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Audio Bonus Extra: The Wycliffe Bible Translation Controversy

March 9, 2012
Jan, Jill and Eric Barger continue their discussion and interviews in this Web-only bonus. You can listen here or on your mobile device. You can hear David Irvine and Emily Belz in this electronic extra. These bonus segments are not heard on the radio.

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New from Jan Markell

In this new book, Jan Markell reveals how Bible prophecy equips us to face the coming chaos with readiness and hope. As her opening chapter states, we have a front row seat to the last act! At just 96 pages with 14 essays, you can read this in a couple of hours.

Past Episodes

Jan hosts and talks to John McTernan about the shameful "Christ at the Checkpoint" conference going in in a few days in Bethlehem, Israel. According to this bunch of religious Left leaders, Jesus lived and ministered in "occupied territory." Israel has no right to the land and the Israelis are brutal occupiers who stole Arab land. Jan plays a half-dozen sound bytes of the attendees to show how radical they are and how out-of-balance -- and out of touch -- their conference is. Conference organizers say it is all about peace, justice, and reconciliation, but it is really about calling Israelis Nazis and calling Christian Zionists racists. Conference organizers include Tony Campolo, Lynne Hybels, Shane Clairborne, Vicar Stephen Sizer, and many more. Sizer is the most troubling as he is known to be a friend to terrorists and a bitter foe of Israel.
March 3, 2012
Jan's guest is author and evangelist Ray Comfort. In Ray's new book, "Hitler, God, and the Bible," he reveals how Adolph Hitler used the Bible to undermine a nation. Most Germans were members of a church, yet eventually they would have no trouble singing hymns as well as Nazi songs. They would swear oaths to Hitler and forget God. This was possible only because the church in that era was riddled with apostasy. Germans, therefore, looked to Hitler for divine truth, more than God. Germany had a "remnant church" led by Bonhoeffer, Niemoller, Barth, and others, and most, though not all, perished. Jan brings out elements of her own classic book, "Trapped in Hitler's Hell." Ray then makes a comparison of the Nazi Holocaust and the holocaust of babies today. He references his hit DVD, "180." Find Jan's book here. Today's apostasy-riddled church in the West should learn the lessons of the German church. Learn more at
February 25, 2012
Jan's guest is Dr. Mark Hitchcock, scholar, pastor, and author on prophecy and Middle East-related issues. They discuss America's role in the Middle East and prophecy, the Arab spring, The Psalm 83 war, the Isaiah 17 passage, Gog and Magog, and much, much more. There is a coming conflict in the Middle East that is imminent. Iran is striking out at Israel and Israel may be launching strikes against Iranian scientists within Iran. Where is this leading? When might this culminate in a catastrophe? And the wild card is what role America will play. We include an online bonus audio of 25 extra minutes for this program, above and beyond our radio broadcast. See below. To find Mark's book, go here. Mark is one of our "Understanding the Times 2012" speakers. To learn more, visit
February 18, 2012
Jan Markell continues her discussion with Dr Mark Hitchcock on the escalating Middle East conflict.  This is an addendum to the regular radio show heard on February 18, 2012For more information on Understanding Our Times check out our website here. 
February 17, 2012
Jan talks to Mike Oppenheimer about the foolishness of Christian ministries trying to "save the planet." In some cases, they emphasize "saving trees" more than "saving souls" as the Bible commands us to do. One ministry says we can bring the earth back to Eden-like conditions when the Bible says it is decaying due to sin. But churches and entire denominations are on board with "green Christianity." Jan and Mike share how it is rooted in globalism, Socialism, and Marxism. There is no conclusive proof of global warming, yet evangelical organizations have been formed to emphasize the fact that there is. Oppenheimer offers a DVD on this topic found at his Web site:  NOTE: We have provided an extended program to our electronic audience. We call it a "Web bonus."
February 11, 2012
Jan talks to Mike Oppenheimer about the foolishness of Christian ministries trying to "save the planet." This is what we are calling the "Web Bonus" and is a concise discussion with Mike Oppenheimer for our electrontic audience. The first hour, the February 11th Broadcast sets the pace for these comments. Oppenheimer offers a DVD on this topic found at his Web site:
February 10, 2012
Eric Barger is guest host, featuring apologist Ed Decker. What do you say when the cultists come to your door? And what about the millions of church attendees who are just trusting in their own righteousness for salvation? We are to be ready with an answer for everyone and Barger and Decker help you do that. Decker was a Mormon for many years and Barger was into the pop music scene before salvation. This program is designed to equip the saints. Find Decker's book, "Fast Facts on False Teachings," co-authored with Dr. Ron Carlson, here. Find more on Barger's apologetics at Decker can be reached at
February 4, 2012
Jan's guest is Gary Kah. The two discuss the New Age/demonic agenda of all things 2012. Gary appears in the film, "2012: Prophecy or Panic?" The Bible says it is not for us to know the times and the seasons so we can dismiss any 2012 end-of-the-world talk but we cannot discount it. The dark side will try to score global points in this new year so we cannot drop out. Globalism continues to race. Gary names the topic global leaders to watch and some events. They also point to the global agenda of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement. Learn what "Awakened World 2012" is about. Find the DVD, "2012: Prophecy or Panic?" here. We're on the fast-track to a one-world system as predicted in the Bible. Learn more about Gary at
January 28, 2012
Jan's guest is White House correspondent Bill Koenig who suggests that 2012 may be the most volatile year in recent memory. They discuss "Campaign 2012," the major scenarios in play, the White House-orchestrated Arab takeover of the Middle East by violent Islamics, the unprecedented toll on America from natural disasters, and much more. What are the implications of the new White House Chief-of-Staff who is Jewish? For more info on Bill and his "Koenig's Eye-View from the White House" e-newsletter, visit We also highly recommend his book, "Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel." We are not carrying it right now but you can find it as his Web site.
January 21, 2012
Jan's guest is author/commentator Joel Richardson. The two first discuss Newt Gingrich's statement that the Palestinians are an invented people. If that is true, who invented them and why? And when did this happen? It literally happened overnight in 1967. Learn all the details from Joel and Jan. Then they discuss the new anti-Israel film, "Little Town of Bethlehem." For a year it has been shown at colleges, churches, and more, as an attempt to paint Israel in a bad light. Jan and Joel try to deal with the facts and the real problems within the film. Tune in as it could be coming to your home town.
January 14, 2012
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A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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