Devotional Archives for

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy to feel overwhelmed or anxious. As believers, we often remind ourselves that God cares for us deeply. However, we may forget that this care extends to every aspect of our lives, including our mental health. Just as God desires our physical and spiritual well-being, He deeply cares about our emotional and mental wellness. Let's explore how we can lean on His love and find support during mental health challenges.

Easter holds profound significance in the Christian faith, marking the pivotal event of Jesus Christ's resurrection. But before the celebration of Easter Sunday, Christians embark on a journey of preparation known as Lent. Let us explore the deep connection between Lent and Easter, and how embracing both seasons enriches our spiritual lives.

Explore the key points about angels in the Bible, their roles as messengers and protectors, their involvement in heavenly worship, and their significance in religious traditions.

To honor Dr. Stanley's legacy and the impact his messages have had on the OnePlace community of Christians, we've put together this list of Dr. Charles Stanley's most popular messages and sermons in 2023.
Jesus’s resurrection is the reason we celebrate Easter. His death on the cross is the foundation of our Christian faith, offering us salvation through his sacrifice. After His death, hope seemed lost. Jesus’s body was placed in a tomb but death could not hold down God's love. While death thought it had won, Heaven was just patiently waiting for Sunday.

Here is a collection of powerful sermons about prayer from Christian preachers and scholars on Find sermons and podcast episodes about how and why prayer brings us closer to God.

Fathers have some of the most important roles in a family. They are called the leaders and heads of the family. Genesis 18: 19 says, “For I have chosen him so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.” Husbands and fathers are uniquely equipped with a vision and leadership to take care of the families that God has given them. This can require strength, bravery and especially having a relationship with God.

What should our worship look like according to the Bible? Worshiping the Lord is both a way of living as well as a specific activity, such as singing songs of praise. Our daily lives and how we conduct ourselves can also be an act of worship.

Sharing the Gospel can be intimidating at times. It can be hard to figure out the right words to say or you may feel like you don’t know enough about the Bible. You may feel like there hasn’t been a right time to share the Gospel. I want to encourage you, that there may never feel like there is a right time. We have to trust in God and He will give you the right words to say.