A Daily Walk

John Randall

Divorce and Remarriage Part 1

March 29, 2023

Marriage is sacred and something God created with a purpose in mind.  He put it together and wants it to stay together for a lifetime. It’s not hard to see a growing number of marriages today are ending in divorce! Ever wonder why and what if anything can be done about it?  Let’s look into that today on A Daily Walk.  We’ll be camping out in Matthew chapter five and verses thirty-one and thirty-two.

References: Matthew 5:31-32

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Pleasing God
This month we’d like to make special mention of an excellent book written by Kay Smith titled, “Pleasing God.”  We face choices every day, and we hope it’s your desire to please God as you go about making those decisions. In Pleasing God, Kay Smith encourages women to think of God first and to live with His pleasure in mind!  


Marriage is God’s idea.  He designed the union of a man and a woman to be a permanent lifetime commitment.  He understood that without commitment, you can’t establish trust and without trust, there can’t be true intimacy. When the trust is broken by adultery it’s extremely devastating.  Just look around for evidence of that! Pastor John Randall is teaching through the Sermon on the Mount and today on a Daily Walk we come to the subjects of Anger and Adultery. 
March 28, 2023
Today on a Daily Walk we learn that Jesus didn’t come to destroy the law, but rather fulfill it!  But what should our response to the law be?  You’re about to find out as pastor John Randall returns to his study of the Sermon on the Mount. We’ll take you to Matthew chapter five verses seventeen through twenty.  
March 27, 2023
Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.  Not by works, so that no one can boast!”  That sure makes it clear, we’re saved by grace and not by trying to live up to the standard of the law.  But does that mean the law of God is unnecessary?  Today on a Daily Walk we learn that Jesus didn’t come to destroy the law, but rather fulfill it!  
March 25, 2023
We’ve all experienced it… you dig into a meal and discover it doesn’t have enough salt.  It’s bland!  It’s about that time you reach for the salt-shaker right?  While delivering His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus likened the Christian to salt and light. We’ll see how we can be salt to a world desperate for some good seasoning!  It’s part of pastor John Randall’s study in Matthew and the Sermon on the Mount.  So join us for a Daily Walk as we turn to Matthew chapter five, and hear what Jesus has to say about Salt and Light.
March 24, 2023
You witness to a friend and now they’re no longer speaking to you!   You take a stand against something God condemns in His Word, like abortion, and start receiving hate mail in your dm’s!  Persecution is to be expected as followers of Christ.  But don’t let that get you down.  It’s an opportunity to look up to your reward in heaven, realizing you’re in good company.  That message rings loud and clear in the Sermon on the Mount, and that’s where we join pastor John Randall for a Daily Walk. 
March 23, 2023
Have you ever tried to put something together without reading the instructions first?  How did that go for you?  If your experience is like mine, it usually doesn’t turn out so well.  Today on a Daily Walk we find that God has clearly layed out in His Word how we’re to conduct ourselves as His disciples.  And we’d do well to read the instruction manual and then apply it!  Matthew chapter five contains the great sermon on the mount.  
March 22, 2023
You’ve probably heard some great sermons over the years, maybe even from your own pastor.  But how would you like to hear a sermon directly from the Lord Jesus?  Here’s your chance, beginning today on a Daily Walk.  We turn to the Sermon on the Mount  - without a doubt the greatest sermon ever delivered by the Greatest teacher of all time…Jesus. Today pastor John Randall will offer some introductory thoughts and then get into the beatitudes. 
March 21, 2023
We’re going through the Bible right now, and today we pickup where we left off in Matthew chapter 4.  If you’ll recall this is where Jesus was tempted in the Wilderness.  And just like our Lord faced temptation during His time on earth, so too will we.  And I’m glad to say there’s a way to overcome.  Pastor John Randall will utilize this time together to point out several practical steps we can take in overcoming temptation in our daily walk.
March 20, 2023
We’ve all experienced it, you dig into a meal and discover it doesn’t have enough salt.  It’s bland!  It’s about that time you reach for the salt shaker right?  While delivering His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus likened the Christian to salt and light. We’ll see how we can be salt to a world desperate for some good seasoning!  It’s part of pastor John Randall’s look at the Sermon on the Mount.  
March 18, 2023
Temptation… it’s something we all face in our Daily Walk.  Whether it’s to look at something on the internet that we shouldn’t, lash out in anger, or even worry when a trial hits.  Today on a Daily Walk we’ll recall a time in King Jesus’ life when He was tempted.  It’ll serve to help us the next time temptation strikes our own lives.  
March 17, 2023
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Pleasing God
This month we’d like to make special mention of an excellent book written by Kay Smith titled, “Pleasing God.”  We face choices every day, and we hope it’s your desire to please God as you go about making those decisions. In Pleasing God, Kay Smith encourages women to think of God first and to live with His pleasure in mind!  

About A Daily Walk

John Randall is the Senior Pastor of Calvary South OC located in San Clemente CA. John has been serving in pastoral ministry for over 25 years and is the featured speaker on the Bible teaching radio program "A Daily Walk."  He is known for his clear and relatable presentation of the Scriptures.

About John Randall

As a child, John’s family  began attending Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa  in 1974.  It was there that he attended  the elementary school, Jr. High, and graduated from Calvary Chapel High School.  Following graduation he went on staff at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa as a janitor. It was also at this time that he met his wife Michelle who was teaching at Calvary’s elementary school.

After four years on staff  having served in children’s ministry, high school ministry and worship John went on staff at Calvary Chapel in Vista CA. 

In 1997 the Randall’s set out on a venture of faith to the SouthEast of Florida where they planted their first church, Calvary Chapel of Brandon. After ten years of ministry in Florida the Lord called the Randall's back to Southern California where John currently pastors at  Calvary South OC.  John has been serving in pastoral ministry for over 25 years and is the featured speaker on the Bible teaching radio program "A Daily Walk." He is known for his clear and relate-able presentation of the Scriptures. John and his wife Michelle have four children. 


Contact A Daily Walk with John Randall

Calvary South OC
1311 Calle Batido 
San Clemente CA 92673


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