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When Doing Good is Wrong

March 9, 2025

Can doing good ever be wrong? In James 4 Dr. McGee explores how failing to act when we know what’s right—or doing good outside of God’s will—can lead to sin. Together, we’re challenged to align our lives with God’s purpose and see how our action, or inaction, reveals the depth of our commitment to Him.

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Galatians Bible Companion

Get ready to fight the good fight against legalism in Galatians. When this letter was written, it defended the gospel of Christ from people who wanted to reduce it to rules. Not surprising, Galatians has provided the backbone for several great spiritual revivals around the world. Freedom, we learn, is a serious fight. Allow grace to revolutionize your own life through these seven lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee.

Past Episodes

Your tongue tells whether you’re ignorant or educated, cultured or crude, guilty or not guilty. And it can tell if you’re a believer or a blasphemer. In this study of James 3 Dr. McGee examines the destructive and redemptive power of our words, urging us to let God transform our speech and hearts. Learn to align your tongue with a living faith, showing the world who you truly follow.
March 2, 2025
Discover the “one test God will never give” as Dr. J. Vernon McGee unpacks the wisdom of James in this impactful sermon. Together we'll learn how life’s trials strengthen our faith, expose the pretenders, and lead us toward full Christian maturity.
February 23, 2025
Is your heart spiritually healthy? In this sermon, we’ll dive into what the Bible says about heart trouble, the dangers of a hardened heart, and how only Jesus can offer the ultimate cure. 
February 16, 2025
Tradition tells us that James, the half-brother of Jesus, was called “Old Camel Knees” because of the time he spent in prayer. Learn from his experience and discover how to pray for wisdom or healing and against worldliness. Together we'll gain practical, life-changing lessons to strengthen our connection with God through prayer.
February 9, 2025
Dr. McGee takes us on a thought-provoking journey through history and Scripture as he challenges this popular belief. Discover the biblical truth about God's fatherhood and what it means to be His true child.
February 2, 2025
The Scriptures list many sins that are considered awful. But is it possible to put one of them at the top and call it the greatest sin of all?  
January 26, 2025
“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” But does that really help us understand what faith is or how it works? Fortunately, the writer of Hebrews goes on to illustrate faith in the lives of men and women God has used in times past.
January 19, 2025
In an honest search for its meaning, Dr. McGee tackles this confusing and difficult passage of Scripture, which is oftentimes skipped over by Bible commentators.
January 12, 2025
Hebrews 11 highlights how trust in God has shaped history from the dawn of time to the present day. In this sermon, Dr. J. Vernon McGee unpacks the Bible’s profound definition of faith: “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Explore the inspiring stories of Abel, Enoch, and Noah, and discover how their unwavering commitment to God can challenge and strengthen us today.
January 5, 2025
“God has never saved anyone except through Jesus Christ. Before the flood and after the flood, during the time of the Law and until the Lord Jesus came, everything pointed to Him—and it was always by faith.” That's wisdom shared by Dr. J. Vernon McGee as he takes us through the Old Testament stories of Abel, Enoch, and Noah. Along the way, we discover that from the beginning of time, faith is the only thing that has saved man.
December 29, 2024
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About Thru the Bible - Sunday Sermon

These Sunday Sermon messages form a collection of the most effective and fruitful sermons given by Dr. J. Vernon McGee during his 21-year pastorate (1949-1970) at the historic Church of the Open Door when it was located in downtown Los Angeles.

Other Thru the Bible Programs:
Thru the Bible
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee
Thru the Bible - Questions & Answers
Thru the Bible International
A Través de la Biblia 

About Dr. J. Vernon McGee

John Vernon McGee was born in Hillsboro, Texas, in 1904. Dr. McGee remarked, "When I was born and the doctor gave me the customary whack, my mother said that I let out a yell that could be heard on all four borders of Texas!" His Creator well knew that he would need a powerful voice to deliver a powerful message.

After completing his education (including a Th.M. and Th.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary), he and his wife came west, settling in Pasadena, California. Dr. McGee's greatest pastorate was at the historic Church of the Open Door in downtown Los Angeles, where he served from 1949 to 1970.

He began teaching Thru the Bible in 1967. After retiring from the pastorate, he set up radio headquarters in Pasadena, and the radio ministry expanded rapidly. Listeners never seem to tire of Dr. McGee's unique brand of rubber-meets-the-road teaching, or his passion for teaching the whole Word of God.

On the morning of December 1, 1988, Dr. McGee fell asleep in his chair and quietly passed into the presence of his Savior.

Contact Thru the Bible - Sunday Sermon with Dr. J. Vernon McGee

Mailing Address
Thru The Bible Radio Network
P.O. Box 7100
Pasadena, CA 91109
In Canada: Box 25325, London, Ontario N6C 6B1
Phone Number
(626) 795-4145 or (800) 65-BIBLE (24253)