A Daily Walk

John Randall

Resurrection Sunday

April 7, 2023

This weekend Christians all over the world are recalling the great sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross, and the good news that He’s alive! But what does this great truth mean for your life today? More than you may realize! Because the tomb is empty, your life no longer needs to be empty. You can experience joy, fulfillment and life everlasting.

References: Matthew 28

Featured Offer

Pleasing God
This month we’d like to make special mention of an excellent book written by Kay Smith titled, “Pleasing God.”  We face choices every day, and we hope it’s your desire to please God as you go about making those decisions. In Pleasing God, Kay Smith encourages women to think of God first and to live with His pleasure in mind!  


Prayer is a great privilege. Just think we have access to our Father in heaven 24/7, anytime we want. But too often we go about it all the wrong way. As if He’s a genie in a bottle, there to grant any wish we have. So how should we pray? We’re given some much needed guidance in the Sermon on the Mount from the ultimate teacher Jesus Himself.
April 6, 2023
When you give who’s approval and applause are you seeking? Man’s or God’s? We’ll allow that penetrating question to examine our own hearts today on a Daily Walk. Today we’ll be covering the first few verses of Matthew six. Throughout the Scriptures we’re encouraged to give. But as we’ll see in our study today, Jesus has His eye on more than just our outward actions.He’s also concerned with why we’re doing what we’re doing, and even how we do it!
April 5, 2023
We’ve reached Matthew chapter six today where we’re exhorted by Christ to do good deeds and give. Now there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about it. While many are seeking the approval and applause of people, as they do something good, the Lord wants us to bring Him all the glory instead.
April 4, 2023
We all have difficult people in our lives, who perhaps hurl insults our way, spew hatred in our direction, or act in some malicious way to us. Do we give them a little taste of their own medicine, and get them back for all they’ve done? Actually, as we’ll see today on a Daily Walk we’re called to love them.
April 3, 2023
We’ve all been hurt by the actions or words of another, and it can sure sting! And if we’re not careful it can turn into anger and unforgiveness. In the midst of His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spent some time talking about anger and murder. He not only identified the sin, but also pointed to the remedy. And we’ll receive that medicine for a murderous heart today on Daily Walk.
April 1, 2023
From the politician who says one thing and does another, to the student who cheats on a test, or the salesman that shades the truth to close the deal...  We can’t help but ask, where is integrity these days?  Jesus has something important to say on the subject, and we’ll have that for you today on a Daily Walk as we get back into the Sermon on the Mount.  How good is your word?  Find out as we look into THE WORD. Pastor John Randall is covering Matthew five, verses 33-48.
March 31, 2023
People give all sorts of reasons for divorce, from a love grown cold, to no longer being happy, or marital infidelity!  And divorce is occurring at an alarming rate in our world today… even in the church!  As shocking as that is and as rampant as divorce is in our generation - divorce was commonplace in Jesus’ day too. And the Lord taught on the subject in His Sermon on the Mount. Today on a Daily Walk, we’ll hear what He has to say.  And pastor John Randall will identify God’s purpose and plan for your marriage.  Along the way, you’ll discover how your marriage can not only survive, but thrive!  Join us in Matthew five, verses thirty-one and thirty-two.  
March 30, 2023
Marriage is sacred and something God created with a purpose in mind.  He put it together and wants it to stay together for a lifetime. It’s not hard to see a growing number of marriages today are ending in divorce! Ever wonder why and what if anything can be done about it?  Let’s look into that today on A Daily Walk.  We’ll be camping out in Matthew chapter five and verses thirty-one and thirty-two.
March 29, 2023
Marriage is God’s idea.  He designed the union of a man and a woman to be a permanent lifetime commitment.  He understood that without commitment, you can’t establish trust and without trust, there can’t be true intimacy. When the trust is broken by adultery it’s extremely devastating.  Just look around for evidence of that! Pastor John Randall is teaching through the Sermon on the Mount and today on a Daily Walk we come to the subjects of Anger and Adultery. 
March 28, 2023
Today on a Daily Walk we learn that Jesus didn’t come to destroy the law, but rather fulfill it!  But what should our response to the law be?  You’re about to find out as pastor John Randall returns to his study of the Sermon on the Mount. We’ll take you to Matthew chapter five verses seventeen through twenty.  
March 27, 2023
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Featured Offer

Pleasing God
This month we’d like to make special mention of an excellent book written by Kay Smith titled, “Pleasing God.”  We face choices every day, and we hope it’s your desire to please God as you go about making those decisions. In Pleasing God, Kay Smith encourages women to think of God first and to live with His pleasure in mind!  

About A Daily Walk

John Randall is the Senior Pastor of Calvary South OC located in San Clemente CA. John has been serving in pastoral ministry for over 25 years and is the featured speaker on the Bible teaching radio program "A Daily Walk."  He is known for his clear and relatable presentation of the Scriptures.

About John Randall

As a child, John’s family  began attending Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa  in 1974.  It was there that he attended  the elementary school, Jr. High, and graduated from Calvary Chapel High School.  Following graduation he went on staff at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa as a janitor. It was also at this time that he met his wife Michelle who was teaching at Calvary’s elementary school.

After four years on staff  having served in children’s ministry, high school ministry and worship John went on staff at Calvary Chapel in Vista CA. 

In 1997 the Randall’s set out on a venture of faith to the SouthEast of Florida where they planted their first church, Calvary Chapel of Brandon. After ten years of ministry in Florida the Lord called the Randall's back to Southern California where John currently pastors at  Calvary South OC.  John has been serving in pastoral ministry for over 25 years and is the featured speaker on the Bible teaching radio program "A Daily Walk." He is known for his clear and relate-able presentation of the Scriptures. John and his wife Michelle have four children. 


Contact A Daily Walk with John Randall

Calvary South OC
1311 Calle Batido 
San Clemente CA 92673


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