A Daily Walk

John Randall

All Things are Possible Part 1

August 25, 2023

Here on A Daily Walk, pastor John Randall will take us to Mark chapter ten, where the subject at hand is marriage and divorce and raising our kids for Christ.  It’s not hard to see the impact the breakdown of the family has had.  When a couple chooses to go their separate ways, there are long lasting consequences.  But God didn’t intend for it to be this way.  His desire is that we have a healthy home, and a thriving marital relationship. 

References: Mark 10:9-31

Featured Offer

Pleasing God
This month we’d like to make special mention of an excellent book written by Kay Smith titled, “Pleasing God.”  We face choices every day, and we hope it’s your desire to please God as you go about making those decisions. In Pleasing God, Kay Smith encourages women to think of God first and to live with His pleasure in mind!  


Mark chapter ten is about as contemporary as it gets, as it deals with a problem that is prevalent to say the least.  Back in the first century, men were divorcing their wives left and right.  Sound familiar?  The Pharisees of that day asked Jesus if that was lawful.  We’ll see what our Lord had to say on the matter here on this edition of A Daily Walk as pastor John Randall returns to his series in Mark.  
August 24, 2023
Today on a Daily Walk pastor John Randall encourages us to work toward unity.  After all we’re on the same team, worshipping the same God.  That’s the message Jesus seeks to get across to His disciples in Mark chapter nine, and we’d do well to take it to heart.  
August 23, 2023
Today we derive great encouragement from Mark chapter nine, where Jesus not only dealt with the needs of His disciples, but performed several miracles as well. He took Peter, James and John with Him up to a high mountain and was transfigured before them.  He also later encountered a desperate father who had a boy that was demon possessed.  Maybe that’s where you’re at today… desperate?  Let’s be encouraged to take that to Jesus, and see what He can do!
August 22, 2023
Many of us have wondered what it will be like to see God as He is.  We’re told, as Christians, that will be a reality one day in heaven.  But wouldn’t it be nice to get a glimpse of that glory here on earth?   Peter, James, and John had that opportunity on a mountain one day and we’ll take a look at their experience here on this edition of A Daily Walk.  
August 21, 2023
Today on a Daily Walk our teacher, pastor John Randall will present a message on false prophets and teachers. This teaching is based on the Sermon on the Mount, in Matthew chapter seven. False teachers are certainly prevalent today as they were in Jesus’ day. Christ warns us that these false prophets are ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing. That should serve as a wake-up call to every believer to learn to tell the difference from a true man of God and a ravenous wolf. Today we’ll discover that to learn a man’s intent, you need look no further than his life, and the fruit he bears.
August 19, 2023
The Christian life is far from easy and at times people will even question what we’re doing because it seems illogical.  But the reward for determining to follow Jesus is far greater than anything we leave behind!  Today on a Daily Walk we’ll take a look at the difficult path the Lord calls us to.  It starts with a desire, and that leads to a decision, a denial of self, and then death to self! Jesus laid down His life for us and now He calls us to live a crucified life. 
August 18, 2023
Pastor John Randall will be in Mark chapter eight, and verses 22-38.  Here we find another miracle performed by Jesus, featuring a blind man from Bethsaida.  There are a good number of lessons flowing from it, as we’ll soon see.  Like, his friends saw his need and brought him to Jesus.  That’s exactly the kind of friend we need to be.  
August 17, 2023
Compassionate and loving, we see that demonstrated time and time again in the life and ministry of Christ whether it was to a person individually or to a multitude of people.  We’ll see some more examples of that today. Jesus healed the sick and fed the multitudes!  And these were clear signs of who He is - and what He’s all about.  But He also set aside time with His disciples to teach them valuable lessons.  Pastor John Randall has an eye on Mark chapters seven and eight. 
August 16, 2023
John Randall is currently leading us through the gospel of Mark. This account of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ contains many relevant lessons for us. We’ll begin in Mark seven at verse fourteen, where Jesus confronts the religious leaders about their hypocrisy.  If we’re wise we’ll look within to see if there’s even a trace of hypocrisy in our own lives that needs to be rooted out.
August 15, 2023
The feeding of the 5,000 is so much more than a miracle… it’s a miracle with an important message.  And pastor John Randall believes it contains something you need to hear about serving Jesus.  He’ll draw that out for us today on a Daily Walk.   We’re going through Mark at the present time and today we’ll pay a visit to chapters six and seven.  
August 14, 2023
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Featured Offer

Pleasing God
This month we’d like to make special mention of an excellent book written by Kay Smith titled, “Pleasing God.”  We face choices every day, and we hope it’s your desire to please God as you go about making those decisions. In Pleasing God, Kay Smith encourages women to think of God first and to live with His pleasure in mind!  

About A Daily Walk

John Randall is the Senior Pastor of Calvary South OC located in San Clemente CA. John has been serving in pastoral ministry for over 25 years and is the featured speaker on the Bible teaching radio program "A Daily Walk."  He is known for his clear and relatable presentation of the Scriptures.

About John Randall

As a child, John’s family  began attending Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa  in 1974.  It was there that he attended  the elementary school, Jr. High, and graduated from Calvary Chapel High School.  Following graduation he went on staff at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa as a janitor. It was also at this time that he met his wife Michelle who was teaching at Calvary’s elementary school.

After four years on staff  having served in children’s ministry, high school ministry and worship John went on staff at Calvary Chapel in Vista CA. 

In 1997 the Randall’s set out on a venture of faith to the SouthEast of Florida where they planted their first church, Calvary Chapel of Brandon. After ten years of ministry in Florida the Lord called the Randall's back to Southern California where John currently pastors at  Calvary South OC.  John has been serving in pastoral ministry for over 25 years and is the featured speaker on the Bible teaching radio program "A Daily Walk." He is known for his clear and relate-able presentation of the Scriptures. John and his wife Michelle have four children. 


Contact A Daily Walk with John Randall

Calvary South OC
1311 Calle Batido 
San Clemente CA 92673


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