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Ministers Within the Church Part 1

April 7, 2022

Maybe you’re the type of person that hits the gym on a regular basis, seeking to improve your physical health or appearance.  While that’s certainly not a bad thing, there is something even more important that we want to focus your attention on!  And that is to exercise ourselves toward godliness!  We’re talking about how we can be effective servants or ministers of God today on a Daily Walk, as we dive back into First Timothy.  Pastor John Randall has an eye on chapter four which lays out the qualities that make for a good minister!

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References: 1 Timothy 4:6-16

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Encouraging Words for a Discouraging World by David Jeremiah

Let’s face it, we live in a discouraging and chaotic world! At times it can be overwhelming, and it would be easy to lose heart and hope! So we’ve picked out an encouraging resource for you called, “Encouraging Words for a Discouraging World!” Authored by David Jeremiah. You’ll read 10 biblical promises that will bring comfort in the chaos.

Past Episodes

Why is the church so important?  We’ll pursue the answer to that question as we open up First Timothy today on a Daily Walk.  We have a message the world desperately needs to hear, and we’re to uphold the truth! But we’re told in the last days people in large numbers will depart from the truth of the gospel.  Paul is about to warn Timothy about false doctrine, and it’s something we need to hear today as well!  
April 6, 2022
If I were to ask you what is the church, would you immediately think of a building where people gather for worship?  I think it’s safe to say many would, but today on a Daily Walk we learn what the church really is.  It’s really not a building, but a family of people that belongs to God!  In First Timothy three we get a 3 fold description of the church that we can benefit from!  
April 5, 2022
Today on a Daily Walk we get right back into our study of First Timothy.  Recently we’ve been talking about leadership in the church, and today the focus is on the deacons, or those who serve in the church.  They are to serve out of a motivation of love for the Lord, and have certain characteristics in their lives. 
April 4, 2022
Today we begin a fascinating study framed around the throne of God.  Just think of it, the apostle John had the great privilege of being taken into the heavenly realm.  We stand to benefit, as he described what he saw here in Revelation.  Today in chapter four the focus is on the throne of God, who’s on it, what’s around it, and what’s coming from it too!  
April 2, 2022
How are you serving the Lord today?  If you’re struggling to come up with an answer, be encouraged that we all have a role to play in the church!  Today on a Daily Walk we turn your attention to First Timothy three, which describes the role of Deacons in the church.  And a Deacon really is a servant! Pastor John will relate this to our calling to serve, with Jesus as our wonderful model.
April 1, 2022
PastorJohn Randall is midway through a study of First Timothy.  Timothy was given the responsibility of selecting godly leadership in the church, but what should he look for?  Paul gave him some help and listed 16 qualifications that should be a part of the pastor’s life.  And these are characteristics to be found in today’s church leader too!  
March 31, 2022
Many of us are leaders in some capacity… whether it’s at home, at work or in the church!  Today on a Daily Walk we’re going to take notice of the qualifications that are to be met for leaders in the church.  
March 30, 2022
When you’re on the job hunt it’s a good idea to look over the job description to see if you meet the qualifications and have the necessary skill set!  Today on a Daily Walk we’ll see the job description of the pastor in the church.  
March 29, 2022
Pastor John Randall has an eye on First Timothy chapter three on today’s broadcast.  We’re talking about leadership within the church today.  
March 28, 2022
In many parts of the country the hot weather in the summer can be unbearable at times, but in the Winter months not enough heat can be a problem.  Today on a Daily Walk pastor John Randall continues his look at the Lord’s letter to the Laodiceans in Revelation three, verses fourteen through twenty-two. In this case, heat would be a good thing. The Lord wanted his churches to be on fire for the Gospel, but the Laodiceans were lukewarm. In many respects, this is worse than being completely cold, and we’ll find out why on today’s program. 
March 26, 2022
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About A Daily Walk

John Randall is the Senior Pastor of Calvary South OC located in San Clemente CA. John has been serving in pastoral ministry for over 25 years and is the featured speaker on the Bible teaching radio program "A Daily Walk."  He is known for his clear and relatable presentation of the Scriptures.

About John Randall

As a child, John’s family  began attending Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa  in 1974.  It was there that he attended  the elementary school, Jr. High, and graduated from Calvary Chapel High School.  Following graduation he went on staff at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa as a janitor. It was also at this time that he met his wife Michelle who was teaching at Calvary’s elementary school.

After four years on staff  having served in children’s ministry, high school ministry and worship John went on staff at Calvary Chapel in Vista CA. 

In 1997 the Randall’s set out on a venture of faith to the SouthEast of Florida where they planted their first church, Calvary Chapel of Brandon. After ten years of ministry in Florida the Lord called the Randall's back to Southern California where John currently pastors at  Calvary South OC.  John has been serving in pastoral ministry for over 25 years and is the featured speaker on the Bible teaching radio program "A Daily Walk." He is known for his clear and relate-able presentation of the Scriptures. John and his wife Michelle have four children. 


Contact A Daily Walk with John Randall

Calvary South OC
1311 Calle Batido 
San Clemente CA 92673


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