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The Man of Lawlessness: The Antichrist in the Tribulation

May 25, 2013
Jan's first guest is prophecy scholar Dr. David Reagan. The two discuss the characteristics and heritage of the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Is the global religious system outlined in the Bible Rome and therefore related to Catholicism? The two remind listeners that the catastrophic calamities happening today are setting the stage for the Tribulation when all this mystery unfolds. Then Jan and producer Larry Kutzler talk to Tom Pritchard of the Minnesota Family Council. Gay marriage has passed in Minnesota. What does that mean for your state and the country? Twelve states have now acted on this. Find Dr David Reagan's book here. 
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New from Jan Markell

In this new book, Jan Markell reveals how Bible prophecy equips us to face the coming chaos with readiness and hope. As her opening chapter states, we have a front row seat to the last act! At just 96 pages with 14 essays, you can read this in a couple of hours.

Past Episodes

Jan opens with a short interview of a rep from Christian Medical & Dental Association, Dr. David Stevens, on ObamaCare. Our lives are going to change radically soon and not for the good. Learn many of the details including a Christian perspective . Then Eric Barger brings an update on the Muslim-friendly Bible controversy with Wycliffe Bible Translators. He talks to Dr. Georges Houssney about the World Evangelical Alliance conclusion on the issue. Then Jan discusses the Jason Collins/Chris Broussard sports and cultural conundrum issue with tennis star and radio host David Wheaton. SPECIAL NOTICE: Our mobile app site has not worked this week. Please stay tuned.  Click here for alternate mobile listening methods.
May 18, 2013
Jan's first guest is broadcaster John Loeffler. They talk about the Boston bombing and government out of control. And what does Joe Biden mean in his "new world order" statement? Then it's back to covering more of the criminalization of Christianity. Now Christians are being called "monsters," and "antichrists." How far is this horrific hatred toward us going to go? Then Jill Martin Rische reports on the demise of Mormonism. Membership has dropped 70% although they are still baptizing deceased non-Mormons including her dad, Dr. Walter Martin. Jill reveals part of the reason for the nose-diving Mormon membership.
May 11, 2013
Jan interviews author and commentator David Fiorazo who has written the book, Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America. Government, media, Hollywood, public schools, our culture of death, the push toward socialism and Marxism and even social justice Christianity are helping to blot out God . When homosexuality and Islam are lauded and true Christianity is pounded, there is a cancer in the land. Jan closes with a short commentary of encouragement. Find Fiorazo's excellent book, Eradicate: Blotting God Out in America, here.
May 4, 2013
Jan Markell and Eric Barger discuss the continuing demise of evangelical Christianity.They alert listeners of another denomination biting the dust due to liberalism and Emergent philosophy. John Haller from the Columbus, Ohio Bible Prophecy Conference also weighs in on the compromise of this denomination. Also discussed is Barger's recent experience at yet another Emergent-based conference, “Jesus and the Quran,” which promotes the notion that Allah is Jehovah and “Isa” (the Muslim Jesus) is actually Jesus Christ of the Bible. Then Eric updates a story we covered on last week’s program (April 20, 2013) as he interviews Dr. Ron Crews of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty about the recent U.S. Army Reserve training that called evangelicals "religious extremists." This is the man who broke the story. Find Barger's outstanding DVD, "Divorced from Church" here. On this Understanding the Times radio show, we inadvertently stated that Grace Fellowship Church in Snellville, Georgia was a member church of the National Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches. It is not. Grace Fellowship Church is being visited as a model church at the FGBC Vision2020 South conference and members of Grace Fellowship Church will be participating in the conference's Jesus and the Quran seminar. However, Grace Fellowship Church in Snellville, Georgia is not a member of the FGBC, and we apologize for any error.
April 27, 2013
Jan's first guest is Joel Rosenberg. The two run over some Mideast and end-time issues and also discuss his new book, Damascus Countdown. Then Jan and Eric Barger discuss a report coming out of the U.S. Army Reserve that calls evangelicals "religious extremists" along with al-Qaida. Has the battle for faith begun? Jan and Eric close discussing the intensification of the Emergent movement. Jay Bakker, son of Jim and Tammy, has brought a spotlight on the heretical movement again. Find Barger's excellent DVD, The Errors of the Emergent Church, here. Find Rosenberg's book, Damascus Countdown, here.
April 20, 2013
Jan's first guest is Christian economist John Terry. A major topic is the Cyprus bank heist. Can it happen elsewhere? Yes, and it will! As we move more and more into the final days, banking institutions and other money-lenders may take many liberties with our funds. Some day the Antichrist will try the same as happened in Cyprus and a whole lot more. John Terry explains many economy-related issues in plain terms. Can we ever expect to see America--and other parts of the Western world--have a genuine recovery? Then Terry James from Rapture Ready joins Jan. They also look at Cyprus and the end-times. And why do so few young people get into Bible prophecy?
April 13, 2013
The first two segments feature Rosaria Butterfield and her amazing testimony going from Hegel, Darwin and Marx to Jesus. She was also a "gay pride" organizer and lesbian. Then a Christian couple stepped in and loved her anyway. How did they take this postmodern intellectual with a hardened secular worldview and get her into a church? She thought of the Christians who mocked and scolded her at the gay pride marches. Rosaria is the essence of an unlikely convert and her story will inspire and encourage you. We do not carry her book, but it can be found on Then Jan gives a commentary on the strong delusion sweeping the world. This is the clearest sign we are in the final, final days.
April 6, 2013
We air a conference message by Dr. Ron Rhodes: "The Wonder of Heaven." At a time when the world is out of control, it is reassuring to remember that Eternity is not. The glories that await us there are unimaginable and Dr. Rhodes gives great insight. Ron will be a part of "Understanding the Times 2013" which is Saturday, October 5. He will address apologetics and end-time issues. Find all of our conference CDs and DVDs here. His book, "The End Times in Chronological Order" is also in our store here. Joseph Farah and Dr. Mark HItchcock are our other speakers in October.
March 30, 2013
Jan's first guest is WND's Joseph Farah. He has looked behind the headlines for decades. They do that together considering many current issues. He knew our days would turn perilous because he knows Bible prophecy. Farah is one of our "Understanding the Times 2013" speakers. He is an Arab who loves Israel. Then apologist Mike LeMay joins Jan to talk about the Emergent Church's latest heresy: Denying the importance of the atonement. Hear Tony Jones do just that. Find LeMay's book, "The Suicide of American Christianity" here.
March 23, 2013
Jan's first guest is prophecy scholar Dr. David Reagan. The two discuss the characteristics and heritage of the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Is the global religious system outlined in the Bible Rome and therefore related to Catholicism? The two remind listeners that the catastrophic calamities happening today are setting the stage for the Tribulation when all this mystery unfolds. Then Jill Martin Rische joins Jan to talk about the apologetics of asking God to reveal the future to us. She also addresses the St. Malachy Papal predictions. Jill continues the apologetics' work of her dad, Dr. Walter Martin. Find Reagan's book, The Man of Lawlessness, here. Find Rische's book on the occult here.
March 16, 2013
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A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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