A Daily Walk

John Randall

Introduction to the Book of Mark Part 2

July 17, 2023

Whether you’re pastoring a church, a small group leader, or a missionary on a foreign land… the ministry you’re involved in should be all about Jesus!  If it’s not, you’re off track! Today we give attention to the life and ministry of John the Baptist.  It’s not hard to see, he was sold out to Christ and his ministry focus was all about Christ.  Talk about a great model for us today to follow!  We’re in Mark chapter one.

References: Mark 1:1-13

Featured Offer

Pleasing God
This month we’d like to make special mention of an excellent book written by Kay Smith titled, “Pleasing God.”  We face choices every day, and we hope it’s your desire to please God as you go about making those decisions. In Pleasing God, Kay Smith encourages women to think of God first and to live with His pleasure in mind!  


Anxiety and worry - it’s an everyday part of life for many Americans.  When there are cutbacks at work and your boss says there’s no longer a place for you, or the doctor says its cancer and you’re not sure how you’ll be able to pay for treatment… you may start to get anxious and worry.  Join us for a Daily Walk as we have another look at the Sermon on the Mount and hear what Jesus has to say on the subject.  
July 15, 2023
Today we embark on a new series in the book of Mark.  As the second book in the New Testament, the Book of Mark is also the shortest of the four gospels.  Mark doesn’t go into the same detail the other three gospel writers do, but he has a unique and important message to convey about the amazing life of Jesus…. And presents Him as the Suffering Servant!  
July 14, 2023
Today pastor John Randall will conclude his verse by verse study through Matthew. If you’ve been with us for every broadcast, you have studied in depth the greatest life ever led - that of the Lord Jesus Christ. And of course, the story has a happy ending because there is no ending - He rose from the grave and is preparing a place for you and me in Heaven! 
July 13, 2023
As we’ve studied Matthew over the past few days, we’ve seen the pain and humiliation Jesus experienced on the cross.  The good news is that no crucifixion, no spear in His side, no burial in a tomb could defeat Him! He is risen! That’s the theme of Matthew chapter twenty-eight. 
July 12, 2023
We’re going to return to Matthew twenty-seven today, as we near the end of our series through this wonderful account of the Lord’s life.  And you’re about to hear a detailed description of all that Jesus suffered at the cross, and even before it, taking on the punishment our sins deserved.  It was His great love for mankind that drove Him to do this. Keep that in mind as you listen.  
July 11, 2023
We near the end of our verse by verse journey through Matthew.  And we come to the climax of the story of Christ, where Jesus does what He came to do, dying on the cross for our sins.  But what led up to this is also significant.  
July 10, 2023
Financial experts have varying opinions when it comes to investing, but most will agree on the principle of diversification.  In other words, “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket”. However, when it comes to storing up heavenly treasures, that doesn’t apply. We need only invest in heavenly stock, and this wise investment will lead to eternal spiritual dividends. We’ll examine our relationship to what we have today on a Daily Walk. Pastor John Randall is currently teaching from the Sermon on the Mount, in Matthew six.  
July 8, 2023
If you’re a regular listener, you know that we’ve been spending a good deal of time in the gospel of Matthew.  Just part of our through the Bible study.  Today pastor John Randall will share a message centered around the arrest and trials of Jesus. We’ve all heard stories of unjustified arrests, but this takes the cake, He was completely innocent and yet allowed it all to happen!  
July 7, 2023
We’ll be in the gospel of Matthew chapter 26. Jesus is on the road to the cross and about to be arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane.  It would be right here that He would be betrayed by one of His disciples.  If you’ve ever been betrayed by someone close to you, well you know how awful that is!  Few things in life are as painful as that.  Let’s see how Jesus handled it all! 
July 6, 2023
If you’re a regular listener, you know we’ve spent several months going verse by verse through the gospel of Matthew. We’ve now reached a pivotal section in this account of the Lord’s earthly life and ministry.  In chapter sixteen we have a very touching scene where Mary is worshipping at the feet of Jesus.  While some were critical of her, Jesus saw it for what it truly was… pure worship.  And it should inspire us all to do the same.  
July 5, 2023
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Pleasing God
This month we’d like to make special mention of an excellent book written by Kay Smith titled, “Pleasing God.”  We face choices every day, and we hope it’s your desire to please God as you go about making those decisions. In Pleasing God, Kay Smith encourages women to think of God first and to live with His pleasure in mind!  

About A Daily Walk

John Randall is the Senior Pastor of Calvary South OC located in San Clemente CA. John has been serving in pastoral ministry for over 25 years and is the featured speaker on the Bible teaching radio program "A Daily Walk."  He is known for his clear and relatable presentation of the Scriptures.

About John Randall

As a child, John’s family  began attending Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa  in 1974.  It was there that he attended  the elementary school, Jr. High, and graduated from Calvary Chapel High School.  Following graduation he went on staff at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa as a janitor. It was also at this time that he met his wife Michelle who was teaching at Calvary’s elementary school.

After four years on staff  having served in children’s ministry, high school ministry and worship John went on staff at Calvary Chapel in Vista CA. 

In 1997 the Randall’s set out on a venture of faith to the SouthEast of Florida where they planted their first church, Calvary Chapel of Brandon. After ten years of ministry in Florida the Lord called the Randall's back to Southern California where John currently pastors at  Calvary South OC.  John has been serving in pastoral ministry for over 25 years and is the featured speaker on the Bible teaching radio program "A Daily Walk." He is known for his clear and relate-able presentation of the Scriptures. John and his wife Michelle have four children. 


Contact A Daily Walk with John Randall

Calvary South OC
1311 Calle Batido 
San Clemente CA 92673


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