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The Pouring Out of the Holy Spirit Brings Powerful Preaching

March 8, 2025

Today, our greatest need in America is a national Spiritual Revival. Our greatest need is a powerful move of the Spirit of God in this nation. We are asleep in our sins and we need to be awakened. Only a powerful revival such as what occurred here in America in the 1730's and 40's will bring any significant change to this nation.

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References: Acts 4:31

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Past Episodes

Today, we look at the great day of the cross.
March 1, 2025
Ezekiel's prophecy of a future restoration seems to have much more permanence and doesn't seem to have been fulfilled in the first restoration. We, then take this section of Ezekiel's prophecy as referring to a time yet future. There will yet be a conversion of the Jews like we have never seen before.
February 22, 2025
Satan and all his forces will not be able to stop the advance of the church in this age. He will try and he has tried but he will not succeed. The Church of Jesus Christ will be victorious in this age.
February 15, 2025
Today, we need a heart change in the nation. The people of this nation need to turn their hearts back to God. God wants our hearts.
February 8, 2025
Are disasters only natural events? Should we only consider secondary causes? How does God fit into this? Does God ever send a disaster on a nation? If so, why?
February 1, 2025
The Church is now the true spiritual Israel. All who are true believers make up the true Israel of God both Jew and Gentile. The nation of Israel and all the Jewish people need Christ just as much as anyone. Our prayer should be that Israel will become a Christian nation that follows the Lord Jesus Christ and that all Jews will come to Christ.
January 25, 2025
Hudson Taylor believed in the Second Coming of Christ but he did not become preoccupied with it. He marched forward into inland China with the goal of reaching all of China with the gospel. He saw this as what the Lord had called him to do and he did not relent untill all the provinces of China were penetrated with the gospel. Today, we have far too many prophecy conferences. We don't need them. We know Jesus is going to return. What we need is to be spurred on to carry the gospel to the nations and not to relent until the whole world is won to Christ.
January 18, 2025
Today, we are defiling the land by our sins. We don't seem to realize the gravity of the situation that we are in as a nation. Our sins are defiling this land that we live on and if we do not repent this land will vomit us out. We cannot continue to rebel against God and His moral law and survive as a people. Judgment will fall on us as it has on other nations that rebelled against God. The people of Canaan sinned against God and the land vomited them out. The same thing will happen to us if we do not change as a people.
January 11, 2025
The nation will not turn back to God until the hearts of the people are changed. This will not take place until a Spiritual Revival comes.
January 4, 2025
This generation is turning away from God and we will all pay the consequences unless God intervenes as He has in the past and sends a true spiritual awakening into our midst. We need the preaching of the cross to saturate this land. May God send such preaching in our day.
December 28, 2024
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The Watchman Radio Hour offers timely messages from the Bible each week.

About Alex Dodson

Alex Dodson serves as president of Watchmen Radio Ministries International and as a staff evangelist. He has been in the gospel ministry for over thirty years. He was ordained in 1974 and has served as both a pastor and evangelist. He is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary and is presently a member of International Ministerial Fellowship. He has also done postgraduate studies at the School of World Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary. He and his wife Susan live in Portland, Oregon in the beautiful Northwest.

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Watchman Radio Hour
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Portland, OR 97213