4word Women

Work Love Pray

God’s Plan in Mental Illness

August 20, 2024

All of us will have an “off” day here and there, but what do you do when those days turn into weeks or months? Dr. Deb Gorton, licensed clinical psychologist, shares her expertise on mental health and mental illness, and dives into how the church can better support those within their congregation who are dealing with mental illness. Hosted by Jordan Johnstone.

Links for this episode:

Invitation to Solitude and Silence: Experiencing God’s Transforming Presence by Ruth Haley BartonWhen Life Goes Dark: Finding Hope in Midst of Depression by Richard WinterChristians Get Depressed Too: Hope and Help for The Depressed by David MurraySoul of Shame: Retelling the Stories We Believe About Ourselves by Curt ThompsonTroubled Minds by Amy SimpsonGrace for the Afflicted: A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental Illness by Matthew StanfordOne Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann VoskampThe Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk M.D.Fresh Hope for Mental Health website National Alliance on Mental Illness websitePsychology Today website

Guest Bio:

Dr. Deb Gorton believes pursuing purpose requires intentionality and a willingness to get uncomfortable. For more than 14 years, she has worked as a change agent for individuals, organizations, and emerging leaders, helping them refine, embrace, and thrive in their purpose. Built on the foundation of relationship, Dr. Gorton’s core philosophy is that collaboration in community produces radical transformation. Through partnership, she inspires others to build bridges between the head and the heart and ignites the courage necessary to make the journey across.

Dr. Gorton earned both her MA in Psychology and her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Fuller Graduate School of Psychology in Pasadena, CA.  Additionally, she holds an MA in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. Presently, she serves as the Director of Moody Theological Seminary’s Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program as well as Moody’s Counseling Center. She is also the founding president of Siv Consultation (where she really gets to do all the fun stuff listed above).

Dr. Gorton currently resides in Chicago, loves the Cubs, the city’s architecture, and, believe it or not, public transportation. If she’s not home in the city or traveling for work, you’re likely to find her with family in Colorado, Oregon, or Oklahoma (family never makes it easy, do they!?).

Original broadcast dated: May 2019

Click here for the latest Podcast from 4word - Work Love Pray Podcast - 4word (4wordwomen.org)

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Join Our Mentor Program
What might you accomplish with someone wise to guide you? The 4word Mentor Program is a 10-week experience. We provide three simple yet effective ingredients: A proven framework for engagement – virtual or person-well-matched mentor Support throughout the process


Who are you, really? In this episode of Work, Love, Pray, producer, author, and 4word Advisory Board member Kathleen Cooke shares how she has learned to identify and be confident in who she is, and how Esther from the Bible offers some inspiration for overcoming imposter syndrome. Hosted by Jordan Johnstone. Guest Bio: A media executive,  producer/actress, writer, and global speaker, Kathleen Cooke is a founding partner at Cooke Media Group (cookemediagroup.com) where she oversees casting and is a creative director for all major projects. She is the former co-director of the global Biola Media Conference and the National Women’s ASCEND Conference and founded and directed Christian Women In Media Hollywood. She now leads and inspires women involved in media and entertainment through her nonprofit, The Influence Lab (influencelab.com) focused on redefining Christian media strategies in the digital age. You can read her weekly blog and find out more about her at KathleenCooke.com, or connect with her on all social media platforms @KathleenRCooke Original broadcast dated: April 2019 Click here for the latest Podcast from 4word - Work Love Pray Podcast - 4word (4wordwomen.org)
August 16, 2024
Overworked, overstressed, and over it? It’s time to let boundaries into your life. Dr. Mollie Bond, the Director of Foundation and Corporate Relations for Moody Bible Institute, shares her tips for creating and protecting space in your life at work, in your personal life, and within your church community. Hosted by Jordan Johnstone. Guest Bio:  Dr. Mollie Bond is the Director of Foundation and Corporate Relations for Moody Bible Institute. She holds a BA in Radio-Television Production from the University of Montana, an MBA from Kansas Wesleyan University, and a doctoral degree in nonprofit leadership from Governors State University. Outside of her role at Moody, Mollie serves in various volunteer roles, including 4word’s local group leadership and as a 4word mentor. Connect online: Website Originally broadcast: March 2019 Find our latest podcasts here: 4word Podcast - 4word (4wordwomen.org)
August 14, 2024
Brenda Bertrand, communications specialist and life coach, joins the podcast to dive into emotions and their role in the workplace. Brenda shares from the heart about how to find that healthy emotional balance that will benefit you and your office. Hosted by Jordan Johnstone. Guest Bio: Brenda Bertrand finds joy in helping women take a leap of faith in work and life. She has graduate degrees in organizational and human behavior and theology, and serves God and country as a seminary and military chaplain. A native of the U.S. Virgin Islands, she is an ordained minister, speaker and life coach who travels the globe to find its most beautiful beaches and sacred spaces.  Original broadcast dated: February 2019 Click here for the latest Podcast from 4word - Work Love Pray Podcast - 4word (4wordwomen.org)
August 12, 2024
Patty Ross, former Nike exec and 4word board member, joins the podcast to discuss change and transition in your life, a shift that all of us experience at some point. Patty shares her personal tips for navigating this chapter in your life with confidence. Hosted by Jordan Johnstone. Guest Bio: For over three decades at Nike, Patty Ross held a variety of leadership positions in strategy, business and leadership development, talent management, employee engagement, organizational change management, innovation, and business operations. She has served as an Organizational Visionary, Executive Coach, Diversity Champion, Builder and Engineer of Processes and Systems, as well as a Connector of People and Ideas, Additionally, she was the Executive Sponsor and Founder of the Women of Nike Network. Her motivational approach is best described as optimistic and results oriented. Patty’s unique skills empower her to be a decisive and accomplished leader, known for breaking barriers, fostering new talent, and delivering game-changing results. Currently, Patty is an Executive Advisor for the People function at Apple headquarters, supporting its talent management, engagement and retention strategy across all US and global divisions. Patty holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Portland State University. She has also completed the Advanced Management Graduate Program at Harvard Business School and received her coaching certificate from The Hudson Institute of Coaching. Patty supports leadership and women’s programs in various parts of the country and volunteers regularly in the Portland metro area. She enjoys spending time with her husband, Dave, their dog, Molly, and her many nieces and nephews. She is also an avid sports fan who can be found golfing, hiking, biking, running and practicing yoga. Patty’s highest passion is helping individuals and business leaders discover meaning and purpose in their personal, professional and spiritual lives. Original broadcast dated: January 2019 Click here for the latest Podcast from 4word - Work Love Pray Podcast - 4word (4wordwomen.org)
August 9, 2024
Jenni Catron, speaker, author, and founder of The 4Sight Group, walks through her personal leadership journey and shares her tips and best practices for leading well (and that includes leading yourself). Hosted by Jordan Johnstone. Original broadcast dated: December 2018 Click here for the latest Podcast from 4word - Work Love Pray Podcast - 4word (4wordwomen.org)
August 7, 2024
In this episode of Work, Love, Pray: Real Talk Grounded in Truth, Debra Fileta, licensed counselor and founder of True Love Dates, talks all things relationships. Hosted by Jordan Johnstone. Original broadcast dated: November 2018 Click here for the latest Podcast from 4word - Work Love Pray Podcast - 4word (4wordwomen.org)
August 5, 2024
Welcome back to Driven 4word: Influential Leaders Powered By God’s Will. Join us each month as we share the life story of an influential leader who humbled themselves to God’s plan for their life and embarked on a journey that only He could orchestrate. In the last episode, we met Cheryl Bachelder, former CEO of Popeyes® Louisiana Kitchen, Inc. We spent the previous episode talking about Cheryl’s top successes, and in this episode, we’re going to jump over to the list of setbacks she identified as important to how she grew as a professional and a Christian, even when in the moment, these setbacks hurt. Listen now to the second half of our time with Cheryl. Guest Bio: Cheryl Bachelder is a passionate, purpose-led business leader — the former CEO of Popeyes® Louisiana Kitchen, Inc. From 2007 to 2017, she led the transformation of a tired brand and discouraged organization into a top-performing quick service restaurant chain. The story of the Popeyes success is chronicled in her book Dare to Serve: How to drive superior results by serving others. Cheryl’s earlier career included brand leadership roles at Yum Brands, Domino’s Pizza, RJR Nabisco, The Gillette Company and Procter & Gamble. Today Cheryl’s aim is to encourage and invest in senior leaders, helping them to understand and implement Dare to Serve leadership in for-profit and non-profit workplaces. Cheryl serves as a director and chair of the compensation committee at US Foods Holding Corp (USFD). She is currently the lead independent director at Chick-fil-A, Inc. She is an advisor to Procter & Gamble’s franchising venture, Tide Dry Cleaners. She is a member of CEO Forum, an organization that encourages and disciples Christian CEOs and senior leaders. She is a mentor to ministries that develop future Christian leaders: Spring Hill Camps, Crossroad Farms, Work Matters, and CRU. Cheryl holds Bachelor and Masters of Business Administration degrees from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. She is married 40+ years to Chris Bachelder and they have three grown daughters, two terrific son-in-laws, and five handsome grandsons. Cheryl and Chris reside in Pinehurst, NC. They are avid learners, fans of the classical education movement, and can always be found reading a good book! Originally Broadcast: Nov 2022 Find our latest podcast on www.4wordwomen.org/podcast/
August 2, 2024
Welcome back to Driven 4word: Influential Leaders Powered By God’s Will. Join us each month as we share the life story of an influential leader who humbled themselves to God’s plan for their life and embarked on a journey that only He could orchestrate. The influential leader we will learn from this month is Cheryl Bachelder. Cheryl built a highly successful career with companies like Life Savers, Domino’s Pizza, and Popeyes® Louisiana Kitchen, Inc., but a career in business was not what she originally envisioned for herself when she started college. In this episode, Cheryl and I talk through successes that she considers are defining to who she became as a professional Christian woman and who she is today. Guest Bio: Cheryl Bachelder is a passionate, purpose-led business leader — the former CEO of Popeyes® Louisiana Kitchen, Inc. From 2007 to 2017, she led the transformation of a tired brand and discouraged organization into a top-performing quick service restaurant chain. The story of the Popeyes success is chronicled in her book Dare to Serve: How to drive superior results by serving others. Cheryl’s earlier career included brand leadership roles at Yum Brands, Domino’s Pizza, RJR Nabisco, The Gillette Company and Procter & Gamble. Today Cheryl’s aim is to encourage and invest in senior leaders, helping them to understand and implement Dare to Serve leadership in for-profit and non-profit workplaces. Cheryl serves as a director and chair of the compensation committee at US Foods Holding Corp (USFD). She is currently the lead independent director at Chick-fil-A, Inc. She is an advisor to Procter & Gamble’s franchising venture, Tide Dry Cleaners. She is a member of CEO Forum, an organization that encourages and disciples Christian CEOs and senior leaders. She is a mentor to ministries that develop future Christian leaders: Spring Hill Camps, Crossroad Farms, Work Matters, and CRU. Cheryl holds Bachelor and Masters of Business Administration degrees from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. She is married 40+ years to Chris Bachelder and they have three grown daughters, two terrific son-in-laws, and five handsome grandsons. Cheryl and Chris reside in Pinehurst, NC. They are avid learners, fans of the classical education movement, and can always be found reading a good book! Originally Broadcast: Nov 2022 Find our latest podcast on www.4wordwomen.org/podcast/
July 31, 2024
Welcome back to Driven 4word: Influential Leaders Powered By God’s Will. Join us each month as we share the life story of an influential leader who humbled themselves to God’s plan for their life and embarked on a journey that only He could orchestrate. In the last episode, we met Emma Sharma, founder of Swallowtail Group. Emma shared about how a personal success of becoming an attorney quickly morphed into something of a setback as she realized it was not the direction she felt called to, and how she was able to focus on the positives and move her setback back in a successful direction more in line with what God ultimately had in store for her life. In the rest of our conversation, listen as Emma explains how key it is to remember that creating with God is always a recipe for success, and how we as Christians should stay humble and hungry to experience every emotion we are able to while we are on this Earth, good or bad.  Listen now to the second half of our time with Emma. Guest Bio: Emma is the Founder and Principal of Swallowtail Group and a global business executive known for her entrepreneurship, strong empathetic leadership style, courage and skill in taking on messy challenges. Emma has a proven track record in complex organizational transformations and a natural talent for pulling together high value creation teams. Additionally, Emma’s passion for organizational design, psychology, and development led her to pioneer mentoring and leadership development initiatives for fellow executives and senior managers throughout her career. Emma has a growing reputation as a solid and passionate advocate on mental health issues that impact the workforce, especially at executive leadership levels. Emma is very active in the community, both nationally and locally. Recently, Emma was appointed to the Advisory Board of the Center for Government Contracting at George Mason University, serving as a thought leader on industry matters. Emma serves actively on the Board of 4word, a national, faith-based non-profit that supports women in the marketplace in growing with confidence to meet their full potential. Previously Emma served as the President of the Board of Trustees of an influential non-profit in Northern Virginia for six years and worked for several years as an ambassador for two global non-profits providing micro-financing for women in developing nations and addressing human trafficking issues. Outside of work, Emma is a devoted wife and mom to two young children and an active member of Holy Trinity Church, McLean. Her hobbies include a passion for travel, learning about great food and wine, music (she is a classically trained soprano), movies, and reading. Originally Broadcast: October 2022 Find our latest podcast on www.4wordwomen.org/podcast/
July 29, 2024
Welcome back to Driven 4word: Influential Leaders Powered By God’s Will. Join us each month as we share the life story of an influential leader who humbled themselves to God’s plan for their life and embarked on a journey that only He could orchestrate. The influential leader we will learn from this month is Emma Sharma. Emma is one of those people that you listen to and quickly understand just how important her faith is to everything she does. With a diverse background full of unique opportunities and years of high-level experience, Emma is a vast source of expert knowledge for the workplace, and an equally deep source of spiritual and personal guidance, stemming from many years of experiencing the highs and the lows that life brings all of us.    Listen below as Emma begins to share about some of the more notable successes and setbacks she’s experienced. Guest Bio: Emma is the Founder and Principal of Swallowtail Group and a global business executive known for her entrepreneurship, strong empathetic leadership style, courage and skill in taking on messy challenges. Emma has a proven track record in complex organizational transformations and a natural talent for pulling together high value creation teams. Additionally, Emma’s passion for organizational design, psychology, and development led her to pioneer mentoring and leadership development initiatives for fellow executives and senior managers throughout her career. Emma has a growing reputation as a solid and passionate advocate on mental health issues that impact the workforce, especially at executive leadership levels. Emma is very active in the community, both nationally and locally. Recently, Emma was appointed to the Advisory Board of the Center for Government Contracting at George Mason University, serving as a thought leader on industry matters. Emma serves actively on the Board of 4word, a national, faith-based non-profit that supports women in the marketplace in growing with confidence to meet their full potential. Previously Emma served as the President of the Board of Trustees of an influential non-profit in Northern Virginia for six years and worked for several years as an ambassador for two global non-profits providing micro-financing for women in developing nations and addressing human trafficking issues. Outside of work, Emma is a devoted wife and mom to two young children and an active member of Holy Trinity Church, McLean. Her hobbies include a passion for travel, learning about great food and wine, music (she is a classically trained soprano), movies, and reading. Originally Broadcast: October 2022 Find our latest podcast on www.4wordwomen.org/podcast/
July 26, 2024
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What might you accomplish with someone wise to guide you? The 4word Mentor Program is a 10-week experience. We provide three simple yet effective ingredients: A proven framework for engagement – virtual or person-well-matched mentor Support throughout the process

About 4word Women

4word is a Faith-Based Community that empowers and inspires women in the workplace through personal connection and mentoring to align actions to life priorities, improve relationships with coworkers and friends, use biblically informed decision-making, and grow their confidence. Over the past 13 years, we've reached over 1M women. Our goal is to empower 10 million Christian women in the workplace to change the world by 2030.

About Work Love Pray

4word’s Work Love Pray podcasts are real conversations about real issues women in the workplace face at work, home, and in their church communities. These podcasts offer women valuable resources and inspirational insights through access to 4word’s dynamic and influential content experts. Themed podcasts are published following a structured editorial calendar ranging in topics from goal setting and career planning, to gratitude in the workplace.

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