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Of Whom the World is Not Worthy

November 18, 2020

We all face trials; many of us face some form of persecution. But the Lord wants us to persevere…and He equips us for the journey. Wednesday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us draw strength from those in the Bible who came before us. Good encouragement for times of crisis!

Featured Offer

In thanks for your gift, receive a copy of House of David: 30 Days with the Man After God’s

King David was a shepherd, a warrior, a king—and a man after God’s own heart. Official companion to the Amazon Prime series House of David, a new devotional from Pastor Greg Laurie dives deep into David’s life, the psalms he wrote, and the lessons we can learn from his triumphs and struggles. Grow in your walk with God as you explore the extraordinary life of David. Get your copy today with your gift to Harvest Ministries.

Past Episodes

We know life is fragile. The Bible tells us life is a vapor. But Tuesday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie assures us that God has numbered our days. Our lives are as long as He ordains. And He not only appoints our days, He appoints our tasks while we’re here. Learn more!
November 17, 2020
We all have ups and downs in our walk with the Lord … but that inconsistency is the enemy of solid Christian growth. Monday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us learn from the ups and downs in the life of King David. We’ll learn how to chart a course for consistent forward momentum!
November 16, 2020
We all want to do great things for God. But if it seems that you’re not the kind of person God is looking for, you may be EXACTLY who God is looking for! Friday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how David was a quiet shepherd boy, but God used him greatly. Get encouraged!
November 13, 2020
We may have come to the Lord late in life, and we may have walked a crooked path in getting there. But Pastor Greg Laurie says the thing that matters is how we finish! Thursday on A NEW BEGINNING, we’ll see it’s never too late to do the right thing. Important insights from Pastor Greg’s World Changers series!
November 12, 2020
We have an adversary who knows how to deliver a custom-made temptation right to our doorstep. Pastor Greg Laurie points out a case-in-point in the Bible’s great strongman named Samson. Wednesday on A NEW BEGINNING, we’ll learn important lessons from Samson’s temptation, and his great fall. Tune in!
November 11, 2020
When the Lord delivered His people from the Midianites, He equipped them with nothing more than musical instruments, an untrained leader, and the power of His Mighty Hand! Tuesday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie highlights the Lord’s victory over the Midianites. Good inspiration coming!
November 10, 2020
Pastor Greg Laurie says, when God does something extraordinary through a rather ordinary man or woman, God Himself gets the glory. Monday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg shows us how we can make ourselves available for something extraordinary. Tune in for important insight!
November 9, 2020
Many times, we face extraordinary challenges in life. And it’s obvious it’ll take extraordinary help to get us out of the mess! Pastor Greg Laurie points out that God specializes in the extraordinary! Friday on A NEW BEGINNING, tune in for a look at the way God miraculously delivered the children of Israel. Be listening for strong reassurance.
November 6, 2020
When a tough problem has us backed into a corner and we can’t see a way out, Pastor Greg Laurie says God always has a plan. Thursday on A NEW BEGINNING, we’ll see the Israelites faced virtual annihilation – but God delivered them in a miraculous way! Great encouragement coming!
November 5, 2020
Every day . . . in everything you do . . . you’re the Lord’s representative to the world. How’s that going for you? Tune in for important encouragement Wednesday on A NEW BEGINNING. Pastor Greg Laurie brings solid counsel for World Changers – people who want to impact their culture
November 4, 2020
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About A New Beginning

A New Beginning features the teaching of Greg Laurie, senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California. Join Pastor Greg as he teaches God's Word in a relevant, practical, and understandable way. Discover biblical insights and learn how to know God and make Him known!

About Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie is the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship with campuses in California and Hawaii. Today, Harvest is one of the largest churches in America with over 15,000 attendees. Greg Laurie is also the founder of the evangelistic events called Harvest Crusades with over nine million attendees and over half a million professions of faith. In addition, Greg’s daily nationally syndicated radio program, A New Beginning which is heard on over 1000 radio stations.

Greg Laurie is the author of over 70 books including Steve McQueen: The Salvation of an American Icon and Lost Boy amongst others. He has also produced several award-winning films including A Rush of Hope which saw millions tune in for the first-ever cinematic crusade. Greg is married to Cathe Laurie and has two sons and five grandchildren.


Contact A New Beginning with Greg Laurie

Mailing Address
A New Beginning
P.O. Box 4000
Riverside, CA 92514