Devotional Archives for Your Daily Bible Verse
Because we have Christ’s Spirit residing in us, we carry His peace, joy, comfort, and love wherever we go.
I’m especially grateful for what the story of Gideon (found in Judges) is currently teaching me about prayer.
Once there were two missionaries named Paul and Silas. Life didn't turn out as they imagined. What they did with second best changed the world.
We can start by asking to God help us to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in praying for one another.
How does the reality of heaven help us in the day to day of life’s struggles? How can it offer us real hope and strength right now?
There may not be a way out of the pain we are in. Not in this life. But even if that’s the case, we have an amazing healing awaiting us, thanks to Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross.