The Christian Outlook

Don Kroah, Georgene Rice & Kevin McCullough

What Can We Do? Christian Priorities in Uncertain Times

September 6, 2024

The Christian Outlook - September 7, 2024

Albert Mohler responds to the terror group Hamas executing six innocent civilians, including an American citizen.

Greg Seltz and Don Feder, a columnist for the Washington Times, look at look at why this is about much more than just Israel, it's about civilization vs. barbarism.

Greg Seltz and Tim Goeglein, a VP with Focus on the Family, discuss how our society has drifted so far and what can be done to correct the course.

Eric Metaxas invites Ken and Linda Koldenhoven, authors of "Connecting Around the Table” to talk about how eating together as a family is a great way to forge deep and emotional connections.

Scott Furrow and Christian singer/ songwriter Matt Redman talk about a return to the heart of worship: worshipping God in spirit and in truth.

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The Christian Outlook Website
In our fast-changing world, it can be difficult to sort through the issues of the day. From family to faith to the latest in the public square, it’s hard to stay up on what’s happening, much less interpret the news in a way that honors our Christian faith. That’s what Salem’s Christian hosts do for our listeners across the country every day—and “The Christian Outlook” draws from the best of their material to bring you an hour-long program you won’t want to miss.


The Christian Outlook - August 31, 2024 Albert Mohler shares about Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, writing a formal letter to the House Judiciary Committee that accuses the Biden administration of limiting speech on the platform. Owen Strachan, host of the "Grace and Truth” podcast, invites Vanessa Sivadge, a courageous young nurse from Texas, to talk about her experience in speaking up over so-called “gender-affirming care” for minors, and how it ended up costing her job. For the entire conversation, click here.  Eric Metaxas and pastor Erwin Lutzer, author of “The Eclipse of God,” address how secularism and philosophical influences, such as those from Marx, Darwin, and Freud, have led to a redefinition of God, resulting in moral and societal decay. Lutzer talks about how without laws rooted in the Creation account, justice becomes arbitrary. His book aims to bring people back to the God of Scripture. For the entire conversation, click here. See for privacy information.
August 30, 2024
The Christian Outlook - August 24, 2024 Albert Mohler takes a look at the Democrats' strange and dark fixation on abortion as made evident by the abortion trucks at the 2024 Democrat Convention. Greg Seltz turned to the Catholic pro-life activist, Frank Pavone to look at the pro-abortion and pro-infanticide record of the Governor of Minnesota, who is now the formal running mate of Kamala Harris. Bill Bunkley turns to Mat Staver of the Liberty Counsel to look at Amendment 4 in Florida, which would allow for virtually unrestricted abortion. Albert Mohler talks with Brad Wilcox, author of “Get Married: Why Americans Must Defy the Elites, Forge Strong Families, and Save Civilization.”  They discuss the potential causes of the diminishing marriage rate and what to do about it. For the entire conversation, visit for privacy information.
August 23, 2024
The Christian Outlook - August 17, 2024 Greg Seltz and David Harsanyi of The Federalist discuss the importance of faith in politics, arguing that excluding religious values from political decisions is absurd. Harsanyi emphasizes that shared ideals, often rooted in faith, are crucial for national unity. Dr. Albert Mohler discusses voting your Christian conscience in the 2024 presidential election. He critiques David French's argument for voting Democratic to save conservatism, asserting that true conservatism must be rooted in theism and cannot align with the Democratic Party's views on reality and morality. Eric Metaxas discusses with Megan Basham, author of “Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda” how certain prominent evangelical churches, like Andy Stanley's North Point Church and Rick Warren's Saddleback Church, are increasingly influenced by LGBTQ-affirming and progressive agendas. For the full interview, check out Eric Metaxas' podcast.See for privacy information.
August 16, 2024
The Christian Outlook – August 10, 2024 John Hall and Kathy Emmons talk with Sarah Zylstra, an editor for the Gospel Coalition, about the implications of social media on children. They address the concerns raised by the Surgeon General, highlighting the detrimental effects of social media on the mental health of our youth. Albert Mohler raises alarm about TikTok's harmful impact on teenagers and reminds parents to protect their children from the pervasive darkness and corrosive effects of social media.  Scott Furrow invites Ryan Miller, founder of Share the Struggle, to share about the development of courses to help people manage various struggles. His organization aims to provide practical tools, foster community, and offer Jesus' love and healing.  John and Kathy talk with John James, an editor with Crossway, about how social media distorts discussions about death, promoting inhumane and emotionally destructive responses. He emphasizes the need to be aware of the negative effects of internet life and the importance of protecting one's emotional well-being. Brian From asks Sarah Zylstra about her decision to leave social media, and she explained that witnessing the negative impact it had on Gen Z girls made her realize its detrimental effects on her own life, leading to shallow relationships and increased loneliness. Bill Bunkley discusses the Go Dark, Shine Bright initiative with James Spencer, who explained that the goal was to start a prayer movement by encouraging people to take a 10-day break from social media. The campaign aims to create a quiet space for individuals to focus on God, pray, and make wise decisions free from the distractions of social media noise.See for privacy information.
August 9, 2024
The Christian Outlook - August 3, 2024 Greg Seltz and author Jeff Crouere criticize the Olympics' opening ceremony for featuring drag queens, transgender performers, and religious attacks instead of family-friendly content. They argue that the event, meant to celebrate athleticism, unnecessarily mocked Christian values under the guise of artistic freedom and inclusion. Bob Burney condemns the Olympic organizers' shallow apology to "those who were offended", which was worse than simply offering no apology, and accuses them of celebrating inclusion while excluding Christians globally. Greg Seltz and Gary Bauer, head of American Values, discuss the responsibility of Christians to protect America's Judeo-Christian heritage and the dangers posed by the secular left's attempts to impose their beliefs through government coercion. Greg Seltz turns to Josh Zeichik, Director of Church Engagement for Focus on the Family, to talk about the importance of knowing and understanding the Bible, which revives the soul, makes people wise, corrects them, and trains them to be godly. They discuss the importance of personal Bible study beyond just Sunday sermons for spiritual growth and refreshment.See for privacy information.
August 2, 2024
The Christian Outlook - July 27, 2024 Tim Clinton talks with author Joel Rosenberg about how the world appears to be spinning out of control, citing increased social and political tensions, international conflicts, and the recent assassination attempt on President Trump. Greg Seltz and Tim Head, Executive Director of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, discuss the Christian response to current political leadership, and the importance of faith, confidence, and wisdom amid perceived chaos. They criticize Vice President Kamala Harris's competence and express concern about the current political dynamics and decision-making processes in the U.S. government. Owen Strachan reflects on the heroism of Cory Comparatory, who died protecting his family at the Butler, PA Trump rally, and draws a parallel to the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, encouraging Christians to teach their children about heroism and to use such acts of selflessness to point to the ultimate sacrifice of Christ for humanity's redemption.  Brian Bales and Jim Supp, Senior Teaching Pastor of Reston Bible Church in Dulles, Virginia, discuss the concept of contentment from a Christian perspective, and the difference between being content with God's provisions and desiring more.See for privacy information.
July 26, 2024
The Christian Outlook - July 20, 2024 John Hall and Kathy Emmons talk with Pastor Jason Charron of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Carnegie, PA, who was asked to give the benediction at the Trump rally this past Saturday in Butler, PA, where a sniper shot President Trump. We’ll hear from journalist Salena Zito who was within feet of Trump when the near-assassination happened.  Dr. Albert Mohler gives his insight into the attack and how Christians can interpret it in light of God's nature as defined in Scripture. Bob Burney challenges listeners to pray for Donald Trump, that he might be one of the most consequential presidents in American history.See for privacy information.
July 19, 2024
The Christian Outlook – July 13, 2024 Tim Clinton invites Ralph Reed, founder of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, to offer a Christian perspective as we enter election season, pleading with us to get on our knees and ask God to have his way. Tony Perkins of “This Week on the Hill” turns to Texas Congressman Chip Roy for a candid look at the health of our President who, while possessing diminishing faculties, may be undermining America's national security. Greg Seltz talks with syndicated columnist Cal Thomas about how the media has been covering for Biden for years. Bob Burney responds to the weaker or "softer" language on abortion within the Trump platform and how Trump isn't conservative, but a populist, and will move accordingly with political winds. Scott Furrow turns to Joannie DeBrito of Focus on the Family to discuss how portable devices and free access to the internet are deeply unhealthy for children, and how parents should be the ones to set an example for them, modeling moderation.See for privacy information.
July 12, 2024
The Christian Outlook – July 6, 2024 Eric Metaxas talks with James Como, of the New York C.S. Lewis Society, about his book, Mystical Perelandra: My Lifelong Reading of C.S. Lewis and His Favorite Book. Metaxas and Como discuss how Perelandra represents some of the very best prose ever penned and how it stands out from the many other masterful works C.S Lewis wrote. Como shares the personal impact C.S. Lewis' writings made on his mind and soul and how his hope was rekindled because of the vision C.S. Lewis had to see what was awaiting those who trust in Christ.See for privacy information.
July 5, 2024
The Christian Outlook - June 29, 2024 Georgene Rice talks with Katie Daniel of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America to explain a Supreme Court 9-0 decision, which preserves access to mifepristone, an unsafe abortion pill. Craig Roberts talks with OB-GYN Dr. Ingrid Skop, who knows well the impact of mifepristone, including the death and destruction resulting from the drug’s mail delivery. Scott Furrow invites Robyn Chambers, Vice President of Advocacy for Children at Focus on the Family, to discuss the church’s role and the need for continued engagement in the pro-life movement. Greg Seltz talks with John Stonestreet of The Colson Center about the prominence of abortion in the Democratic platform, noting its strategic importance despite its ethical implications.  Albert Mohler offers encouragement and perspective on the ongoing pro-life battle.See for privacy information.
June 28, 2024
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The Christian Outlook Website
In our fast-changing world, it can be difficult to sort through the issues of the day. From family to faith to the latest in the public square, it’s hard to stay up on what’s happening, much less interpret the news in a way that honors our Christian faith. That’s what Salem’s Christian hosts do for our listeners across the country every day—and “The Christian Outlook” draws from the best of their material to bring you an hour-long program you won’t want to miss.

About The Christian Outlook

The Christian Outlook is today’s top Christian weekend radio show.

The Christian Outlook covers a wide range of subjects of interest to today’s believers—from political news and cultural trends to issues facing the church at home and around the world. The Christian Outlook gives you thought-provoking reporting on the issues that matter most. You’ll enjoy a fast-paced recap of the world’s struggles and triumphs as seen through the lens of the Christian faith.

The Christian Outlook turns to respected voices and key, trusted leaders to help you sort through today’s fast-changing world.

About Don Kroah, Georgene Rice & Kevin McCullough

Don Kroah

The Don Kroah Show is one of the longest running local talk shows in the DC market, currently in its 20th year of broadcast on WAVA.  Don’s program features interviews with news makers and key influencers in ministry, public policy and lifestyle.  The Don Kroah Show has won numerous National and Local awards, and Don is the Host of the Salem Radio Network weekly nationally syndicated program “The Christian Outlook”.   Before joining WAVA, Don served as a pastor for 34 years and a dual career radio broadcaster in Maine.  In addition to his WAVA work, Don currently serves as Senior Pastor of Plymouth Haven Baptist Church.  He also serves as President of “Reach Africa Now”, a non-profit ministry equipping pastors for ministry work and helping build Christian Schools and a Christian Medical Clinic in Africa.       

The Don Kroah Show can be heard Monday through Friday from 4 to 7 p.m. on WAVA 105.1 and streaming live here on

Georgene Rice 

Georgene has been a talk show host with KPDQ for more than 20 years and has traveled internationally as a station correspondent. In 2003 Georgene served as the chief spokesman and debater for the Defense of Marriage Coalition, which successfully amended Oregon’s constitution. She has lectured on university campuses and is a frequent speaker and worship leader at Christian conferences and retreats. Georgene has served on several Boards and regularly volunteers for charitable organizations. A musician Georgene and husband Dan have traveled around the world teaching and performing Gospel music.

Kevin McCullough

Kevin McCullough hosts afternoon drive for the Salem Media NYC.

Kevin McCullough Radio airs 3pm EST on AM 570 The Mission  and 5pm EST on AM 970 The Answer.

McCullough is a political/cultural commentator on FoxNews’ America’s Newsroom.

He hosts a 2min The News That Makes You Think feature airing on 400+ radio outlets nationally.

He hosts nationally syndicated hybrid news/faith talk broadcast The Kevin McCullough Show airing on 200+ outlets.

McCullough “originated content” constitutes 1200+ affiliate clearances per week.

TALKERS Magazine recognized McCullough as the 11th most listened to voice in talk radio in America in 2015.

TALKERS Magazine recognized McCullough as number 31 on their annual list of the “Heavy Hundred” hosts in 2015.

McCullough is a syndicated columnist.

McCullough has authored 3 books, including the Best-Selling: “NO HE CAN’T: How Barack Obama dismantled Hope and Change”

His passions are Aimee, James, Jonathan, and Charlotte.

Contact The Christian Outlook with Don Kroah, Georgene Rice & Kevin McCullough
