’s home” (John 14:2 NLT).

We don’t have room for Him, but He has many rooms for us. Jesus took His place in a manger so that we could have a home in Heaven.

So, let’s forget about the clutter and hype and replace it with the Christ of Christmas. Then it will be great. It is not about Christmas presents; it is about His presence in our lives. The message of the season is not “let it snow” or “let us shop.” It is “let us worship.”

If we will focus on that, then Christmas will be a blessed time for us.

Copyright © 2024 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.

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