Building a Marriage That Lasts Through Vulnerability, Faith, and the Power of Shared Struggles - Love Like You Mean It Cruise 2025
It's not easy to build a marriage that lasts, but it can be done! Dave and Ann Wilson share their experience navigating a health crisis and the challenges it presented to their relationship. They open up about a time of disconnect and the crucial lesson they learned about supporting each other through difficult times. This episode explores how trials, while painful, can be opportunities for growth, individually and as a couple. The Wilsons emphasize the importance of vulnerability, not just with each other but within the church community, highlighting how shared struggles create connection and offer hope. Discover how their faith became a cornerstone in their journey, reminding us that God is present even in our darkest moments. More than just a story, this episode offers practical insights and encouragement for building a marriage that not only survives but thrives, empowered by faith and the transformative power of shared experiences. Learn how to embrace vulnerability, find God in the midst of hardship, and build a lasting bond that impacts the world around you.
Speaker 1
God wants to use your struggle and you can't hide it. You got to share it. To help other marriages that struggle, that's what they're going to connect with, your struggle. But you don't leave them there. The struggle is the connection.
Speaker 2
And then you take them where you.
Speaker 1
Found life and victory vertical.
Speaker 2
Welcome to family life today where we want to help you pursue the relationships that matter most. I'm Dave Wilson.
Speaker 3
And I'm Ann Wilson. And you can find us@familylife today.com. this is Family life today.
Speaker 2
All right. We're Dave and Ann Wilson. And this is Family Life Today.
Sort of a special day, we're going to let you listen to a message that we did on the Family Life Love Like You Mean It cruise this past February. Actually, we just got off the boat.
Speaker 3
And it was fantastic. We want to.
Speaker 2
No, I'm not saying we were fantastic. It sounded like you're saying we're fantastic.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
The cruise was fantastic.
Speaker 4
Speaker 3
I don't know what we were, but the cruise was fantastic. We would love you to join us. Next year, February 14th through the 21st of 2026, we are going to be on a brand new ship that was just. Has it even been finished?
Speaker 2
Not finished yet. It's going to be state of the art.
And you know, one of the good things is this year the cruise is a week after the Super Bowl. We were actually on the boat this year.
The Super Bowl was happening on. If the Detroit Lions would have been in the Super Bowl, I would have been there a day later, I'm telling you right now.
Speaker 1
But we were there.
Speaker 2
But this next year, you get to watch the Super Bowl at home and then join us on the cruise. And let me tell you, this month of March is your best deal you're ever going to get to book the cruise.
And so we're telling you right now, book it today. Here's how you can do it. Just go to familylifetoday.com and sign up there or call us at 1-800-358-6329. That's F as in family, L as in life, and the word today.
You get to hear the last message given on the boat. We gave this message on Friday, and it was really a send-off for all of us cruisers to take what God’s done in our marriages to impact other marriages.
Speaker 4
So several years ago, I was diagnosed with melanoma. It was super scary. I ended up having to deal with a lot of emotions and uncertainties. This was very traumatic for us.
I got to go down to Ohio to the James Cancer Center for a consultation. They said, "We want you to drive down here. We're going to do this consultation." I told Dave about it and asked him if he wanted to go. I reassured him, saying, "You don't have to go, because there it is."
Speaker 1
You don't have to go.
Speaker 4
You don't have to go.
Speaker 1
I can do this by myself.
Speaker 4
It's just a consultation. It's no big deal. I'll just drive down back. It'll be fine. He says, don't do this.
Speaker 1
I am so embarrassed. But I actually said, so they're not going to do surgery. It's just a consult. Yeah, they're going to do surgery later if they need to do it. I said, well, I do have a softball game that day.
Speaker 4
A senior softball game.
Speaker 1
Did you have to add the senior part?
Speaker 4
And I said, we can't even run.
Speaker 1
But we can hit and field. Trust me.
Speaker 4
I said, that's fine. No big deal. So I go down there, have the consult. They said, hey, Ann, we'd love to do the surgery as soon as possible. Can we do it today? And I said, absolutely. So I text Dave. I don't think you picked up.
Speaker 1
I didn't get the text. I was turning double plays, you know. Come on.
Speaker 4
So I have the surgery, and my brother, who lived right there, said, "Hey, Jenny. My wife and I want to have lunch with you. Okay?"
So I go to lunch right after the surgery. He said, "Can I see it?" I said, "Yeah." They glued it, and it had a clear tape on it.
So I lifted my arm, and he's like, "Ann, like, this is huge." I said, "I know. Like, it's huge." And then he says, "It was really."
Speaker 1
You know, stitched up. It was ugly.
Speaker 4
And he says, where is Dave? And then his wife says, I am so mad that you are not here with your husband. And I said, no, no, no, you don't understand. It was just a consult. He had no idea that it was going to happen.
So then I drive back to Michigan, and I get a call from my best friend. How did it go? I told her. And she said. And I said, I'm so tired from the anesthesia, I have to pull off the side of the road. I have to take a nap. I can't stay awake.
And she goes, where is your husband? Where is your husband? And I said, he's playing softball. So you know what?
Speaker 1
You could just do the rest for yourself. I'm just gonna. This is worse than it was then. This is so bad. Let's just tell a thousand people, okay? Oh, my goodness.
Speaker 4
If you can learn from this like I hope that you can, because please learn from this. Every single one of us, we are in a battle for our marriages. There is an enemy of our marriage and our soul. He's called Satan.
And his goal is to bring isolation at all times. He's always on us to be isolated. And so suddenly I kept telling Dave, I don't. I'm fine. I'm fine. I don't need you.
And suddenly I have this little whisper.
Speaker 3
In my ear, where is your husband?
Speaker 4
You have to pull off on the side of the road. Cause he's not here taking care of you. There you are. He doesn't even see you. He doesn't even care about you. He's not even with you. All the luggage starts flooding back.
And so now I have the temptation to blame him. And we are all faced with that, right? That decision. Which way are you going to go? Because in the past, here's what I'd done. I'd have thought all those things. Where is Dave?
And I would stuff that thought right down into my very soul. He doesn't ever notice me. Oh, he's playing softball. Isn't that important? Senior softball.
Speaker 1
Speaker 4
Oh, Dave is so wonderful. And he's something. Oh. But we do married stuff because we're so good at it. And so I just stuff all of that in there. Have you ever been here? You have?
Speaker 1
Speaker 4
Because you're just full. And then you're one of two people. I'm the person that is stuffing it, because I'm gonna use it later as ammunition. Do you know what I mean? Oh, boy. That's what I had done for years and years.
Or some of you, you may not use your words and yell, but you're right here. And you keep stuffing it down. You have bitterness and resentment. It becomes a poison to your soul, and it becomes a foothold for the enemy.
Speaker 1
Well, the truth is, let me say to the men, you need to be there. I should have been there. I blew it completely, thinking there wouldn't be a surgery. It didn't matter. Like her friend Michelle said, when the C word's involved, you don't miss that one. And it doesn't even need to be the C word if it's important. And I'm talking to the guys, but I think it could go the other way. It's like when your spouse is going through something, which is what we're talking about, marriage is gonna be something. There's gonna be pain, there's gonna be struggle. Be there. I missed it. I missed it and I'm never gonna miss it again. I'm not. I will be there.
So we call this session, you know, sort of the secret that God has. This secret way he wants to grow you into oneness. And guess what it is. You're not gonna like this. I'm smiling as I'm saying it, but it's not a good thing to say. Pain, trials, adversity, struggle, whatever you wanna call it, is God's pathway to oneness and maturity. That's what he does. He uses the hard things in our lives. And I'm not saying he causes them, but he's there in them. He's in every struggle we have. Again, a lot of those struggles we bring upon ourselves because we make bad decisions or bad things happen. Cause we live in a broken world with broken people. But pain is God's pathway to oneness and maturity. You wanna mature, you're gonna have to go through pain. You want your marriage to be great. You think you're gonna get there on a, you know, just, you know, flying in the clouds? Will not happen. Pain is the way to oneness and maturity.
Now, I know you don't wanna hear that, and I don't wanna sign any of us up for pain, but I'm telling you, if you want character, we know that as parents. You know, when our kids go through hard things, it's character. We live in a culture now where we bail our kids out of every situation. We have a transfer, Porter now in college, sports is like, I'm not starting. I'm gonna go somewhere great. But I'm telling you, when you struggle, that's when you grow.
And so it's interesting, we came across a passage which I'm guessing a lot of you know, that really highlights this. It's in the book of James. It's actually in the first chapter where James writes to the people of God who are dispersed because of what? Pain trials. And he says this: Consider it to your joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds. Now, what's he say? He says, consider joy. And he doesn't even say, you know, sort of joy, pure joy, when you face. And he doesn't say if you face. When you face trials. These are tests that come from the outside. Literally, what the Greek word means, tests from the outside. Temptations are tests from the inside we bring upon ourselves. But he says, consider it not happiness, pure joy. It's a big difference. Happiness is connected to circumstances. Circumstances are good, I'm happy. Circumstances turn left, I'm sad. He says, you can have joy. And I don't mean just happy. I mean pure, deep, well within you. Peace and joy. That's not from you. It's from who lives in you. The Holy Spirit of God. The power of God is in us. He can give us pure joy when we encounter various trials of many kinds.
He says, because, you know, here's why. We know something that people that don't know God don't know we know. The testing of your faith produces perseverance. And let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and not lacking anything. And all of us wanna be mature and complete. But guess what? There's a path there. And the secret is you gotta go through hard times to get there. I don't know anybody that's had a perfect life that is mature. They're entitled, they're selfish, they're prideful. People have gone through hard stuff. I always used to say when I go speak to the CR people at our church to celebrate recovery. I always used to go there and say, you are the most honest people in the church. Cause you don't hide anything anymore. You've gone through the stuff and you've grown through it.
Cause here's the thing. Trials or pain or struggles, whatever you wanna call it, can make you better or bitter. The choice is yours. It's really true. You know, people have gone through hard things and they're better. Their marriage is better, their legacy's better. And you know, how'd they do that? They considered it pure joy. Because they knew something. They knew God was in it. You also know people. I bet you know more people have gone through the same trial and they're bitter. They've walked away from God.
Speaker 3
Speaker 1
They made a choice. And their choice was, God's not here. I don't believe in him anymore. I'm out. Here's the thing. Don't trust what you see or feel. Yeah. Trust what you know. What we see and feel is God's not here.
Speaker 4
I think that's why we have to be in the Word. Because the Word continually tells us the truth. If we're not, we'll just be conformed by the world.
Speaker 1
Yeah. And what we know. And if you want to memorize one, let me give you a simple one. Psalm 34 says, God is close to.
Speaker 4
The brokenhearted, to the brokenhearted.
Speaker 1
And he saves those crushed in spirit. Memorize that one because you're going to need it.
Because when you're in that battle, you're going to say, I don't see God. I don't feel him. It's not a feeling. It's a truth. He is close and he saves you.
And some of you are there right now, and you needed to be reminded of that before you get off this boat.
Speaker 3
We're Ann and Dave Wilson with Family Life Today, and we're hearing a clip from this boring couple that happened to speak on the cruise.
Speaker 2
That would be us. It wasn't boring.
Speaker 3
No, I'm just teasing.
Speaker 2
Actually, the story you shared about the melanoma, I was on stage with you realizing this is a powerful moment.
Speaker 3
Well, we've shared it on Family Life Today before.
Speaker 2
Yeah, but it was the room. You could feel the tension in the room of how we often miss being there for our spouse when they really need us. And I missed it in that moment.
So hopefully that story, because I didn't want Ann to share it. I really didn't. I just thought that's one we can just keep private. But if that can help couples.
Speaker 3
But we all have those struggles. We all have those ways in which we have let each other down.
Speaker 2
Yeah. That was just a half of the talk. We're gonna jump right back in. And here's part two of that cruise talk.
Speaker 1
When you get off this boat, here's the turn. It isn't just to go have a great marriage. We hope that's part of it. It's actually to go and impact other marriages. We go from isolation to oneness to impact.
Now, here's the thing. How does he use us through our pain? Our struggle is the struggle he wants to use to help other marriages. That struggle, it isn't our victories; it's our struggle.
And what we tend to do in the church is hide our struggles. We walk into church after screaming at our wife on the drive to church, and, you know, somebody walks in, "How you doing?" "Oh, I'm doing good, brother man. Walking with Jesus. God is good all the time."
I mean, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but we're lying. You know, your wife's back there going, "He was just screaming at me." No, you're good, too. "Oh, yeah. I've got, you know, just like." That's what the church has become.
Speaker 4
What happens is we dress up and we hide all of our stuff because we think everybody's like that and we're the only ones that are struggling.
But what would it be like if we walked into church and we just kind of, you know, whatever we were feeling, it just showed on us what's really going on?
Speaker 3
Speaker 4
And so we walked in like, this is my mess, this is my sin, this is my shame. These are my wounds. And you think people would run away from you, but you know what you would do? You'd be like, I need to talk to those people. Because you would think they've been through it too and they're gonna talk about it.
I don't know about you, but when I'm in a small group and someone says, this is what I've been through, it makes you wanna share your own story, doesn't it? Like, this is my baggage.
But then we don't stop here. This is the difference. We allow people to see it, but then we point to our hope. Our hope is in Jesus because the blood of Christ washes away all of this. We can still talk about it, but he's cleansed us. And we are righteous in him if we are in Him.
Speaker 1
You know, it's interesting. On our wedding night, some of you have heard this in our vertical marriage small group thing. But on our wedding night, before we crawled in our wedding bed, you know, I'm going to tell you, we got on our knees at the foot of the bed and we prayed out loud, literally these words, word for word: "God, we're not asking you for a good marriage. We're asking you for a great marriage that will one day impact the world for your kingdom."
You know where we got the idea that our marriage isn't just to be great for us, but it's to have an impact? We got that from the weekend, remember? We didn't take a lot of notes that weekend because we thought, "We don't need this stuff. We're so good. We love Jesus so much more than anybody here. We're going to the nursery." But we heard that.
And so we prayed on our wedding night, "God, if you could use our marriage, we're all in." And then we struggled a lot.
Speaker 4
And I think this is. We shared this last year that you feel like when you struggle, you feel like God's not listening. God just.
Speaker 1
God can't use us.
Speaker 4
God can't use us. We're so messed up. We are unusable.
Speaker 1
Yeah. And here's the truth. God wants to use your struggle and you can't hide it, you gotta share it. To help other marriages that struggle, that's what they're gonna connect with, your struggle. But you don't leave them there. The struggle is the connection. And then you take 'em where you found life and victory vertical. That's it. It's both.
And when we took over Family Life Today, think about this. We're replacing a 40-year founder, Dennis freaking Rainey. You know what I mean? He's a legend, right? And Bob Lapine, I mean, these guys were just. They're.
Speaker 4
When they asked us, they're like, are they insane? Do they even know how messed up we are?
Speaker 1
And so the first day, and we got trained by Bob for a year, but then we had the first day where Bob's not gonna be there. Dennis had already retired. We gotta do this without anybody. We got to the studio before anybody else. Lights were off.
Speaker 2
We went in to the studio and.
Speaker 1
Got on our knees in the dark and prayed. God, we can't do this.
Speaker 3
We were on our faith.
Speaker 1
We were not even on our knees. We were all the way down, so humble, like, we can't be. Bob and Dennis, they set a bar of how you live as a man and a husband. It was like, I'm not even close. So all we can do is share our stuff. And we just did.
And I remember closing the prayer saying, God, please don't let us screw it up, please. They got a million people. Listen to this thing. I don't want it to go down to 50. You know what happens that could have happened.
Speaker 4
Our hope isn't in us if it's not in our marriage. The hope is in the gospel. Our marriages are a reflection of the grace of God and what he brings. And if we can give that grace to one another, it's a reflection of the grace that God gives us.
Speaker 1
And the crazy thing is, every one of you that walk up to us or wherever we are, that say, you listen, you know what you usually say to us, we love how honest you are and how raw you are.
You're so vulnerable. You're so messed up. We just love that.
We're like, okay, God can use broken people, if those broken people.
Speaker 4
And it's never too late. God wants to use every one of you, whether you've been married 55 years or five minutes. He wants to use you and he wants to use your story.
Speaker 1
You know, Jesus said to his disciples before he went to the Father. In John, chapter 20 of the Gospel of John, he said, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, I am now sending you." Do you realize that wasn't just for the 12? That was a commission, a mission for all Christ followers till eternity. You and I are sent ones.
Brian said it yesterday at a little gathering we had upstairs with some people that partner with us at Family Life. He said, "We are not on a cruise ship; we're on a battleship." Because we're in a war. It's a spiritual war, and our marriages are right at the center of that thing. God wants to reveal himself to the world.
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
Through your marriage and through my marriage. And then he wants to use our marriage to help other marriages. That's how he sends light into darkness. You and I, and we're like, God can't use me. I know, but he does. And he just. He loves it.
As we pull into the port tomorrow, we're renewing vows tonight. It's going to be an awesome night. It's been incredible. We pour into the port tomorrow. I want to say, put on the armor. Let's go. We are not going to have happy marriages; we're going to change the world. We're sending a boat of thousands of people. Let's go stinking change the world. That's what we get to do.
So I want to end this way. I want to pray for you. We want to pray for you. Anne's looking at me. We got 30 seconds. What are we going to do? I'll end with this. I know some of you have heard this story, but I think it's just a beautiful story of how God uses our brokenness to change the world. And it'll be our story, so it'll be different than yours, but God wants to do the same thing through you.
It's in our vertical. I don't know where I shared this, but I'm sure some of you have heard this. We did the weekend of marriage conference in Hershey, Pennsylvania, twenty years ago, probably. And it's a big one. Like, I don't know, Brian, how many thousand? 1500.
Speaker 2
It's a big one.
Speaker 1
And so this guy comes up to me Sunday. It's the last session. You know, the timer's on the thing. It's like two minutes. I'm standing there looking at my notes. Some guy runs up, he's got papers in his hands, and he yells up at me. I've never seen him all weekend.
"Wilson, rip up my divorce papers." How many have heard this story? Yeah, not very many. So this is great. "Rip up my divorce papers." I go, what? "Rip off my divorce papers." I look at the clock, 1:34. I go, I gotta hear the story. I jump down. I go, "You got a minute? Tell me your story." He goes, "I'll tell you my story. I didn't want to come to this stupid thing." I go, what? He goes, "My wife dragged me here. I told her, we're getting divorced Monday. Here's the papers. I'm not going to a stupid marriage conference where they're going to have these perfect married couples sitting around us and a perfect married couple on stage telling their perfect marriage thing. I'm not going to that thing. But I'll go Friday. I'm not going back Saturday. I'll see you at the attorney on Monday."
I go. So he goes, "I sat back there." And he points to the last row of the ballroom. It's a big one. He goes, "So you and Ann got up there and started this thing. And I turned to my wife halfway through your first talk, and I said, wow, our marriage is better than theirs." He literally said that. And I started laughing. And I go, "So you stayed." He goes, "I thought it was pretty good. Maybe I could learn something."
And then he goes, "You ready for this? Yesterday, which would have been Saturday, I sat right there," and he pointed, like, five rows back, "and you shared the Gospel and you said, we have no hope without Jesus. And if we leave here with a great marriage manual, but not Jesus, you can only say, good luck. But with Jesus, we can have a new life and a new marriage." He goes, "Right there in that seat, I gave my life to Jesus right there. And he goes, we're going home with Jesus. We have hope. Rip up these divorce papers," which I did with him. I have them in my backpack to this day as just a reminder.
God resurrects dead things, and he doesn't just resurrect them so you and I can. He says, "I want to resurrect you guys. And then I want to use you to the people in your apartment building, in your city, in your street, in your church, do what the Campanados did. Just say, here we are. God, could you use us." And God will say, "You won't believe what I want to do for you."
We'd like you to stand up. We just want to pray for you.
Speaker 4
Father, thank you for these mighty men and women. And God, we pray protection over them, over their families, over their children. God, we pray that you would bless them.
And Lord Jesus, I pray that you will use our mess to bring you glory. And, Father, we can't do this apart from you. We need you. And so we ask you, God, to equip us to impact our world, our home, our neighbors, Jesus, our country, with you and with the Gospel.
You are the hope, Father. You are the whole purpose behind everything. Heal our marriages, heal our hearts, so that we can then in turn share the gospel.
Speaker 1
Lord Jesus, here we are. Send us. May we have stories next year when we come back in this cruise. Say God used us and is using us to impact the world for his kingdom.
Speaker 4
In Jesus name, Amen.
Speaker 2
It was really something, standing on a stage, looking at thousands of couples really standing up, hugging each other. And you could see and feel in their hearts they want God to not only move in their own marriage, but they want to be used.
Speaker 3
Yeah. We're Anna Dave Wilson. This is family life today. And I think we all wonder that God, can you use us? As messed up as we can be at times and as broken as our marriage has felt at times, can you still use us? And the answer is yes.
Speaker 2
That was the whole point of the talk. He actually uses our pain as a connection to other couples in pain. Don't hide it, share it. And watch God work, because he will minister to you, but just as much through you to impact others.
So I hope you take that challenge and really let God use your marriage to help others as well.
And I also hope you join us next year on the Love Like You Mean It cruise, February 14th through the 21st, 2026. You're gonna hear more talks like that and others, and it's gonna be a great week. You don't wanna miss it.
Speaker 3
And I just wanted to remind you, this is just a marriage cruise. Every single person on this ship is there with family life to be on this cruise to hear about marriage. You have entertainment, you have worship, you have comedians, you have great messages. It really is remarkable.
And I don't think there's anything quite like it. So I really hope you'll join us because it changes our marriage. It gives us a chance to connect with God and each other and even to make some new friends.
Speaker 2
Yeah. And just in case you're wondering, no, people are not partying. It's not a wild cruise like many cruises are.
I mean, I felt bad for the staff on the boat. They're sitting there in the casino. Nobody's playing anything.
It's a beautiful, beautiful week of exalting Jesus and working on your marriage.
Speaker 3
And you're on your own schedule. You don't have to go to the sessions. You can watch them on tv. You can do what you want.
Speaker 2
It's a vacation with a focus on marriage. So sign up today. Just go to familylifetoday.com and sign up right now.
I mean, right now or literally. You can call us at 1-800-358-6329. That's 800-F as in family, L as in life, and the word today.
And I hope you make the call today.
Speaker 3
Family Life today is a donor supported production of Family Life Accrue ministry helping you pursue the relationships that matter most.
Featured Offer
The FamilyLife® Love Like You Mean It® Marriage Cruise is a getaway for married couples looking for relaxation, renewal, romance, life-long memories and reconnection with God and each other.
Past Episodes
- 25 Days, 26 Ways to Make This Your Best Christmas Ever
- 25 Questions You're Afraid to Ask
- 31 Days to a Happy Husband
- 40 Lessons from 40 Years
- 40 Years of Faithfulness
- 9 Thoughts That Can Change Your Marriage
- 936 Pennies
- A Biblical Approach to Early Childhood Discipline
- A Call to Courageous Manhood
- A Christ Centered Wedding
- A Closer Look at Adoption
- A Fierce Love
- A Grace Disguised
- A Grace Revealed
- A Guide to Biblical Manhood
- A Lasting Promise
- A Love Restored: Alberto and Debbie Rodriguez
- A Love Story
- A Loving Life
- A New Kind of Freedom
- A Panel Answers Your Questions
- A Positive Life
- A Praying Life
- A Second Love Story
- A Very Special Family
- A Walk in the Market
- A Way With Words
- A Wife's Secret to Happiness
- A Woman's Role
- A Woman's Wisdom
- Abbey Wedgeworth - Raising Godly Kids
- Adopted for Life
- Adorning Your Home For Christmas
- Adult Children of Divorce
- After They Are Yours
- Aggressive Girls
- Al Mohler on Marriage
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- Ambushed by Grace
- America: Turning A Nation to God
- An Unmerited Mercy
- An Untold Love Story
- Anchorman
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- Answering Your Questions About Parenting
- Applied Masculinity
- Approaching Adolescence: What Your Preteen Needs to Know
- Art of Parenting: What Every Parent Needs
- As Mom: Q & A with Barbara Rainey
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- Barbara Rainey on Gratitude
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- Beautiful Nate
- Beautiful Womanhood: A Biblical, Practical Guide for Wives
- Beauty by God's Design
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- Engaging the Culture
- Enhancing Your Marriage
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- Entertaining for Eternity
- Everyone a Chance to Hear
- Everything Sad is Untrue: Daniel Nayeri
- Experience God as Your Provider
- Facing the Blitz
- Faith Legacy
- Faithful Families
- Family I.D.
- Family Shepherds
- Fashioned by Faith
- Father Hunger
- Fear to Freedom
- Fearless
- Feelings and Faith
- Fierce Women
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- Finding Holiness in Intimacy
- Finding New Life and Love in Christ
- First Time Dad
- Firsthand
- Five Days to a New Marriage
- Five Guidelines for a Successful Marriage
- Flight Plan
- For Men and Women Only
- For Parents Only
- For the Love of Christ
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- Forgotten God
- Four Pillars of Step-Parenting Success
- From Fear to Freedom
- From Santa to Sexting
- Gay Girl, Good God
- Generation Ex Christian
- Get Lost
- Get Married: What Women Can Do to Help It Happen
- Get Outta My Face
- Getting Away to Get It Together
- Girl Defined
- Girls Gone Wise
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- Glorious Mess
- Glory Days
- God At Work Around The World
- God is Enough
- God Is So Good
- God Less America
- God Talk at the Mall
- God Who’s Over It, God Who’s In It: Rechab & Brittany Gray
- God’s Very Good Design
- Gods at War
- God's Plan for Marital Intimacy
- God's Purpose for Marriage
- Goffs/Millers - Healthy Habits for Happy Marriages
- Good Mood, Bad Mood
- Good Pictures, Bad Pictures
- Gospel Centered Mom
- Grace Filled Marriage
- Grace: More Than We Deserve
- Granny Camp
- Grieving a Suicide
- Growing Older without Growing Old: Dennis & Barbara Rainey
- Growing Together in Courage
- Growing Together in Forgiveness
- Growing Together in Gratitude
- Growing Together in Truth
- Having a Marriage Without Regrets
- He Is Enough
- He Is the Stability of Our Times
- Healing Your Marriage When Trust Is Broken
- Healthy Intimacy: Dave & Ashley Willis
- Heavenward: Cameron Cole
- Hedges: Loving Your Marriage Enough to Protect It
- Help For Anxiety in Parenting: David & Meg Robbins
- Help Wanted: Moms Raising Daughters
- Helping Orphans With Special Needs
- Helping Others Build Strong Marriages
- Helping the Hurting
- Hero: Unleashing God's Power in a Man's Heart
- Hidden Joy
- High Performance Friendships
- Holy Is The Day
- Home: A Man's Battle Station
- Homeless Men Stepping Up
- Hooked
- Hope After Betrayal
- How Do I Love Thee?
- How Empty is Your Nest?
- How Pinterest Stole Christmas
- How to Break the Cycle of Divorce
- How to Listen So Your Kids Will Talk: Becky Harling
- How to Pick a Spouse
- How We Love
- Hymns for a Child's Heart
- Hymns in the Modern Day Church
- I Beg to Differ
- I Do Again
- I Like Giving: The Transforming Power of a Generous Life: Brad Formsma
- I Still Believe
- I Take You
- I Will Carry You
- If God Is Good
- If I Could Do It Again
- If My Husband Would Change...
- I'm Happy For You, Not Really
- I'm Not Good Enough
- Image Restored: Rachael Gilbert
- In a Heartbeat
- Independence Day
- Indivisible
- In-Laws, Mates, and Money
- Instructing a Child’s Heart
- Internet Safety 101
- Interviewing Your Daughter's Date
- Introducing Athletes to Jesus
- Is It My Fault?
- Is Your Marriage LifeReady?
- It Starts at Home
- It's All About Love
- Jackhammered
- Jeremiah Johnston: Unleashing Peace
- Jerrad Lopes - How to Become a Great Dad
- Jesus Continued
- Jill's House
- Joy to the World
- Jumping Through Fires
- Just a Minute
- Just Say the Word
- Just Too Busy
- Katie Davis Majors: Safe All Along
- Keeping the "Little" in Your Girl
- Kevin "KB" Burgess & Ameen Hudson: Dangerous Jesus
- Kiss Me Again
- Kisses From Katie
- Knowing God's Will for Marriage
- Kristen Hatton - Parenting Ahead
- Lasting Love
- Leaving a Legacy of Destiny
- Letters to My Daughters
- Letting Go of Control
- Liberating Submission
- Lies Men Believe
- Life in Spite of Me
- Listener Tributes
- Living on the Edge
- Living with Less So Your Family Has More
- Locking Arms, Stepping Up
- Loneliness: Don't Hate It or Waste It: Steve & Jennifer DeWitt
- Long Story Short
- Love is an Attitude
- Love Is Something You Do
- Love Like You Mean It
- Love Like You Mean It 2025
- Love Renewed After Shattered Dreams
- Love Renewed: Adam and Laura Brown
- Love Renewed: Clint and Penny Bragg
- Love Renewed: Hans and Star Molegraaf
- Love Renewed: Lance and Jess Miller
- Love Renewed: Scott and Sherry Jennings
- Love Thy Body
- Love to Eat, Hate to Eat
- Love, Sex, and Lasting Relationships
- Loving the Little Years
- Loving the Way Jesus Loves
- Loving Your Man Without Losing Your Mind
- Making Love Last
- Man Alive
- Manhood
- Mansfield's Manly Men
- Marking Memorable Moments
- Marriage and Family for God's Glory
- Marriage Forecasting
- Marriage Matters
- Marriage Tested in the Furnace
- Marriage Undercover
- Married to an Unbeliever
- Marry Well
- Mastering the Money Basics
- Mean Mom's Guide to Raising Great Kids
- Measure of Success
- Melissa Kruger: Parenting with Hope
- Men and Women: Enjoying the Difference
- Michael & Lauren McAffee: Beyond Our Control
- Michael Kruger: Surviving Religion
- Mingling of Souls
- Misled: 7 Lies That Distort the Gospel: Allen Parr
- Money and Marriage God's Way
- Money Saving Families
- Moral Purity in Marriage
- More Than A Carpenter (updated): Sean McDowell
- More Than a Wedding: A Closer Look
- More than Championships
- Moving from Fear to Freedom
- MWB Reaction: Collin and Stacey Outerbridge, Joseph Torres, Anna Markham
- My Life as a So-Called Submissive Wife
- October Baby
- On Pills and Needles
- One of Us Must Be Crazy
- Oops, I Forgot My Wife and Kids!
- Organic Mentoring
- Orphan Justice
- Our Adoption Story
- Out of a Far Country
- Out of the Depths
- Overcoming Emotions that Destroy
- Overcoming Lust
- Parent Fuel: For the Fire Inside Our Kids
- Parenting Beyond Your Capacity
- Parenting by Design
- Parenting Heart to Heart
- Parenting is Your Highest Calling and Other Parenting Myths
- Parenting Panic: David & Meg Robbins
- Parenting With Kingdom Purpose
- Partner as First Priority: Ron Deal and Gayla Grace
- Picking Up the Pieces
- Planning for Oneness
- Planting Scripture Seeds
- Playing Hurt
- Politics--According to the Bible
- Practicing Affirmation
- Pray Big for Your Family
- Praying With Jesus
- Preach the Whole Gospel
- Preston and Jackie Hill Perry: Beyond the Vows
- Preston Perry: How To Tell the Truth
- Psalm 127
- Pure Eyes, Clean Heart
- Pure Pleasure
- Put the Seat Down
- Putting Christ Back in Christmas
- Putting Your Parents in Proper Perspective
- Raising Unselfish Children
- Reaching Out to the Orphan
- Real Moms, Real Jesus
- Rebooting Christmas
- Rebuilding a Safe House
- Reclaiming Easter
- Reflecting on Twenty Years
- Reflections of Life: A Personal Visit With Bill Bright
- Refreshment for Families
- Rekindling the Family Reformation
- Rekindling the Romance in Your Marriage
- Remarriage After Loss: Ron Deal and Rod & Rachel Faulkner Brown
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- Road Trip to Redemption
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- Romance in the Rain
- Ron and Nan Deal: Mindful Marriage
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- Ruth Chou Simons: When Strivings Cease
- Sacred Influence
- Sam Allberry - Gospel Sanity in a Weary World
- Same Sex Marriage
- Say Goodbye to Survival Mode
- Say it Loud!
- Screens and Teens
- Season of Change
- Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert
- Secrets
- Seeing the Power of God Among Us
- Set-Apart Femininity
- Setting Up Stones
- Seven Reasons Why God Created Marriage
- Sex and Money
- Sex and the Single Christian Girl
- Sex and the Single Girl
- Sex, Dating and Relationships
- Sexual Problems in Marriage
- Sexual Sanity for Men
- Sexual Sanity for Women
- Shame Interrupted
- Sharing Christ with Word and Deed
- Sharing the Love and Laughter
- Shattered
- She Still Calls Me Daddy
- Shelterwood
- She's Got the Wrong Guy
- Shift: Building a Spiritual Legacy for the Next Generation
- Simple Truths
- Single and Free to be Me
- Singleness Redefined
- Six Conversations in an Isolated World: Heather Holleman
- Sleeping Giant
- Smart Phones for Smart Families
- So You're About to Be a Teenager
- Something About Us
- SOS: Sick of Sex
- Soul Surfer
- Speaking Your Spouse's Love Language
- Special Kids with Special Needs
- Spiritual Life Coaching
- Spiritually Single Moms
- Start Your Family
- Starting Your Marriage Right
- Stay at Home Dads
- Stay-at-Home Dads: A Passing Fad or a Choice That's Here to Stay?
- Step Parenting Wisdom
- Stepfamilies and Holidays
- Stepfamily: Blender or Crockpot
- Stepping Up
- Stepping Up to Manhood
- Steps to Manhood
- Stories Behind the Great Songs and Traditions of Christmas
- Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters
- Stuart Scott: When Children Lose Their Faith
- Stumbling Souls: Is Love Enough?
- Surprise Child
- Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriage
- Surrender
- Symphony in the Dark
- Talking Smack
- Tea Parties With a Purpose
- Teaching Generosity to Your Family
- Teaching Your Kids God's Law
- Teammates in Marriage
- Tech Savvy Parenting
- Technical Virginity
- Ten Questions Every Husband Should Ask His Wife
- Ten Urgent Steps for Spiritually Healthy Families
- Teresa Whiting: Overcoming Shame
- The "Anything" Prayer
- The 10 Habits of Happy Moms
- The 7 Hardest Things God Asks a Woman to Do
- The Accidental Feminist
- The Art of Effective Prayer
- The Art of Parenting: Identity
- The Art of Parenting: Mission and Releasing
- The Art of Parenting: What Kids Need
- The Best Gifts for Wives and Husbands
- The Book of Man
- The Bullying Breakthrough
- The Busy Mom's Guide to Romance
- The Christian Lover
- The Color of Rain
- The Complex World of a Blended Family
- The Connected Child
- The Controlling Husband
- The Creator’s Guide to Marital Intimacy
- The Dad I Wish I Had
- The Dark Hole of Depression
- The Dating Manifesto
- The Disappearance of God
- The Early Seasons of a Woman's Life
- The Emotionally Destructive Relationship
- The Enticement of the Forbidden
- The First Few Years of Marriage
- The Forgotten Commandment
- The Fruitful Wife
- The Gentlemen's Society
- The Good Dad
- The Good News About Injustice
- The Gospel Comes With a House Key
- The Grace Marriage: Brad & Marilyn Rhoads
- The Grace of Gratitude
- The Heart of Jesus: How He Really Feels About You: Dane Ortlund
- The Jesus Storybook Bible
- The King of Kings
- The Leader's Code
- The Life Ready Woman: Thriving in a Do-It-All World
- The Love Dare for Parents
- The Marriage Prayer
- The Masculine Mandate: God’s Calling to Men
- The Missional Marriage
- The Mission-Minded Family
- The Mother-Daughter Duet
- The Mystery of Intimacy in Marriage
- The National Bible Bee 2009 Winners
- The Neighborhood Café
- The New Passport to Purity
- The Passionate Mom
- The Pastor's Kid
- The Person Called You
- The Poverty of Nations
- The Power of A Wife's Affirmation
- The Power of God's Names
- The Power of New Covenant Love
- The Profound Power of a Legacy
- The Protectors
- The Realities of Remarriage
- The Refuge of Faith
- The Reluctant Entertainer
- The Resolution for Women
- The Respect Dare
- The Ring Makes All the Difference
- The Sacred Search
- The Season of Gratitude
- The Second-Half Adventure
- The Secret Life of a Fool
- The Secret of Contentment
- The Shepherd Leader at Home
- The Smart Stepdad
- The Smart Stepmom
- The Soul of Modesty
- The Sticky Faith Guide
- The Unveiled Wife
- The Upside Down Marriage
- The Very First Christmas
- The World's Largest Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt
- Things That Go Bump in the Night
- Things We've Learned from Dennis and Barbara Rainey
- This Changes Everything
- This Is My Destiny
- Three Essentials for Every Married Woman
- Three Gospel Resolutions
- Three Marks of A Covenant Keeper
- Thriving at College
- Tips for Smart Stepoms
- To Have and To Hold: Tommy Nelson
- To Own a Dragon
- Tongue Pierced
- Transcending Mysteries
- Transformed
- Treasures in the Dark
- Treat Me Like a Customer
- Trent Griffith: Do You Hear What I Hear?
- True Success: A Personal Visit With John Wooden
- Trusting God While Treating Cancer
- Turn Around at Home
- Turning Your Heart Toward Your Children
- Twenty-Five Ways to Lead Your Family Spiritually
- Two Hearts Praying as One
- Undaunted
- Undefiled
- Understanding and Honoring Your Wife
- Understanding Your Child’s Bent
- Unfavorable Odds
- United
- Unraveling the Messiah Mystery
- Unshaken
- Upon Waking: Jackie Hill Perry
- Waiting for His Heart
- Walking by Faith, Not by Sight
- War of Words
- Warrior in Pink
- Water From a Deep Well
- We Still Do: Michael and Cindy Easley
- Weekend to Remember Getaway Sampler
- Wellness for the Glory of God
- We're in the Money ... Now What?
- What Did You Expect?
- What Do You Think of Me?
- What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?
- What Every Husband and Wife Needs to Know
- What God Wants for Christmas
- What He Must Be
- What Husbands Wish Their Wives Knew About Men
- What I Want My Children to Know
- What If Parenting Is the Most Important Job in the World?
- What is the Meaning of Sex
- What To Do About Motherhood Guilt: Maggie Combs
- What's in the Bible?
- Whats's Best for Children
- When Sinners Say 'I Do'
- When Sorry Isn't Enough
- When the Bottom Drops Out
- When the Hurt Runs Deep
- When Your Husband is Addicted to Pornography
- Why Do We Call It Christmas?
- Why God is Enough
- Why I Didn't Rebel
- Winning the Drug War at Home
- Winsome Persuasion
- Women of the Word
- Woodlawn
- Word Versus Deed
- Salvation
- Sharing the Gospel
- Sin
- Spiritual Gifts
- Spiritual Growth
- Spiritual Growth for Men
- Spiritual Growth for Women
- Spiritual Warfare
- Stress

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The FamilyLife® Love Like You Mean It® Marriage Cruise is a getaway for married couples looking for relaxation, renewal, romance, life-long memories and reconnection with God and each other.
About FamilyLife Today®
FamilyLife Today® is a weekday podcast featuring fun, engaging conversations that help families grow together with Jesus while pursuing the relationships that matter most.
About Dave and Ann Wilson
Dave and Ann have been married for more than 40 years and have spent the last 35 teaching and mentoring couples and parents across the country. They have been featured speakers at FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember® since 1993, and have also hosted their own marriage conferences across the country.
Dave and Ann helped plant Kensington Community Church in Detroit, Michigan where they served together in ministry for more than three decades, wrapping up their time at Kensington in 2020.
The Wilsons are the creative force behind DVD teaching series Rock Your Marriage and The Survival Guide To Parenting, as well as authors of the recently released books Vertical Marriage (Zondervan, 2019) and No Perfect Parents (Zondervan, 2021).
Dave is a graduate of the International School of Theology, where he received a Master of Divinity degree. A Ball State University Hall of Fame Quarterback, Dave served the Detroit Lions as Chaplain for thirty-three years. Ann attended the University of Kentucky. She has been active with Dave in ministry as a speaker, writer, small group leader, and mentor to countless women.
The Wilsons live in the Detroit area. They have three grown sons, CJ, Austin, and Cody, three daughters-in-law, and a growing number of grandchildren.
Contact FamilyLife Today® with Dave and Ann Wilson
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